Tag: Lord


When someone is isolated from a group they belong to, we tend to identify it as alienation.

Leaders have an opportunity to influence others for the Lord, for the betterment of life, and growth in the kingdom.

When we are driven to prove a point or advance our agenda, we can alienate those we try to influence, and we lose credibility.

When we lose our credibility and influence, two things happen: 1) a wall of defense is erected, and 2) we drive the other person deeper into their convictions.

The cause of Christ is too great to alienate someone from the greater good.

The Principle of Leadership

A principle is defined as a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct.

We find that principles are foundational to leadership. The world around us measures what they see and hear by the profession of our faith.

If the principles by which we proclaim the gospel do not align with an example evidenced by word and deed, accusations of hypocrisy are rightly made.

When these principles do align, they breathe life into our character.

When this happens, lives change and souls are influenced for the cause of our Lord.

Future of Leadership

What does leadership look like for the church’s future?

We see what waiting for people to develop on their own accomplishes, and the outcome is not favorable.

We must be proactive in developing future leaders through training. The Lord’s church needs solid leaders. We are not only responsible, but also accountable for our approach in developing leaders.

Nothing happens by accident. Leaders do not just wake up one day and say, “I’ll lead.” They must be groomed carefully, strategically, and biblically in order to direct the future of the church.

The time is now. Let us pursue the task with diligence.

Leading in the Present…

David wrote, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it.”

What exactly does today provide for our leadership?

Time to reflect on yesterday and make necessary changes.
Time to focus on our priorities, realizing we may only have today.
Time to prepare for potential challenges ahead.
Time to walk through God-given doors of opportunity.
Time to share the depth of our love with others.

Today is the day. Do not wait any longer. Be wise with the precious time God has placed before us.

All In…

Part-time, half-time, when we’ve got time, or it’s a convenient time is the way too many approach Christianity.

Christianity has never been about a list of rules and regulations to be fulfilled as if checking something off a list.

When our lives are governed by Christ, the words and actions that form our character are based on a life of “being” not a list of things “to do.”

Keeping one foot in Christ and one in the world cannot take us to a higher level of spiritual development.

Serving the Lord requires the choice to be “all in.”

The Great Choice…

Wayne W. Dyer pointed out, “With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.”

We all know someone who became bitter at the difficulties that challenged their faith and caused them to leave the Lord.

We also know others who faced giant trials in life and chose to remain strong in and dedicated to their faith.

The difference is a choice. Read Job and make the right choice.

Potentially Powerful…

What value does potential have in your life? Potentially, a great deal. However, every person on the planet has potential.

In a recent article by Rory Vaden, Rory talks about how potential is meaningless if we do not take steps to act in ways that fulfill that potential.

Every person has the potential to lead, but our potential means little if we don’t take necessary steps to become that person of influence.

Reflect on your potential, then consider how you can get to work on achieving that potential and become the leader the Lord desires in you.

God’s Glory and Presence…

The “glory of the Lord” is found throughout the Old Testament. The expression is generally connected to the tabernacle or temple.

The appearing of God’s glory indicates the desire of God to dwell among and with His people. The greatest representation of this is found in the incarnation of Jesus.

John records, “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth” Jn. 1:14.

It is beautiful to consider how God will work through us to be present in leading others.

The Right Motive…

Paul emphasized that slaves are to render obedience to their masters with sincerity, as though they were serving Christ, not by way of eye service, simply to please an earthly master.

We live in a society that thrives on image. We have a great concern for appearance, because of how we think others see us.

Godly leaders seek to please the Lord. To the church at Corinth, Paul expressed that pleasing the Lord should be our ambition.

Our family, people at work, neighbors, and fellow Christians are all watching. When we consider our conduct, is it because we want to please those who watch or is our motive to please God?

Leading to Glorify God…

Psalm 96 is one that emphasizes numerous areas about our God, who He is and all He has done. Specifically, two verses highlight the glory of the Lord.

Notice the word “ascribe,” which indicates what God’s people attribute to Him. Ascribe glory to the Lord. How?

Three thoughts: “Bring an offering, worship in holy attire, and tremble before Him.”

If worship is an intentional meeting with and bringing a gift to God, then He is glorified in our worship. It seems fitting that leaders set the example and remind others of all that belongs to the Lord.