Principles Of Leadership…#8
Train as a team!
Understanding the idea of teamwork and training as a team is obviously significant to the overall success of the group. However, there are some “do’s and don’ts” to consider in training as a team.
Training and working as a team does not place everyone in an equal position. There are specific roles each member has in order for the unit to function properly. Problems will arise when anyone in a leadership position begins to navigate on their own and no longer follows the proper organizational structure of authority and communication.
Training and working as a team does place everyone on the same page. When a unit works as a team, the goals are communicated and understood. Every individual contributes through their specific tasks to reach the goals. Also, each person is diligent to fulfill their responsibilities without casting blame on someone else for not carrying their weight.
Training as a team has great advantages for the development of any organization. This is especially true within the area of spiritual leadership. When we work together, each fulfilling our necessary roles, the group grows and succeeds.