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Live, Love, and Laugh…

We’ve all seen the expression: “Live well, love much, and laugh often.”

Live well – How well are we living? Are we simply living for the moment or living well with eternity in view?

Love much – Leadership only succeed when those who are led know we love them. Our desire for their highest good must be seen in our words and actions.

Laugh often – It is easy to get wrapped up in the struggles of daily life and forget the importance of laughter. We need to find joy throughout life.

When these expressions make up our existence, we will see a difference.

Live well, love much, laugh often!

Doing It Right…

How many times have we heard, “Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.”

As leaders, the task set before us is worth doing, and it is worth doing right. In fact, we must do it right to reach our goal.

From the book of Exodus, it is fascinating how many times the phrase “as the Lord commanded” is used. Clearly, God wanted Moses and the children of Israel to understand the importance of doing what He had commanded them, and do it right.

The opportunity to benefit from His grace…
The privilege of worshipping our God…
The joy of sharing the gospel…

All of these, and so much more, make up the core of our leadership. Let’s do it right!

Leadership View of God…

A recent post of Facebook deserves attention today. Dean Meadows posted, “How a man treats his wife says much about how he views God.”

What a powerful thought to consider regarding the leadership needed within the home. Think about it men. As the leader in our home, we have a responsibility to fulfill the God-given role of leading.

Dean’s post is right. How we treat the wife God has given, speaks to the way we view Him.

How are we leading in our home?

The Future of Leadership…

The future of leadership hinges on several factors.

Learn from history: Spiritual leaders are students of God’s word and they apply it.

Be students of the present: We need to observe and learn from current leaders and followers.

Desire to serve others: Leadership must be more concerned with serving than being served.

Glorify God: Leadership should be motivated and driven with this purpose.

Develop a plan: Developing a plan is vital for the right direction. These steps provide a foundation.

We do not know the future, but a few steps can help secure the future for spiritual leaders.

Patient Leadership…

Does it surprise us when we pray for patience and then experience challenges? The problem is we want patience, but we want it now! Hmmm!

Too often, we expect growth and maturity as though we were ordering a meal at a drive-thru window. We place our order on one side and expect to have it waiting for us when we reach the other side. No patience required, right?

Church growth requires leaders to be patient. The demonstration of patience is a powerful lesson for all spiritual leaders.

In time, the demonstration of such patience and gentle guidance will yield fruit to the glory of our God.

Reading Minds…

How many times do we expect others to know what is on our mind? Somehow, we assume others naturally know what we are thinking, as if they are a mind reader.

Leaders can make this mistake, if they are not careful.

People do not know what we are thinking unless we tell them.

Consider vision: Vision must be effectively communicated. People follow leaders who know where they are going and how to communicate that direction.

Expecting others to know what we think does not work. Communicate, and others will follow.

Stand Up, Speak Up, Sit Down…

Wisdom says, “Stand up to be seen. Speak up to be heard. Sit down to be appreciated.”

The application reaches into many areas, but it certainly has relevance for leaders.

Leaders should be accessible and approachable. Questions need to be answered, plans discussed, and vision plotted.

Leaders must be clear. Leaders need to be decisive, but they must also be clear and precise.

Leaders also need to know their limitations. They must know the balance and limits of their time and talent.

Followers value leaders who are visible, understood, and work within the boundaries of their ability.

How Do We Measure Up?

Too many have sold out to the highest bidder. In the pursuit of greater numbers positions on truth have been altered. Challenge and controversy are avoided to gain popularity and profit.

To overcome the problems of immorality and indecency, we must make a stand.
To help the church mature as God designed, we must make a stand.
To help those who are lost find the true hope of salvation, we must make a stand.

The task is not easy. Conflict and controversy will arise. Trying to avoid it, sweep it under the rug, deny it exists, or hope it just goes away and resolves itself, will not work.

The world and the church need men ready to lead. How do we measure up?

Up, or Down…

What brings discouragement to leadership? Failure? Inability? People?

Discouragement causes us to lose confidence and enthusiasm. How do we prevent discouragement?

  1. Focus on higher priorities and a greater cause.
  2. Work to create confidence and enthusiasm in others.
  3. Develop a work ethic of diligence and integrity.
  4. Determine to do “what” is right not just “be” right.
  5. Remember we will make mistakes. Deal with them properly and move ahead.

Following a few simple ideas can encourage others and bring greater encouragement to our leadership. Then we will see more times when we are up, rather than down.

A Leadership Lesson from Lepers…

Leprosy was contagious and often terminal. Lepers were rejected and forced outside the city in their own commune.

2 Kings 7 presents an interesting situation that involves four such men.

Because of a famine, they sought help from the enemy, hoping to receive mercy. When they arrived, the enemy was gone. God caused the Arameans to hear the sound of an army and they fled, leaving everything.

The lepers began to enjoy the spoils, but then realized how wrong it was to do so while their own people were dying. It was a day of good news. Punishment would result from their silence.

What a great lesson for us! This day is a day of good news. The message of Jesus is too great to remain silent. If we do, surely punishment will overtake us. THINK SOULS!