Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

The Great Divide…

…a location, the theme of numerous songs, the title of several movies, the focus of several books and even a flavor of ice cream.

The idea behind the Great Divide involves a span of distance physically, figuratively, and spiritually.

Abraham spoke of a great gulf separating the rich man and Lazarus, so no one could cross over from one side to the other.

Several areas arise to explain how a great divide is born and developed regarding spiritual leadership.

1) Pride: Nothing creates a greater division than pride. When people perceive a leader as proud or haughty, the message and leadership are no longer effective.
2) Selfishness: A focus on self develops nearsightedness. A self-centered spirit prevents a leader from seeing the possibilities in others and hinders growth.
3) Prejudice: Nations, families, and churches experience division over prejudice. To prejudge someone or a situation without proper information leaves a leader without good judgment.

The Great Divide can be an insurmountable barrier and destructive to our leadership. We must guard our words and actions to prevent the Great Divide

Reshaping Our Thinking…

The Sermon on the Mount is the greatest sermon ever preached. So many truths are found in these three short chapters we could never cover it all in one post.

A number of key words are found throughout this exposition of our Lord. However, an important thought can be seen to help us in our leadership.

One of the key words to the gospel of Matthew is the word Father. Seventeen times Jesus will use the phrase “our Father,” “your Father,” and “My Father.”

Throughout the sermon Jesus is trying to reshape the thinking of the Jews and us regarding God. He is our Father. He desires to have a close, personal relationship with us as a Father and child. Perhaps one of the most important thoughts expressed is His character: His watchful eye (all seeing), gracious care to our needs (all knowing), consistent actions (all powerful), and justice, like a Father.

We need to reshape our thinking and build our relationship with others on the solid foundation of God as our Father. This relationship will allow our Father to work through us in leading others to Him.

The Bottom Line…

It is basic. It is where we look first. It is the motive behind the action. It causes hesitation. It can be frustrating, but it all comes down to the bottom line.

What is the bottom line in our leadership?

Are our goals self-serving, or are we striving to bring about what is best eternally for the souls of others?

Do we make decisions because it is going to give us an advantage for our career and future, or because it will better equip someone else?

Is there an agenda behind our actions, or a simplistic, pure love for the betterment of God’s kingdom?

When we study various subjects, are we striving to learn the truth, or find a way to justify our position?

I wish there was an easier way to reach the bottom line, but there isn’t. Personally, I do not like answering these questions, but it must be done.

As spiritual leaders, we have to ask hard questions, examine ourselves honestly, admit mistakes, act Christ-like, and pray for God’s strength to do what is right. This is why it’s called the bottom line!

What Would You Change?

If I had it to d0 over, I would _____________. You can fill in the blank, but we have all, at one point or another, thought or said these words.

What would we change, if we had a chance to do it over?

Would we change our words? Would we change our attitude? Would we change our actions?

There are two truths about our past: we cannot live in the past and we cannot change it.

However, the way we approach the changes we wish we had made will play a significant role in our leadership.

As spiritual leaders, we must learn from the past and make the changes we need to make in the present. Upon making these changes, we can move forward.

Never excuse or justify mistakes. Instead, acknowledge a change needs to be made and make it.

It is not the past we need to change, but the future. Whatever change comes to mind, now is the time to fill it in our lives and change our course.

Timeshare Leaders…

Perhaps you have seen the ads: “For only $99, you can spend an entire week in a beautiful resort condo.” There is a catch. You must be willing to sit through a one hour presentation that somehow becomes three.

Many have been lured into the trap only to buy what they do not need with money they do not have, in hopes of what never seems to materialize.

“Timeshare” property involves purchasing an amount of designated time at a vacation area. One does not actually “own” the property, but time. The property is shared with other families.

From a leadership perspective, we need to guard our time. While the amount of time in each day is the same, we need to be careful.

Leaders have many demands on their time. It is not uncommon for leaders to share so much of their time with others, they lose sight of the time needed with family.

Some sage wisdom was shared with me years ago: “you can save the whole world, but if you lose your family, it will not be worth it.”

Do not fall into the timeshare trap as a leader.


Being devoted brings to mind the commitment of a marriage vow, the thought of a relationship.

