Leading with Optimism…

Pessimism or optimism? The choice is ours.

Although the author is unknown, the thought is powerful, “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and focus on what could go right.”

Fear is real. No matter how we might deny or ignore its existence, if left unchecked, fear can stop us in our tracks.

Fear of what could go wrong also causes us to worry and dwell on negativity, both of which bring a great level of unpleasantness.

When we focus on what can go right, we lead with a vision of tomorrow that promotes hope and gives people something to believe in for the future.

Lessons from the Wilderness…

Wilderness is an interesting study in the Bible. Time spent in a physical or mental wilderness is a common thread among the leaders of God’s people.

Remember Joseph? From slavery to the dungeon, God developed a leader who saved His people.

How about Moses? Throughout his 40 years in Midian, God developed Moses to lead Israel.

After 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, Jesus was tempted, yet resolved.

What is it about the wilderness that helps prepare God’s people to lead?

A walk through the wilderness is neither desired or pleasant. However, the time provides opportunities for growth and prepares us to lead God’s people.

Time is of the Essence…

We are a few months away from the end of 2020, and I am sure many are ready to reboot.

How has the pandemic impacted our goals? How will we structure goals for 2021?

If we have procrastinated the need to set goals, we need to rethink our direction. If we are waiting to decide what is most important, we have no time to waste.

With so much to do, people to lead to Christ, Christians to strengthen in faithfulness and personal growth, time is of the essence.

Let us use the time God has given us wisely and not waste this opportunity to prepare.

Wise Leaders…

Wisdom is defined as the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment. Practically speaking, wisdom is the proper application of knowledge.

One of the most notable illustrations of leadership wisdom is found in King Solomon. The request of Solomon was a discerning heart to rule God’s people. This does not mean that Solomon was without faults, but God granted his request.

Leaders should ask God for wisdom. He gives generously to those who ask in faith.

The wisdom from God possesses specific qualities described as pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, and without hypocrisy (Jas. 3:17).

Head, Heart, and Hand Leadership…

Three components that symbolize necessities for leaders.

Head: The head involves knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Leaders provide information that allows followers to gain the knowledge needed to make decisions based on understanding.

Heart: The heart involves an emotional connection. While there is a need to provide followers with knowledge, when the information connects emotionally, conviction runs deeper and lasts longer.

Hand: The hand relates to action. Once there is an informed, emotional connection, the natural response involves activity.

Information alone leads to confusion. Emotion alone lacks conviction. Action alone limits inspiration. Leaders who connect all three can change the world.

Optimistic Leadership…

Nelson Mandela said, “I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”

We are challenged to remain positive and optimistic in a world filled with the kind of hatred that fosters negativity and pessimism.

Dark moments will come, but biblical leaders understand the hope in Christ that endures despair.

The victory Jesus achieved must keep us focused and moving forward.

Power of the Mind…

Our eyes and ears are the portals to the mind. While all the senses play a part, these two are primary. Sadly, we often fail to realize the influence of what we see and hear.

Paul specified key areas in Philippians 4:8. Consider the imperative need for our minds to “dwell on these things.”

We must be proactive in the way we approach certain influences, whether movies, friends, or activities. Is our leadership influence worth filling our minds with negativity, filth, and horror for a little entertainment?

We are in the world, but not of the world. We must influence the world for Christ.

Spiritual Choices…

The journey through life is filled with choices. As amazing as it sounds, there is one choice that determines all others, both consequential and inconsequential: the choice of Christianity.

The choice of Christianity informs every decision, our career, who we marry, raising children, where we live, and more.

When leaders provide an example by their choices, spiritually, as demonstrated in their physical choices, they are taking a step in the right direction of leadership as God intends.

Now is the best time to start making the kind of choices that will change the direction of our lives and the influence we have with others.

Creative Leadership…

Think about the creative nature of God as He designed the universe. Consider the incredible creative design of the human body.

Creativity surrounds us everywhere we go. The ability of the human mind to use imagination to draw, paint, build, sculpt and do a million other things demonstrates the creative nature of people made in the image of God.

When it comes down to leadership, a little creativity goes a long way in helping others reach their potential.

The same is true when sharing vision for the future. Leaders need the ability to go there in their mind first before helping others see it.

Long-Term Leadership…

What personal goals do we have for next year, or maybe ten years from now?

Have we considered the consequences of our decisions, especially when they involve spiritual growth over the next ten years?

Leaders assist others to think about long-term. The need is great if we plan to move toward a future with strong godly character.

Every decision has some form of consequence, good or bad, now and for the long-term.

A thoughtful process of examining these consequences will help us shape the future for our own lives and for those we lead.