Tag: Trust

Dealing with Failure…

When leaders fail, trust and respect are lost. The task before leaders is learning how to regain what they lose.

Consider three negatives: 

  1. Do not try to ignore or deny failure. 
  2. Do not attempt to cover up the failure.
  3. Never blame someone else for it.

Instead, four positives are needed: 

  1. Admit the failure. 
  2. Specify the failure. 
  3. Ask for forgiveness.
  4. Give a step by step plan for overcoming the failure.

More could be considered, but a simple upfront approach is where healing begins.

When Leaders Fail…

Regardless of our political position, developments within the administrative system of our country seem to raise questions about leadership.

It is fascinating to see quotes and principles regarding leadership and what happens when leaders fail to be trustworthy.

On more than one occasion, news reporters express the idea of accountability. Specifically, one analyst expressed that what leaders do when mistakes are made is “confess the mistake, take responsibility, and let the chips fall where they may.”

Leaders will experience failure. They make mistakes. How leaders strategically maneuver during these times determines the level of trust to be gained or lost by those who follow.

A Spiritual Leader…

How should we define “spiritual” leadership? 

Here are a few possibilities. Spiritual leaders…

1) Move people to be more like God.
2) Rely on grace found in the blood of Christ.
3) Work to accomplish the will of God.
4) Encourage the fainthearted.
5) Admonish the unruly. 
6) Strengthen the weak.
7) Seek first the kingdom of God.
8) Pray without ceasing.
9) Search the scriptures daily.
10) Trust fully in God’s providential working.

These are only 10 suggestions, but take a lifetime to develop as leaders. God’s word challenges us to grow into His spiritual leaders.

Believing in Ourselves…

As leaders, we need to see the value of helping others believe in themselves.

Sam Walton said, “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.”

How can we achieve this?

Express confidence. A word of encouragement motivates people to accomplish great work.

Give responsibility. Responsibility shows we trust them to achieve the task.

Handle failure appropriately. Help others learn from it, evaluate, pick up, and move forward.

Express confidence. If we begin and end with telling others we believe in them and what they can accomplish, greatness will result.

Leading as a Friend…

Friendship is a relationship of mutual trust and support. We have all witnessed the powerful effects of true friendship. 

Leadership is not always seen this way. Leadership is often seen as a lonely position. We hear the idea expressed, “It’s lonely at the top.”

However, if we are going to fulfill the responsibility of spiritual leadership we must be involved in the lives of others, developing friendships.

Jesus was called “a friend of tax collectors and sinners” (Mt. 11:19). When leaders develop relationships of mutual trust and support, friendships blossom that provide a source of strength and encouragement for life’s challenges.

Most importantly, we help others get to heaven.

A Model of Leadership…

A model provides an example to follow or emulate. Spiritual leaders must model several areas for others.

Model a Christian life. We are not perfect, but we can portray an example of those who work with our imperfections and improve how we approach life.

Model leadership. Not only should we love to lead, but we should live for it. We need to dig deeper and speak often about helping others learn to lead.

Model grace. The one word others need to hear from us is grace. We must believe in, live by, and trust completely in God’s grace. Hold on to God’s promise. 

May we always live the model of Christ before others.

Leadership Preparation…

Preparation today makes a difference tomorrow.

What are we preparing for today?

1) God’s guidance in seeking the right priorities.
2) Focus on what is important, not urgent.
3) Trust that if tomorrow doesn’t arrive, we accomplished what matters most.
4) Never miss an opportunity to tell someone, “I love you.”
5) Do something nice for someone who will never find out.
6) Be the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
7) Close the day with prayer giving thanks for the good and bad.

These are a few ideas, but regardless of what happens, if we follow them we will live a full life.

Seven Most Important Words…

Terry Starbucker claims the seven most important words are, “I don’t know and I’ll find out.”

As leaders, we do not like not knowing the answer. Leaders are supposed to know all the answers. Right?

We tend to convince ourselves we can bluff our way through any discussion. Wrong!

The transparency of acknowledging when we do not know something and the willingness to find the answer is critical to great leadership. 

Credibility and trust are established when we are are honest with others. Others know we do not have all the information and they know when we are bluffing.

Learn these seven words and live by them.

Heart of a Leader…

The Bible speaks a great deal about the heart. When it comes to leadership, heart is vital to our approach and development.

What benefits accompany a leader with heart?

With heart leaders dream of the future and what can be accomplished.
With heart leaders hold true to the integrity of their relationship with God and others.
With heart leaders invest in the lives of others to help them reach their potential.
With heart leaders plan with diligence and confidence.
With heart leaders step out with trust in God’s guidance and providential working to achieve His purpose and will.

Let us lead with heart!

Lifelong Leadership…

Leadership is a lifelong process. Here are a few lessons to consider. 

Leadership is developed over time. God works to develop our leadership over a lifetime. He trains by giving us the experience we need. 

Developing a leader involves periods of suffering. These times may result in isolation, which helps us reflect and prepare for greater leadership.

Proper perspective is the goal of leadership development. When we recognize God’s hand in our life, our perspective changes, even when we suffer. 

If we trust in God’s working, we become the masterpiece He desires of us.