Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Building Strong Leaders For The Future…Part 1

One of the common concerns today, at almost every level, involves the future of leadership. Who will lead? What direction will leadership take us? How are we training leaders for tomorrow’s need?

An idea refers to a thought or suggestion for a possible course of action, an aim or purpose. Over the next few weeks we plan to focus on suggestions, ideas designed to prepare stronger leaders for the future.

Resources abound when considering plans for growing leaders. The key is partnering the right resources with the right people at the right time.

A few of the ideas we want to explore over the weeks ahead include: building character, developing vision, strengthening relationships, goal setting and achievement, and problem resolution / conflict management.

These represent only a few needed areas when training leaders for tomorrow, but they provide a valuable foundation to secure the future of leadership.

While we cannot explore the depths of each area over the course of a few weeks; hopefully, the material will lay down a few principles that will guide the path for stronger leadership training as we prepare for the future.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“If an egg is broken by outside force, Life ends. If broken by inside force, Life begins. Great things always begin from inside.” Jim Kwik

Who are we at the core? What is the central focus of our life? How does our integrity measure up in a world influenced by deceit and greed?

In addition to today’s thought, when the inside force breaks through we find a strength able to withstand the dangers that threaten from outside forces.

Without a doubt, outside forces will come. Sadly, they are not always directed by expected sources. There are times when those closest to us present the greatest threats. This is where leaders must display the depth of their inner strength.

Here are three words that provide possibilities for developing this kind of inner strength:

1) Trust: We need to trust that God is working in and through our lives to accomplish His will.

2) Conviction: We need a conviction that the direction chosen is the right path to walk.

3) Willingness: Our desire must be great enough to do whatever it takes to reach our goal.

Leadership Seat Belt Safety…

Why are laws made to enforce wearing seat belts? Is it possible they are made simply to raise additional funds for the city justifying “click it or ticket”? Unlikely, but it would not be hard to convince some folks.

Regardless of our like or dislike of seat belts and affiliated laws, seat belts were designed to protect drivers and passengers in the event of accidents. Yes, I know of those who would have died had they been wearing a seat belt. I also know of those who would have died without them.

I am not looking to debate the benefit or detriment in wearing seat belts. However, it raises an important thought for leaders.

Spiritual leaders are to provide protection in the event of temptation, trial, struggle, and weakness. Our influence should create confidence in our ability to protect. What does this mean? Think about the similarities with the seat belt.

1) We must be there when the need exists.

2) We must connect with people to be useful.

3) We must protect without being uncomfortable.

4) We must create a signal when someone is unprotected.

Conscious Or Conscience?

Some words in the English language always seem to be difficult when determining which to use. How about effect or affect? Perhaps it is the use of insure or ensure.

Regardless of what words might challenge us most, one set that falls into this category is conscious or conscience.

Interestingly enough, these words are significant when thinking about the development of leadership.

Consciousness involves the awareness or ability to respond to one’s surroundings. We can all relate to the need for leaders to demonstrate an awareness of the decisions or actions necessary in response to the situation.

Conscience, oddly enough, relates to that inner voice that is understood to act as a guide regarding right and wrong behavior. Specifically, the conscience of a leader must be exemplified by the moral decisions made each day.

Consider how vital it is for leaders to have the ability to respond to their surroundings in such a way that the guiding strength of their inner voice is proven by a moral fiber shaped by the perfect and unchanging word of God.

Here is where true leadership takes flight.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Boundaries

The idea of boundaries is welcoming to some and frightening to others. A boundary is a line marking the limits of an area or activity.

On one hand, limitations can inhibit the creativity of those who need to develop their abilities and opportunities to explore beyond the norm.

On the other hand, limitations provide safety and security in ways that prevent drifting into areas that present risk, danger, and defeat.

Leaders need to know how to use boundaries properly. Followers need opportunity to spread the wings of creativity and explore beyond the status quo. At the same time, there must be strategic lines that minimize the risk of loss.

The beauty of our relationship with God is the fact He provides both. Regarding the message that guides us to the eternal home, boundaries are given to protect and provide safety.

