Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“He that cannot obey, cannot command.” Benjamin Franklin

In a recent lectureship I was reminded of one of the first rules in leadership…be a good follower. Among all the qualities leaders must possess, they must know how to be a follower. How else will they know how to lead followers?

Spiritual leadership is about following Christ. Scripture is clear about the purpose behind the example left by Jesus. We are to follow in His footsteps.

He gave an example of servant leadership to the apostles. It is an example worthy of all to follow who would lead others.

When we follow Christ we provide an example for others to follow. Paul wrote; “be an imitator of me as I am of Christ.”

How can we fill the role of leadership and have others follow us if we do not know how to follow the Chief Shepherd?

If we want to lead others, then learn to be a good follower.

Starting Lineup…

Preseason football seems to usher in a new sports filled season. For me, basketball was the only sport I focused on in high school. Recently, through Facebook, several high school friends and acquaintances started posting memories of years gone by.

I remember many areas about growing up in Mammoth Spring, Arkansas, but one I treasure most is the time on the court.

Practices were filled with the efforts of those who wanted a starting position on the team. It carried an element of leadership based in teamwork. These memories helped lay a foundation for understanding spiritual leadership.

Christ makes us a part of the “starting lineup,” if you will. We must remember the position we have been given is one of leadership based in teamwork.

Leadership is often viewed as being alone. However, nothing could be further from the truth in spiritual leadership.

We are a team. We need to work together as a team if we are going to change the world. No one can make it on their own. We need Christ. We need each other! Would you like to join me on this leadership team?

Trading Places…

Have you ever considered what it would be like to trade places with someone else? After all, it would seem others have it so much better than we do.

I grew up hearing “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” Is it really?

What do others have better than we do? Financial success? Academic achievement?

What is it we see in others that makes it worth trading places with them?

The Psalmist questioned a similar thought when considering the prosperity of the wicked. How hard it is to only have a view of the surface, to see the physical and temporal.

If our view of leadership is limited to only what we can accumulate or accomplish in this life, we have misunderstood where the treasure really lies.

If our view of leadership is confined to what others think or say about us, then we have lost sight of the value of this God given role.

It is time for us to lay aside the influence and temptation of the materialistic world surrounding us and recognize the urgency of the spiritual need of all. Think Souls!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Integrity

Integrity goes beyond just being honest. It involves having strong moral principles and moral uprightness.

In the book of Psalms we learn the necessity of walking with integrity if we are going to dwell on God’s holy hill. The very idea of walking indicates a lifestyle characterized by integrity.

There is an incorruptible nature to a spiritual leader who demonstrates integrity. They take responsibility for who they are and what they do.

Walking with integrity involves an undivided and unshakeable character of Biblical soundness. This character is built in humility and follows a path of consistency. Thus, it is a walk of honesty. Spiritual leaders are honest with themselves and with others.

Integrity is best learned at a young age and leadership must exemplify it.

In David’s Psalm he describes several practical areas defining this needed quality. However, there is one among them that stands out; “he swears to his own hurt and does not change.”

Integrity stands for truth, speaks truth, lives the truth and will not change, even if it must be done alone.

Christianity is what we are “in the dark.” Think about it!


Being ‘exclusive’ involves restriction or limitation. It is unique and one of a kind. To be exclusive is accepted in a number of worldly venues. However, when it comes to spiritual matters, being exclusive is not met with acceptance.

Our challenge involves the standard for the decisions of life.

If you or I were judging the eternal destination of each individual, what basis would we use to save someone? On what basis would we condemn them?

If we allowed only people we know who are good people, is this not exclusive?

When we really think about it, some level of exclusiveness is found in all of us. Is this fair?

Naturally, we want everyone to be saved, but not everyone will measure up. How can I say this? Because not everyone measures up now. If we save everyone, regardless of their actions, then what motive is there to measure up?

Why then would someone blame or reject God’s fairness for establishing an exclusive standard to determine salvation and condemnation?

Christianity is exclusive. Our leadership should follow suit.

