Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

The Main Thing…

The originator of this statement is uncertain. However, I will never forget the first time I heard “the main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing.”

Take a second and give this some consideration. A couple of observations come to mind.

First, we must determine the main thing. Ultimately, we know the destination is heaven. Therefore, our leadership should make certain all the plans, programs, and projects are working together for the main thing.

Second, we must know how to maintain our focus on the main thing. It can be easy to get distracted and lose our focus. We can spend too much energy putting out “brush fires.” We lose sight of our purpose and goal. We must remember, and followers need to be reminded of, the main thing.

Be driven by it.
Determine to succeed.
Establish unity in the work.
Promote it at every opportunity.
Never quit.

Impossibilities disappear when we keep the main thing, the main thing.

Think First…

Before we speak, write, or act, think first. Two words easier said than done.

We live in a reactionary world. We tend to react to our circumstances. Life is unfair and we react. Someone’s words or actions are inappropriate and we react. We do not like a situation and we react.

Leaders must learn how to act. If we stop reacting, maybe the fallout can be prevented.

Therefore, we must “think first.”

Before we send a word through electronic airwaves or write on a piece of paper, think first. How will others perceive it?

Before we speak about family, personal, or professional matters, think first. Once words are spoken, they cannot be taken back. We may wish we had not said them, apologize, or try to explain, but it’s to late.

Do I have the right attitude? Will my words offend? Is it possible they could be taken the wrong way? Think first.

Our actions are the same. Before acting on any given situation, think first. Others are watching. How will my actions be perceived? Will my intention be known based on what is seen?

Two powerful words needing application. Think first!

Discouraged, But Not Distracted…

Nehemiah is one of the great leaders of the Old Testament. Several qualities rise to the surface about Nehemiah and his leadership. He was a man of prayer, passionate for God and his people, courageous in the face of opposition, and the list goes on.

One area about Nehemiah’s character is found in being discouraged, but not distracted. From the conditions of the wall needing to be rebuilt, threats from external enemies, ridicule, to plots of ambush, it would be easy to get discouraged. Nehemiah, however, was not distracted. The work was vital, his faith was strong, and he would allow nothing to keep him from finishing the task.

Leadership brings many challenges, some greater than others. In times when the trials of life are overwhelming, it is easy to get discouraged.

Satan wants spiritual leaders to be discouraged. He knows if he can create enough discouragement, the chances of quitting increase. This is his goal.

We need to be determined, strong in faith, prayerful, passionate about our God and His people, courageous, and unfailing to finish the course.

Never give the devil opportunity!

There Is A Difference…

Italian TV dinner, Fazoli’s, Macaroni Grill, Massimino’s Cucina Italiana, there is a difference.

Arapahoe Community College, _________________ State University, Harvard, Oxford, there is a difference.

Church on the Move, Church of Body Modification, Foothills Bible Church, Crossroads church of Denver, Church of Christ, __________, there is a difference.

Regardless of what we might think; when considering where we eat, receive our education, or worship, there is a difference.

The same is true in leadership. It can be seen politically, corporately, educationally, and spiritually. There is a difference.

As spiritual leaders, are we making the difference? Have we allowed the mindset of complacency to hinder our leadership? Are we victims of an apathetic world and indifferent about our leadership? Will the future be different because of our leadership?

Just as there is a difference in all of the areas above, there is a difference we can make if we choose to do so. Let us provide the leadership needed today for a better tomorrow and eternity.

Transferring Files…

Last week I moved a number of files from old filing cabinets to my current office. This was not a monumental task, but one needing attention.

During the process I began looking through some of the material from these “junk” files and material stacked up on my desk waiting to be filed. By “junk” files I mean files containing material without any designation. Why do I still have it now some 10 years later? I have not used it or filed it appropriately?

I was reminded of something I heard years ago. If you have not looked at it in three months, throw it away or file it accordingly.

Whether you agree or disagree, there is a point to be made here with leadership.

Leaders, is there something from the past we are attempting to transfer? Could it be classified as “junk?” Does it have value? Is it usable or outdated?

Maybe its time for a little clean up. Do not just transfer. Do some self-evaluation. Throw it away or place it in the right location. But, please do not keep dragging it around without any purpose. It might be hindering our leadership.

Creating Change…

What would you do to change the world? If given the opportunity, what would you or I really do?

Remove prejudice? Destroy weapons of mass destruction? Bring unity among all nations? Restructure the political system of our country/world?