He also allows us creativity in the ways by which we go with the message. The methods from one location or  person to another will vary and we need to explore ways to go beyond the norm without altering the limits of the powerful message that delivers.

Climbing The Leadership Mountain…Part 8

Making our way up the mountain takes another challenging step: “blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

A number of thoughts are key to this step. The thought is expressed from a past tense perspective. Jesus talks about those who have been persecuted. This is an enduring step exemplified by the fact a leader has come through the fires of the trial successfully and remained true to their purpose.

Additionally, an interesting thought is connected to understanding the purpose for which one is persecuted: the sake of righteousness.

If we remember the idea expressed a few weeks back about those who “hunger and thirst for righteousness,” this idea presents an interesting thought.

Those who have been persecuted for the sake of justice, i.e. the desire to care enough to stand up against the injustices of the world is a powerful thought in a culture that seeks its own selfish desires.

May we as leaders represent those who continue to endure hardship for the sake of what is right and just in the sight of God.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker, or you make time every month to do volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need.” Gillian Anderson

An awareness of servant leadership is more prevalent now than in years past. Articles, books, blog posts and more address the empowerment of such leadership.

Among the numerous qualities of servant leadership, a few qualities are worth noting because they make a difference for all leaders.

1) Empathy: the ability to understand and sympathize with others produces active listeners and exemplifies the heart of leadership.

2) Build community: true spiritual development begins and ends in community, a community God designed in the church.

3) Commitment to people: few areas demonstrate quality leadership more than a commitment to assist in the betterment of others.

4) Stewards: good stewardship involves more than money; it includes a stewardship of time and ability, as well as, resources.

Leaders who serve, follow the example of Christ and set an example that changes the world.

The Conviction Of Faith…

People believe in some pretty bizarre things. Do we believe “Bigfoot” exists? Do we believe Elvis is still alive in hiding somewhere? Do we believe in UFO’s and aliens from other planets? Do we believe in the theory of evolution?

This post, or any other, is not designed to discuss these matters. However, it causes me to wonder what we do believe and why we believe it.

Amazingly, and getting straight to the point, when we believe something, we talk about it to others. We express why our belief is strong. When we do not believe something there seems to be no purpose.

While quoting from the Old Testament, Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, “I believe therefore I speak.”

We have opportunity to influence many people everyday. It is fundamental to leadership. Are we talking about what we believe? Do we speak because of the overwhelming nature of what we believe and why we believe it?

The power of communication allows us an avenue to share a belief system based on the evidence of truth. Make it count!

Forecasting The Weather…

Several years back I was introduced to the weather rock. Somehow, I believe it was connected to the hillbilly forecaster mentality. It worked quite simply.

If the rock is wet, it is raining.

If the rock is white, it is snowing.

If the rock casts a shadow, it is sunny.

You get the point.

While the idea was useless in the realm of forecasting the future, it was great for the obvious.

It reminded me of how Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees and Sadducees how they were able to state the obvious regarding the signs of the weather, but were blind to the signs from heaven.

Well, our leadership needs to be about both. We need an eye for the obvious. We need to be tuned in to the environment and present circumstances all around us.

However, we also need a vision for the future. We need to see where we are going and what it will take to get there.

No creatively crafty approach will produce the kind of spiritual leaders God needs today. We need leaders who know the way and can point people to it!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Compass

Technically, a compass is an instrument containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it.

A number of ideas are associated with a compass: a moral compass, intellectual compass, spiritual compass, and the list goes on.

Consider a leadership compass that provides direction for others. We need to recognize there are elements of the moral, intellectual, and spiritual compass that factor into our leadership.

Before compromising our activities or integrity, we need to engage our moral compass.

Before we go on a hunt to attack someone else, we need to engage our intellectual compass.

Before we condemn the decisions of others, we need to engage our spiritual compass.

Before we post, speak, take action, think the worst, or hit send, let us consider the influence of our decisions: both in word and deed.

Attacking someone else’s character only damages our own, and sadly we are often unaware of it.

Speaking against others does not build our own esteem, but demeans it.

Showing the direction to heaven – pointing to Christ – is never accomplished by destroying others, but rather approaching others in biblical love.