There is only one way to heaven. Our leadership must lead others in that way.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Delegating work works, provided the one delegating works, too.” Robert Half

It is common to hear others refer to leading by example. We see this example in Jesus with the apostles hours before his trial and death.

The apostles followed the example by setting their own. The message throughout their writings is filled with the same teaching.

Christians are to provide the example for others in the work. Spiritual leaders will delegate work needing to be done. The practice of setting the example in the work serves as the power behind leadership.

No one is above any task needing to be done.
No one is too good to do the lowliest of jobs.
No one is so powerful they are beyond the need for help.
No one is able to do enough work to earn God’s gift of grace.

We need our Savior and we need each other. Let us always lead with this example in mind. When we do, we will truly lead others to Jesus.


The father of a good friend was recently diagnosed with a terminal disease. I have heard this word used on more than one occasion. It carries a negative connotation.

However, the word is used concerning more than just health. Having been in more than one airport, I hear about terminals everywhere I travel.

The word is also associated with the forming of transportation. If there was ever an accurate way to justify a “means to an end” this is it.

Death is imminent for all of us. We may prolong it, but we cannot escape the inevitable outcome. Because the outcome is certain, spiritual leadership must form the transportation so others can take the walkway to eternal life.

The greatness of God’s plan is seen in the resurrection.

Through the resurrection, Jesus overcame death and the power Satan held over death.

Through the resurrection, Jesus provided an avenue to give us hope.

Through the resurrection, Jesus, having been to the other side, came back to show us the way.

Sin delivers a terminal diagnosis. However, the resurrection of Jesus provides a terminal to overcome the diagnosis of sin.

Never Judge A Book By It’s Cover…

I know this is a familiar phrase. We have all heard the application to the appearance of people.

Recently, I was doing some people watching. It is an interesting hobby when waiting for other obligations.

A gentleman about 30 years of age was loading some luggage and I noticed how both arms were entirely covered with tattoos. In addition, he had large earrings and a buzz cut hairstyle.

As my eye was drawn to his appearance I could not help but think; “what on earth was he thinking?” I immediately began saying to myself “one day he will regret having made those decisions.”

Will he regret it? Maybe, maybe not.

Either way, I was reminded of the title above. This man may have been a criminal. He could also have been a Christian. I will never know because I judged the cover before I read the book.

When we judge someone before we get to know them, we make decisions that hinder us in reaching out to encourage a brother or teach the gospel to the lost.

Please learn from my mistake and “never judge a book by it’s cover.”

Just A Reminder…

Sticky notes. A string tied around the finger. Google Calendar. Message alert.

We all have various ways to remind us of scheduled activities we do not want to miss. These activities can be work or family related. We find ways to remind us of times and places because we do not want to miss the event.

From a spiritual perspective, we have events scheduled we should not miss.

Where does our worship of God rank on the priority list?
Where does time in prayer and study rank on this list?
Where do family devotionals fit?

These events are matters of choice. We choose to make them a priority in our life, or place other events important to us before them.

Just a reminder, there is an event scheduled we will attend. The Lord has appointed a day when He will judge the world. Everyone will attend this event. No one will be exempt.

Since we cannot miss this event, we should make a priority out of preparing for it. As Christians, we should be eagerly anticipating it. This is a day we do not want to miss!

Elite Access…

In a recent trip to New Hampshire, my airline ticket was labeled “elite access.” The status only allowed me to board the plane earlier than others. However, it had me thinking about spiritual matters.

What does “elite access” really mean?

Being elite must mean something special because it is defined as being considered the best in a particular area or field. Generally, eliteness is associated with power, wealth, or ability. Sadly, the idea behind being elite is based in one’s own power, wealth, or ability.

Spiritual leadership carries an elite characteristic. The idea does not carry any thought of self-centered talent or achievement. This characteristic is about who made our status possible.

Through the sacrifice of Christ the riches of God’s grace were abundantly poured forth to all who come to Him through obedient faith. The result provides us with “elite access” to the throne of God.

Christians make up this elite class of spiritual leaders. Knowing the outcome of Christ’s work on the cross, we have a responsibility to help others share in the access we have been given to an eternal destination. Think Souls!