Category: Daily Leadership

The End…

What comes to mind when we think of “the end?” –the end of the movie? –the end of the line? –the end of life? –the end of all time?

Regardless, perhaps the better question is what will others remember about our leadership in the end? Commitment? Respect? Courage? Sacrifice? Service? Compassion? Accountability?

However we want our leadership to be remembered, we need to begin now with the end in sight.

If we do not know the desired outcome for the future, we cannot plan today.

Remember to have S.M.A.R.T. goals.

Invest in proper preparation.

Develop a solid plan.

Follow wise counsel.

Evaluate often.

Correct mistakes.

In all things, pray.

Truth be known, we have no idea when the end will come. Clearly, we need to be ready because we know there is an end.

If today were the end… would we lead differently? Well then, do it anyway, because it just might be! Souls depend on our understanding the necessity to lead with the end in mind.

Crossroads Of Leadership…

Have we ever found ourselves in a position wondering, where do we go from here?

Are we lost? Confused? Discouraged? Disappointed? Uncertain?

In leadership, we will often approach various crossroads. A decision must be made concerning our direction.

Evaluate the past.

Research the options.

Consult the inner circle.

Present the possibilities.

Weigh the consequences.

Chart the course.

MOVE ahead.

The crossroads of leadership involve both one time and continual decisions. Thankfully, with the right foundation and approach, the decisions are easier.

Spiritual leadership has always been this way. We will approach the crossroads of the flesh versus the spirit; the kingdom of the world versus the kingdom of heaven; Satan versus Christ; darkness versus light. The path we take leads to death or life.

At the crossroads of leadership, choose wisely. The difference impacts everyone who follows.

Going My Way?

It is not uncommon for a leader to be directionally challenged. Basically, the idea involves not knowing where we are going.

In leadership, each of us follows someone and someone is following us. The very thought puts us in a unique position.

If you want me to follow, then…

1) You must know where you are going.

2) The destination must be a place I want to go also.

3) I need communication along the way.

4) I want to contribute a measure of value to the journey.

These are a few of the thoughts I have regarding following a leader. If you share these ideas, then we all need to be mindful of the individuals who are following.

Are we trying to lead them to a place they want to go or do not want to go? Have we communicated adequately the information needed to reach the destination? Do we allow followers to be involved in ways that contribute value to the journey?

From a spiritual perspective, these ideas and questions should cause greater consideration in our leadership.

Daylight Savings Time…

Saturday evening, or should I say, 2 a.m. Sunday morning, the clocks were adjusted back one hour.

Did you set the clocks back before you went to bed?

Did you stay up an extra hour?

Did you take advantage of sleeping an extra hour?

It constantly amazes me how long it takes to adjust to such a small change on the clock. Generally, the difference is felt for 5-6 days. The older I get, the more difficult it becomes, a thought for another day.

Something occurred to me in relationship to the time change. How much difference could be made if we learned how to make adjustments in our time for leadership, even the smallest amount?

Time with family? Time dedicated to our strengths, rather than our weaknesses? Time to make an extra call? Time to write a blog? Time to read it? Waiting on others to go first?

Opportunities await us in the days and weeks ahead. Just a little adjustment in time could make a great difference in our leadership and in the life of someone in need.

Will You Give Up?

Is there ever a time when we should give up?

Should we give up when the majority gives up? When the majority is against us? When failure seems obvious? When the obstacles are insurmountable? When there appears to be no hope?

How should we answer the question?

If you or I were in danger, at what point would it be acceptable for our rescuer to give up? When leadership is so desperately needed, will we give up?

No one is able to answer these questions for us. However, it is vital for spiritual leaders to give a greater level of consideration to them.

When souls are at risk, the future is uncertain, or all odds are against us, do not allow the first thought to be one of giving up.

The opportunity may open a door to achieve greatness. According to various accounts, Winston Churchill expressed it best, “never, never, never give up.”

Ordinarily Extraordinary…

How would our leadership be described? Ordinary or extraordinary?

Ordinary is described with no special or distinctive features, normal, uninteresting, commonplace. Imagine where leadership leads with an ordinary approach.

Extraordinary is described as very unusual or remarkable, unusually great. It does not take long to know how we should answer the call to leadership.

If leadership remains ordinary, the results will be normal. However, if leadership strives to be extraordinary, the results are remarkable.

Consider the impact on taking that which is usual, with no special or distinct features and making it very unusual and remarkable.

When we consider our influence as spiritual leaders, followers deserve ordinarily extraordinary leadership.

It’s About Change…

With the election behind us, maybe the promise of change will be seen, since there appears to be a change in the House and Senate.

Life is about change. We begin the process of change the day we arrive. We change from infancy to childhood, childhood to youth, youth to adulthood, and we eventually change back.

It is common for people to fear change. Even leaders fear change. We should embrace change as part of life (physically and spiritually).

Repentance is not a daily part of our vocabulary. Yet, this simple word can reach heights of complexity when it comes to application.

However, repentance means change; change of mind, will and direction. Repentance involves change that can be seen. The actions of today are not the same as they were the day before, at times even the minute before.

Obviously, not all change is good. But, all change is not bad either. In fact, change can and should be good. Spiritual leadership should embrace change that glorifies God, exemplifies truth to the lost, unifies the church, and modifies my life to be more like Jesus.


Over the weekend I made another trip involving an airport. I am constantly amazed at observing those who are walking, running, sitting, waiting, or standing in line.

Some sleep. Some talk on the phone. Some herd children. Some read a book. Some take pictures. There are also those on a computer, i.e. me!

It all speaks to how observant we are of the lives of those around us.

What opportunities are waiting?

What are we going to do with our time?

How will we impact the lives of others?

Will their journey be safe and successful?

Will their life be better because we encountered them?

We are all on a journey through life. It is easy to get caught up in so many issues we miss opportunities to change the lives of others because we are not observant.

Spiritual leadership is a servant leadership. The way we aid the lives of those who are following is through observation. We need to see the opportunities and act.

Try being still for a moment and observe the lives of people around you. It is interesting.

In My Opinion…

How many times have we heard someone say, “in my opinion?” Chances are we have even said it ourselves on more than one occasion.

Strangely, everyone has an opinion and, generally, about everything. All we have to do is ask and most people are willing to share it.

Pick a subject. There are plenty of opinions.

The scariest thought occurs when our opinions become an objective truth. No longer is it just an opinion, but rather the standard by which we hold others accountable.

Worse still is the idea that everyone’s opinion is justifiable as an eternal standard.

In my opinion, God will not be that picky.

In my opinion, God could not send anyone to an eternal punishment.

In my opinion, God’s grace will save everyone in the end.

In my opinion, we should starting focusing less on our opinions and more on the one standard by which we will all be held accountable. When we stand before God, opinions will be worth nothing. All that will matter is God’s word. As spiritual leaders, this is what we should be lifting up.


I find it amazing the credibility given individuals who predict the weather. Based on the information available, they put forth their best attempt to predict the unpredictable.

The idea of predictability involves someone or something behaving or occurring in a way that is expected. Few areas of life are really predictable.

People are far from predictable.

The economy is unpredictable.

Clearly, we cannot predict the political direction of the world.

In reality, even life itself is unpredictable.

Predictability is incredibly difficult in spiritual leadership as well. Perhaps it is because of the unpredictability of all of the above.

Spiritual leadership must provide a predictable stability for followers. In an ever-changing physical world, people should be able to expect spiritual leaders to offer guidance consistent to an unchanging truth.

As unpredictable as Tuesday’s election appears and regardless of the outcome, I pray spiritual leaders will provide the predictability needed.