Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials.” Bruce Lee

Reading this several times brought a number of thoughts to mind. We understand the value of working a little each day to improve who we are and what we do as leaders. This post is not intended to diminish that thought.

While reading the thought of the day, the expression is one not considered before when thinking about how to develop our leadership.

The idea of hacking away at the nonessentials, removing the weight that easily burdens us and slows us down, eliminating areas of life that are unimportant to the greater development of our spiritual well-being, or eradicating the distractions vying for our attention, is a thought that can be a game changer.

Take a moment and evaluate the areas in life that fall into the category of nonessentials. This exercise alone will help prioritize life, regain needed focus, and strengthen our resolve in matters of eternal consequence.

Our health, our family, our jobs, our God, and His church deserve consideration of this thought.

Timeless Advice…

Everyone seeks, or at least they should, timeless nuggets of advice. I am talking about those pieces of information unaltered by time, generation, or culture. These nuggets are not always easy to find and often they are overlooked for something believed to have greater value.

Joshua was given a piece of advice meeting our criteria: “be strong and very courageous.” God emphasized strength and courage three times in this context.

As we consider the timeless nature of this advice, the context has powerful implications in the realm of spiritual leadership.

Notice the key thoughts associated with this advice:

Be careful to do according to all the law.

Do not turn from it to the right or to the left.

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth.

You shall meditate on it day and night.

Be careful to do according to all that is written in it.

God specifies that Joshua’s success depends on following this advice.

The success of our leadership today depends on following this timeless advice. How different would our world be if spiritual leaders had the strength and courage to do so?

Give Tax To Whom Tax Is Due…

Tax day is not one of those days that people look forward to, at least not in this country. The deadline of submitting the proper documentation and funds (if required) is not one that excites most of us.

The concept of paying taxes is nothing new. We read throughout scripture the idea of paying tax. As a matter of fact, Jesus is credited with saying “render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s” (Mt. 22:21).

Additionally, Paul instructed the church in Rome, “render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due” (Rom. 13:7).

While the primary focus of this post is not about paying tax, nor is it politically motivated, the idea represented here is important to leadership.

The idea is one of respect for those who are in positions of authority, with the ultimate respect for God’s authority.

Spiritually motivated, leaders who model this thought not only follow God’s instruction, but they also help others understand the need to do the same.

Instead of speaking against authority, let us model respect for it.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Ecstatic

What comes to mind when the word ecstatic is used? Energy, electricity, elated, euphoric? Truth be told, this word is not used often enough when it comes to leadership.

For some reason, leadership is generally seen as one that carries the responsibility of dealing with all the problems, negativity, and challenges of an organization.

Leaders are responsible for solutions, maintaining a positive morale, and addressing the challenges head-on in order to keep the company moving forward.

Rarely do we hear that leadership is glamorous.

Imagine the difference in leaders and followers if words like ecstatic were used frequently to describe the atmosphere. Consider the impact a leader has when a level of energy is the driving force to accomplish established goals.

What it comes down to is a decision to demonstrate this quality in our leadership. We can permit ourselves to be drawn into the negative side of leadership, or we can choose to step up with a different approach, changing our direction in ways that influence others toward greater achievement.

Either way, the choice is ours. Let us take the road less traveled and make an ecstatic impact.

Climbing The Leadership Mountain…Part 3

The third step up the leadership mountain is one that naturally flows with the progression of humility and the outward affection / mourning over the sins of others. The idea expressed by Jesus is “blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.”

Other translations use the term “meek,” but often times the idea of meekness is misunderstood as weakness and this does not relate the significance of this word.

Gentleness, as seen in this step up the mountain, is one that involves gentle courage. We are talking about the ability to handle situations with courage and an ability to do so carefully and thoughtfully.

Leaders who are not careful to give thought to their decisions and actions without considering the outcome for others, leave a trail of wounds that hinder their ability to lead well.

When leaders are considerate and contemplative of both decisions and actions, the approach of those who follow is one of gentleness.

Interestingly enough, synonyms for the word “gentle” include considerate, tender, compassionate, kind, and understanding. All of these words qualify the leadership of Jesus and should qualify our leadership also.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Surround yourself with people who make you a better person.” Author Unknown

Easier said than done, right? Similar to the idea of Thursday’s post on the positive need in leadership, today’s thought rounds out the week with an important area for all of us.

