Strength To Share In The Impossible…
An old Chinese proverb claims that “limitations are the boundaries we place in our minds.” What do we consider impossible? Certainly, what is impossible for one person may not always be for another.
Added to this complexity is the inclusion or exclusion of God. While we claim that all things are possible with God, do we really believe it?
We say we have faith, then turn around and place limitations on what we hope to accomplish because it has not been done before. Do we really believe?
We quote Scripture regarding God’s ability “to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works within us,” yet stop short of great achievement because we cannot figure out how to do it in our minds. Do we really believe?
Since God is our strength and He made us fellow-workers in His kingdom, we need to stop thinking in the realm of impossibility. Either God is able or He is not. We are simply a tool. Maybe if we stopped talking and moved out of the way, God would do some incredible things.