Tag: Culture

Think Before Speaking

The challenge of any generation is living in a culture that gives little thought to the impact of words. The old acronym GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) identifies far more about the heart than we might want to acknowledge.

How can we learn to improve the words we use? One particular family set up a coin jar where each time they yelled, it cost money.

Imagine the impact if inappropriate language, words spoken in anger/frustration, or spoken in haste took money out of our wallet that we could not get back. Maybe we would learn to think before we speak.

Knowing Who We Lead

Is it possible to spiritually lead others without knowing them? Leaders must know their dreams, aspirations, hopes, and personal goals.

Years ago, a former boss told me, “If you take care of those under you, they will take care of you.”

A leader cannot look out for the well-being of people without knowing them.

Nothing is more important than knowing the needs of others and providing for those needs.

The four basic needs include physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual. Our culture generally uses this order. However, spiritual leaders understand the necessity of reversing it.

We must be given to meeting the spiritual needs of others.

Responsibility in Leadership

Leadership involves responsibility. The higher one goes in leadership, the greater the responsibility.

We could also say we live in a culture where the common practice is one of blaming others. The problem is not cultural. This practice has been in place since the creation of humanity. We have not changed much as people in the twenty-first century.

Leadership seeks and takes responsibility for their actions.

Leaders give credit to the team in victory, but take full responsibility in defeat.

Rarely do we find such integrity and leadership. Yet, when leaders seek and take responsibility for their actions their influence grows.

Abnormal Spiritual Leaders

Normal in one culture will certainly be different in another culture. As well, normal in the mind of a child will not be normal in the mind of an adult.

Regardless of how we might think about a normal life, there is nothing normal about spiritual leadership.

Spiritual leaders…

are concerned about the nature of their influence.
live consistently with what they believe.
know the mission.
work for a cause far greater than themselves.
share the planning and development of the goals.
produces results that glorify God and fulfill His will.

Look at how the first word of each thought develops a spiritual leader.

A Leader’s Influence

Does leadership influence culture, or does culture influence leadership? There is a great deal of controversy over the answer.

There are times when it seems the culture influences leadership. At other times, leadership influences culture, as with Harry Truman during World War II.

Amazingly, the definition of leadership often changes in relationship to the culture and the current leadership.

While we may never have a definitive answer, one thought is clear: God intends spiritual leaders to influence the culture and not the reverse.

The task before us is to be the influence in our world. We must arise and accept the challenge with courage and boldness.


Balance is almost a forgotten term by many in our world today.

The cultural challenges with balance are weighed in the extremism of our society. A quick glance through Facebook posts or any social media outlet reveals the incredible extremes that exist.

Worse still is the fact that extremism has been carried over into the church. The thought of balance may be mentioned, but rarely applied.

The use of labels such as “left” or “right,” “conservative” or “liberal” indicate how we lack balance.

Until leaders get a solid grasp on the art of balance, unity may not occur.

Leading From The Middle

Life in the middle of the road generally appeals to those who prefer to avoid leaning too far to the left or right. A sense of balance comes to mind when the phrase is used.

We live in a culture that is often characterized by extremism.

Many people believe they should correct everyone on every social media platform that posts ideas or agendas with which they disagree.

Life in the middle of the road is not about being uncommitted, complacent, politically correct, or compromising. Rather, it involves balance, learning to think before we speak, considering the feelings others, recognizing that the goal is helping someone get to heaven.

What’s Missing?

What seems to be missing from the type of leadership God needs for His people?

If you were asked this question, how would you respond? What kind of answer would you give? What is missing in leadership today?

Perhaps the list would include courage, patience, wisdom, character, vision, compassion, or even decisiveness.

The answer to the question may rest in the nature of each situation. The culture in one congregation varies from that of another. The needs of one congregation are different from another.

Before we think about what’s missing somewhere else, maybe we should begin at home.


Basically, culture involves common experiences within a definable group. Grunter and Whitaker have said, “The culture of any organization is shaped by the worst behavior the leader is willing to tolerate.”

Consider the implications of this thought as it relates to the worst behavior tolerated by leadership. If the response of individuals within an organization emulates the lowest level of behavior tolerated by leaders, what cultural identity will characterize the organization? The church?

The result is contagious, discouraging, and destructive to our influence.

Growth and development are worth the effort to raise the level of behavior by the discipline needed to ensure a stronger culture.

I Surrender All

Paul told Christians in Romans 12 to present their bodies a living and holy sacrifice.

The idea is based on an Old Testament reference to sacrifices. When God’s people brought their sacrifice, it was presented as an offering to the Lord, which meant they surrendered all rights of ownership and any plans for future use.

When leaders understand this concept their perspective changes concerning how they lead God’s people.

If we could grasp the significance of this one practice, the culture of the church would change and our influence in the world would be immeasurable.

May we all present ourselves to the Lord!