This word runs deep in its application to relationships.

The Greek word translated “devoted, continually devoted, etc.” is found ten times throughout the New Testament. The primary use is found in the book of Acts. What this word means, and where it is used, is significant to our leadership.

To be devoted is to “insist on staying close to someone or something.” Think about the association with the activity of the early church insisting on staying close to God and each other. These Christians did so through a dedication to the Word, time with each other and with God, and in worship of, God.

Spiritual leadership must consider several questions.

1) Are we devoted to those who are following?
2) On what basis do we determine and develop our devotion?
3) Are we leaders because we are devoted or devoted because we are leaders?

When leadership is built on our devotion to the Lord and His people, our decisions and actions will seek to do what is right.


We have all shown or experienced it… prejudice. Often, we think of prejudice from a racial perspective. However, prejudice is basically prejudging a person or situation. We may judge someone on the basis of the clothes they wear, car they drive, home they live in, or the type of food they eat. We show prejudice to age, gender, educational background, financial or social status, and even religiously.

As a result, people incorrectly believe we should never make any judgments. One of the most commonly quoted and misunderstood passages in the New Testament is “do not judge so that you will not be judged.”

An unusual key word to the book of 1 Corinthians is this same word “judge.” The division created in the church at Corinth was the result of these Christians not judging correctly on some matters and judging incorrectly in others.

When there is a misunderstanding about judging, the result will bring division, just as it did in Corinth.

Leaders are going to judge. However, we must not be quick to prejudice. Gather the facts necessary and make a righteous judgment built on the foundation of God’s word.


About the age of 4, our children began asking the question, why? Anyone who has been around small children knows they will ask it over and over. Each time an answer is given, the response is “why?”

This one word question stands as one of the most difficult to answer. “Because I said so” does not satisfy enquiring minds.

Our country anticipated a deadline last week nearly leading to a shutdown of the government. The question on everyone’s mind was why?

Education administrators establish guidelines for the material and operation of classroom procedures. Students inevitably question why?

Are we surprised when God’s word is challenged? Why would God require baptism for salvation? Why does He require singing instead of mechanical instruments? Why should Christians give of their time, talent and money? Why is the church to be organized according to a Biblical pattern? Why?

Obviously, it is not the only question we need to ask. However, before any decision is made, leaders should ask why?

Why should we make this decision?
Why now?

Symbol of Leadership…

The world is full of symbols: political symbols, social symbols, educational symbols, and even religious symbols.

We often utilize symbols for ideas like unity, respect, tolerance, peace, hope, and love.

A symbol is generally a material object representing something abstract.

Few ideas are more abstract than the concept of spiritual leadership, which raises a question. What symbol would represent spiritual leadership?

The gavel represents a legalistic leader, decisive and dogmatic.
The eagle represents a presidential leader, representative and political.
The swastika represents a dictatorial leader, aggressive and autocratic.
The crown represents a kingly leader, superior and majestic.
The lamb represents a gentle leader, patient in suffering.
The cross represents a sacrificial leader, purposeful and loving.

While there are others, I wonder what symbol best represents our spiritual leadership? Would the symbol of the cross, representing the purposeful and loving sacrifice of Jesus, accurately describe our leadership? Why or why not? Maybe we should reevaluate our spiritual leadership.

Our leadership is worth the effort to make certain it is represented accurately and Biblically.

Beyond The Window…

Looking out the window of our home reveals much activity. Cars travel quickly to their destination. A game of baseball is played between two high schools. Neighbors are working in the yard and playing with their children.

Apart from these activities, something must not be overlooked. The view from our window reveals a very special and yearly occurrence… life.

The grass is beginning its transformation from dormancy to vibrant green. The barren limbs of trees lining the streets are beginning to bud into the beautiful colors adorning their branches. In the distance the magnificence of the Rocky Mountains glow as the eastern sun rises.

Viewing creation reminds me of a wise and powerful Creator who graciously designed us with the ability to recognize His handiwork.

The contrast beyond my window reminds me of the need for leaders to make certain we see from the right perspective. It is easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of life and miss the transformation of life. Leading others to Christ brings life. The magnificence of God’s love will shine demonstrating the gracious design of His eternal plan. Think Souls!