I am sure there are multitudes of answers.

It seems spiritual leaders need to be more focused on creating a different kind of change.

After last week’s post on “Adjusting to Change,” a good friend, Dean Murphy, dropped me this note, “I would argue that a cornerstone of leadership is not only to adjust to change, but to CREATE it. Managers adjust while leaders instigate, influence and implement change. Today’s reality can always be improved upon.”

If we are going to improve on the reality of our world, we cannot wait on someone else. We MUST create change.

Looking around today, there is one certainty – someone is going to create change. We have to ask ourselves, will it be the change we want, need, or desire?

Spiritual leadership carries a great responsibility. Just think of what would happen politically, morally, ethically, and spiritually if we arise to the challenge/responsibility and create a Biblical change.

A Great Day To Lead…

Everyday is a great day to lead. Let me share several reasons why this is true.

God needs spiritual leaders. I recently heard a statement of profound impact, “God is not about time. He is about purpose.” God is not bound by time. He created time. God is bound by His purpose, and the purpose He set forth involves leadership.

There are souls who do not know Jesus. You or I may be the very one given an opportunity to share His precious name with someone else.

The growth of the church requires spiritual leaders. Paul’s Ephesian letter expresses a design given to the church specifically unfolding the necessity of spiritual leaders.

Leading changes lives. When someone’s life is changed by our leadership it cannot help but to change our own.

Our influence alters eternity. If the four above were not enough, how our influence makes a difference eternally for everyone around us is a powerful thought.

I am sure thousands of reasons could be listed, but hopefully these will lay a foundation for the year ahead.

As we arise each morning, remember it is a great day to lead!

Timeless Advice…

I love timeless nuggets of advice, pieces of information unaltered by time, generation or culture. These nuggets are not easy to find and are often overlooked for something believed to have greater value.

Joshua was given one of these timeless nuggets. God told Joshua, “be strong and very courageous.” Strength and courage are emphasized four times in the text, but only once is it specifically “strong and very courageous.”

As timeless as the advice is, the immediate context of this phrase has powerful implications for spiritual leaders.

Strength and courage were needed to lead with God’s law. Notice some of the key phrases.

Be careful to do according to all the law.
Do not turn from it to the right or to the left.
This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth.
You shall meditate on it day and night.
Be careful to do according to all that is written in it.

God specifies how Joshua’s success depends on carefully and actively following His advice. The success of our leadership depends on the same. Imagine how different our world would be if spiritual leaders today had the strength and courage to do so.

Walking A New Path…

Perhaps we have heard of “walking to the beat of a different drummer.” Maybe we have heard of going on a “walk-a-bout.”

Strangely, there is something to the idea of “walking a new path” connecting both.

The Bible refers to Christians as being raised to “walk in newness of life.” The context of Romans 6 identifies the thought of removing or putting away the old life of sin and exchanging it for a new life.

Spiritual leadership takes the concept of walking this new path to a new level.

First, Christianity is to be different from the world. Our walk is a path that beats to a different drummer. Why? We are leading people away from the world into the kingdom of light. This is not normal for the majority in the world.

Second, Christianity exemplifies a transition from the old to the new, similar to the Aussie walk-a-bout. Australian Aborigines take a journey during adolescence tracing steps leading into adulthood. Spiritual leadership is about leading Christians to maturity.

This new path in spiritual leadership can change the world if we understand and take the responsibility seriously. Thankfully, we do not walk the path alone.

Defining A Leader…

What is a leader?

One definition states a leader is “a short length of gut, wire, or similar material by which a hook is attached to a fishing line.” Before you think I have lost it, consider the following.

I enjoyed fishing for halibut when we worked in Prince Rupert, B.C. I found it interesting the fishing line was 30-40 pound test line. It seemed odd when halibut could reach 300-400 pounds. However, the hooks are tied to a steel line to prevent halibut from cutting the line when striking. Halibut have teeth shark-like in nature. They are scavengers of the ocean floor devouring whatever is in their path.

The definition of leadership reminds me of this steel line. There are people who strike with shark-like teeth. They tend to be scavengers devouring whatever is in their path. They tend to cut into the emotional and mental fiber of a leader. It sounds like Peter’s words concerning the devil.

Spiritual leaders must be defined by strong, steel-like character. It is not a matter of if, but when attacks come. Remember the strength God provides to help us in the battle.