Leadership Word Of The Week…Advocate
Also known as a champion, upholder, backer, supporter, everyone needs an advocate. From a Biblical perspective, Jesus is our Advocate. The idea behind the Biblical definition involves someone to come alongside and stand in the place of someone else.
The intent is not to make this post solely about Jesus and His role as our Advocate. The intent of this post is to consider our position as leaders.
When people are struggling with their faith, do they know they have an advocate?
When we see people dealing with the challenges of daily life, are we there as an advocate?
When others are stepping out to accept responsibility, will we be an advocate for them?
Everyone needs to know someone will be there by their side to be a champion for them. Whether it is during a time of temptation, personal trial, or spiritual growth, leaders must be an advocate for those who follow.
The necessity of such is vital to the development of the Lord’s church. Christians need to know the Advocate we have in Jesus and they need to know the advocate they have in leadership.