The Little Details…
One of the great blessings of working at Bear Valley is hearing men speak during chapel. Recently, Wayne Roberts came and delivered a wonderful lesson where he shared advice he had been given over the years.
He noted one specific area I want to focus on in today’s post. It was advice given by Ed Wharton several years ago regarding the need to pay attention to the little details of scripture.
Spiritual leadership involves a number of significant areas within the church and our world. It can be easy to lose sight of the little details only to focus on what appears to be the much larger, big picture, ideas of scripture and the work.
There are times it may be a word, phrase, or suggestion, but paying attention to those little details brings a wealth of blessings to our leadership. We will find it also provides a great blessing to those who are following.
While we are pouring the time over scripture in study this week, let us make sure to spend time to observe and pay attention to the little details God intends for us to learn.