How much better would our perspective in life be with people around us who make us a better person? Please do not misunderstand, this is not about only having people who agree with us or say what we want to hear.

The idea behind this thought is surrounding ourselves with people who know when to encourage and how to approach us when correction is needed. When this happens, life expands and our perspective in leading changes. The natural result is the desire to do the same for others.

Leaders should always direct their attention toward making others around them better. In order to achieve this goal, we need to know each person well enough to know what will make them better. We need to know when to encourage and how to approach with a loving spirit when correction is needed.

Symbol Of Leadership…

The world is full of symbols: political symbols, social symbols, educational symbols, and even religious symbols.

We often utilize symbols for ideas like unity, respect, tolerance, peace, hope, and love.

A symbol is generally a concrete object representing something abstract.

Few ideas are more abstract than the concept of spiritual leadership, which raises a question. What symbol would represent spiritual leadership?

The gavel represents a legalistic leader, decisive and dogmatic.

The eagle represents a presidential leader, representative and political.

The swastika represents a dictatorial leader, aggressive and autocratic in power.

The crown represents a kingly leader, superior and majestic.

The lamb represents a gentle leader, patient under suffering.

The cross represents a sacrificial leader, purposeful and loving.

While there are others, I wonder what symbol best represents our spiritual leadership? Would the symbol of the cross, representing the purposeful and loving sacrifice of Jesus, accurately describe our leadership? Why or why not? Maybe we should reevaluate our spiritual leadership.

Our leadership is worth the effort to make certain it is represented accurately and biblically.

Keeping Leadership Positive…

Few people enjoy company with a “Negative Nancy.”

Yet, our world is immersed in negativity. Watching the news, weather, sports, politics, and more, reveals levels of negativity that are frightening.

Sadly, this carries over into school, work, home, and church. Just writing these words comes across as negative, so how can we turn it around and maintain a positive focus?

1) Spend time with positive people. We can easily get drawn into negative conversations that drain joy from our lives. Use the time God gives us to be with positive influences.

2) Stop and think. Before speaking or writing, consider how others will perceive our words. Decide to say something that builds up others in a positive way.

3) Eliminate excuses and justification. What we say and do is the result of a choice. When we avoid excuses and justification, we can focus on what is positive.

4) Be the most positive and enthusiastic person we know. Seeing these words is a daily reminder of changing the world by our own attitude, to be an influence instead of being influenced.

Finding a positive way to lead is worth our time. (See Philippians 4:8)

Leadership Word Of The Week…Explicate

The key thought behind this week’s word is “analysis.” By definition, to explicate is to analyze and develop in detail, often with the intent of finding and giving meaning.

Additionally, there are a number of other words associated with this definition, specifically clarification. The intent of explicating an idea or principle is to bring simplicity in order to make it comprehensible.

One of the greatest challenges to any area of leadership involves communication. When communication lacks clarity, the result brings confusion and frustration. How can leaders explicate vision, mission, and values?

Use easy to understand language. Too often, leaders use terminology that others do not comprehend when trying to communicate important messages.

Be careful about assumptions. Leaders who assume others know what they are talking about generally make a grave mistake.

Keep the message concise. Too many words can be as detrimental as too many “run to the dictionary words.” Avoid sharing everything we know. Less is more.

Remember the old K.I.S.S. acronym: Keep it short and sweet!

These are just a few ideas to consider when trying to explicate matters of vision, mission, and values as leaders.

Climbing The Leadership Mountain…Part 2

Once we take a step down (humility), the next step in the climb up the leadership mountain is one that looks outward toward others, “blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

The idea behind the words of Christ here is mourning over the sin of others. This passage reminds us of Paul’s words to the church at Corinth: “who is led into sin without my intense concern?” (2 Co. 11:29)

Spiritual leaders are focused on others, it is an outward position of seeking the best for others above self. No one knew or demonstrated this better than Jesus. From giving up the glory He had with the Father to giving up His life on the cross, Jesus was concerned about the sins of the world.

Consider the impact on people around us when we demonstrate concern for the sinful activity that permeates our world and their lives.

The task is not easy, but one that makes a lasting and eternal difference. Once we take the first step, recognizing our need for God, the next step is our concern for the relationship of others with God.