Bob Turner

The Energizer Bunny?

A few years ago the Energizer battery company put together ads of an indestructible rabbit powered by Energizer batteries. Regardless of attempts to stop it, this rabbit kept on going and going and going…!

Perhaps the idea was a little embellished, but we certainly understood and remembered the message.

While our physical bodies are not going to last, our leadership influence will be remembered long after we are gone.

How do we want to be remembered? The answer to the question is more difficult to give than at first glance. The reason is because of the implications of our answer.

How we want to be remembered is how we need to be living…NOW!

We cannot think about someday making the changes necessary to be remembered differently.

We will not wake up one day having accidentally achieved an epitaph of an influential godly remembrance.

The way we want to be remembered is the way we must strive to live every day. It is the result of intentional and diligent effort.

Like the Energizer bunny, our influence keeps on going. The type of influence is determined by the choice we make.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Values

Values is not a word to be thrown around lightly. It deserves far more than just lip-service.

We talk about values. We understand the need for values. We even categorize our values; personal, family, moral, and work.

What would we consider to be the “core” values of our life? What is it that makes up the core of who we are and we are unwilling to change? Honesty? Hard work?

What is our integrity worth?

However we answer these questions, we are faced with the necessity of recognizing our leadership must be based on our core values.

These values remain the constant of our life. They must be consistently seen in every area of our life.

God’s word must be the standard for determining our core values. Family, work, and community will all benefit from developing and living by our core values.

Our leadership will not grow beyond the level of the values we have established and live by as a leader.

Let us all make sure our values measure up to the right standard.

Fear Of The Unknown…

One of the greatest fears people have today is public speaking. However, fear of the unknown also ranks near the top. Perhaps it is because our fear of the unknown encompasses so many different areas.

We fear the unknown with the economy.
We fear the unknown with our own job security.
We fear the unknown with health and safety.

If we allowed it to, this fear would challenge every area of life. Certainly, the unknowns of leadership would qualify.

The task before us in spiritual leadership is to remove the unknowns for others. When we consider death, there is a fear of the process of dying and what happens at death… the unknown.

The answer has been provided in Scripture. The body will return to the dust, but the spirit returns to God who gave it.

Because of the death and resurrection of Christ, the fear of the unknown has been removed. The unknown has now been made known. We can provide no greater confidence to others than sharing this hope. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Think Souls!

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

Love What You Do

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”

It seemed fitting with the death of Steve Jobs to use one of his quotes about life and leadership. There have been several powerful statements with application to leadership, but this one seems characterize the whole.

Leading others on the spiritual path cannot be measured by any means this side of heaven. Our work is about nothing short of getting to heaven. We need to love what we do, knowing the benefits for the life to come.

We need to not only believe it is a great work, we need to know it!

Don’t settle with just enough to get by, or as little as possible. The work is far too valuable and important to do the minimum.

This is the work of our God. Love it, live it, and invest your life into it.

Stepping Aside…

I enjoy meeting new people everywhere I go. From lectureships and gospel meetings to traveling overseas, I usually meet someone new.

I recently had the privilege of meeting Tom and Maureen Jackson in New Hampshire. Over the few days we were together we talked of leadership (I know you are shocked).

Tom is looking for someone to help work with the congregation in Lancaster. In one conversation he said; “I am not stepping down, but stepping aside.”

All of us will eventually face the fact we are getting older. As we do, there needs to be an awareness of what we are able and unable to accomplish as leaders.

One of the best ways to help the work continue is not by stepping down, but stepping aside.

Stepping down brings an element of finality and completion.

Stepping aside says I am here to help and do whatever I am still capable of doing. It brings a powerful element of mentorship needed to make the work a little easier and better for the one who follows.

Thank you Tom for a great lesson in leadership!

The Power Of One…

Everyone is probably aware of the recent death of Steve Jobs. Nearly every newspaper, electronic media, along with every television news broadcast has covered his death.

He has been credited with saving Apple.
He is said to be the one who has shaped all of us.

It fascinates me the power one man had in changing the electronic / digital world in such a short time.

However, his death reminds us of the brevity of life, the certain outcome we all face, as well as the need to be prepared for something beyond the physical.

Numerous people have changed the history and direction of the world. However, none compare to the power of One man who changed the course of the physical and eternal realm.

He is the One we need to know. He is the One we must lead others to know.

While the accomplishments of Steve Jobs may leave an incredible legacy, he is still a man whose soul is now in the hands of the Creator.

I pray our leadership legacy will make a difference in the eternal outcome of others, not just the physical.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Passion

Recently, I began reading a new book about leadership. I will spare you the details at this point. Suffice it to say something in the beginning of the book really caught my eye and it has to do with the word “passion.”

We often think about people being passionate and we associate the thought of excitement, enthusiasm and a number of other characteristics.

However, the history of this word shows it comes from a Latin word meaning “suffer.”

Most will remember the movie The Passion Of The Christ. The title of this movie was derived from the idea of the Latin word. Certainly, the movie was filled with the suffering of Jesus.

The book I referenced is A Leader’s Legacy. The authors quickly point out the need for leaders to understand they must serve and suffer.

The significance of suffering is about the willingness of leaders to put the needs of others above themselves. It is a Biblical truth and the quality of great leadership will only be seen when leaders abandon a self-seeking worldly approach.

Be passionate, but understand what passion really means.

So Many People…

The world’s population is beyond my comprehension. When I consider the fact we are approaching seven billion, it simply becomes a number. As I travel to places around the world, the reality of this number becomes even more incredible.

I think about the plethora of languages in the countries I have visited.
I think about my inability to communicate adequately.
I think about the time I am in each location and may never be again.
I think about how all of these people will come to know Christ.
I think about their soul!
I think about what can and needs to be done.

I have more questions than answers. However, the best way I know to make the greatest difference in the world, spiritually, is to train men who know the culture and language to teach their own people.

I am thankful for the dedication and willingness of mission minded brethren who have and continue to labor on foreign soil.

I pray we can build upon their efforts and work with them to step up our work in ways to reach so many people.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.  – Babe Ruth

In my younger days, I dabbled in a little boxing one afternoon at school. My opponent was much smaller than me, both in height and weight. However, there was one quality I did not consider until we started the first round. No matter how many times I hit him, he kept coming back.

When I read the quote above, it reminded me of this failed attempt at boxing. I was also reminded of the quality we need as leaders.

We must not allow a larger and stronger opponent (whoever or whatever it may be) make us back down or quit.

Discouragement is almost certain. Signs may point to defeat.

However, this one thought should constantly keep us motivated in the good fight of faith. Satan is banking on us giving up, especially as leaders.

The only certainty of failure is if we quit. Remember, it is hard to beat a person who never gives up. Be strong and courageous.


We know these initials stand for the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is an agency designed to investigate matters on a higher, political and more secure level. I am sure we will never know the depths of all the various areas of their involvement.

However, from a leadership perspective, the idea of CIA stands for something different. As we have mentioned in previous posts, nothing is more destructive to leadership than hypocrisy.

We must also consider that nothing is more convincing than consistency. This is why the leadership CIA is about Consistency In Action.

When leaders demonstrate consistency others have an example to follow.

The gospel of Matthew emphasizes the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of the day. Jesus addressed the problem on several occasions.

Their hypocrisy was seen in giving, prayer and fasting. Their worship was worthless. They were moving their lips in the right direction, but their heart was going another.

Jesus condemned these men because their teaching did not properly align with their actions.

If we could all join the CIA of spiritual leadership our influence would reach greater heights.