Tag: Goals

Goals and Courage

Goals are essential to success. We build morale and sustain momentum to reach our long-term goals by the short-term goals we establish.

Courage is a decision to act bravely when we are scared. When that time comes, we need leaders who have the courage to lead with their eye on the goal(s).

Dr. Anil Kumar Sinha said it this way, “Successful people keep their eye on the goal. If they encounter obstacles, instead of focusing on the obstacle, they find a way around it by keeping their goal in mind. It is a mindset of courage which makes it easier to pursue success.”

Leadership at the Bottom-Line

What is the bottom line in our leadership?

Are our goals self-serving, or are we striving to bring about what is best for those who follow?

Is there an agenda behind our actions, or a simplistic, pure love for the betterment of God’s kingdom?

When we study various subjects, are we striving to learn the truth, or find a way to justify our position?

We have to ask hard questions, examine ourselves honestly, admit mistakes, act Christ-like, and pray for God’s strength to do what is right.

This is why it’s called the bottom line!


An analysis involves a detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, described by words such as: examination, investigation, survey, exploration, inspection, evaluation, research, and probe.

Concerning leadership, analysis is most closely associated with evaluation. An analysis of the program assists leaders in determining key components in the development of the work and strategies for achievement, along with building on the little victories to celebrate success on the way to the goal(s).

Leaders need to analyze every component when preparing for each level of the plan: beginning, middle, and end.


Perseverance is a needed quality, certainly among leaders. The ability to hold on just a little longer is not always pleasant or easy.

What steps can help leaders grow in their ability to persevere?

1) Speak to God. Going to God always makes the difference.

2) Stay positive. Remembering our ability to succeed helps maintain a positive mindset.

3) Set short- and long-term goals. Success in the short-term builds confidence for the long-term.

4) Start small and build up. Each victory encourages greater success in higher matters.

5) See beyond present circumstances. Take a moment to look beyond and consider the ultimate end.

Finishing Well

Spiritual leadership faces many challenges which can and will be overwhelming. These challenges can distract and discourage you. How can you finish well?

Determine the priorities. Discouragement leads to quitting. Know what is worth dying for and give yourself to it.

Work hard. Several years ago the Mumford & Son’s band shared the secret to their success. The point was a simple, but powerful truth. They work hard.

Keep your eye on the goal. Challenges bring distractions. Peter encouraged Christians facing persecution to keep their focus on the goal.

Finishing well is just as vital as beginning well.

Leading From The Middle

Life in the middle of the road generally appeals to those who prefer to avoid leaning too far to the left or right. A sense of balance comes to mind when the phrase is used.

We live in a culture that is often characterized by extremism.

Many people believe they should correct everyone on every social media platform that posts ideas or agendas with which they disagree.

Life in the middle of the road is not about being uncommitted, complacent, politically correct, or compromising. Rather, it involves balance, learning to think before we speak, considering the feelings others, recognizing that the goal is helping someone get to heaven.

A Leader’s Devotion

The Greek word for devotion involves “insisting on staying close to someone or something.”

The power behind the first part of the Greek definition is amazing. Devoted spiritual leaders will…

insist on staying close to people. Leaders learn the needs of the people. Helping others reach heaven demands a leader’s devotion.

insist on staying close to the plan. The plan is really the map. Leaders must not deviate from the plan, or the goal is unreachable.

...insist on staying close to the Lord. Leaders know the true source of their strength is not in themselves, but the Lord.

Essential Leadership

What is essential and what is not? Spiritually speaking, there are a number of components that play a key role.

1) Character: The late General Schwarzkopf clearly indicated that character trumps strategy.

2) Passion: The origin of this word involves suffering. What are we willing to give up to lead?

3) Vision: Vision is about faith, and faith is critical to the development of leadership vision.

4) Goals: Without goals we have no clear way of knowing where we are going.

These are only four areas, but each of them are essential to effective leadership.

Investing in Leadership

How are you investing in the future of leadership?

We should think about the daily approach to leadership on several levels. What stands out as necessary for leaders to consider as a daily investment?

Look at the goal…
Share the plan…
Help someone…
Read, grow, learn personally…
Take a few minutes for yourself…
Listen closely…

We may even practice a few of these on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. Never let a day go by without making these a part of your life in some way as a spiritual leader.

It is an investment with imperishable returns.

The Motivation to Lead

Former NBA star Jerry West once said, “You can’t get much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good.”

We need to learn how to work through times when we do not feel as good as other days. We need to…

…remember the purpose. Do not lose sight of why we lead.

…put one foot in front of the other. At times, just getting started helps.

…focus on the goal. The result promises to be worth the effort.

…remain dedicated to finish. It is not how you start, but how you finish that makes a difference.

Leadership motivates us to show up everyday!