Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Head, Heart And Hand…

These three components symbolize three necessities in leadership.

Head: The head involves knowledge, wisdom and understanding. The idea is that leadership provides information that allows followers to gain the knowledge needed to develop wisdom based on understanding.

Heart: The heart involves an emotional connection. While there is a need to inform followers to gain knowledge and wisdom, when the information relates to the emotional side, the conviction runs deeper and lasts longer.

Hand: The hand relates to action. Once there is an informed, emotional connection, the natural response is activity. Action is more effective when the motivation is built upon the head and heart.

Information alone can lead to confusion. Emotion alone can lack conviction. Action alone can limit inspiration.

Leaders who are able to connect all three components can change the world. Share the information and its context. Show respect and trust, then strategically use the abilities that are developed.

Leaders not only need to connect the head, heart and hand, but also lead with all three. The combination of the leading and engaging the head, heart and hand is powerful.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.” Nelson Mandela

By now, everyone is aware of the passing of Nelson Mandela. The incredible nature of his leadership will be written about for decades to come.

In reading through some of his quotes about life and leadership, the above statement piqued my interest.

There are many challenges to remaining positive and optimistic in a world filled with the kind of hatred that fosters negativity and pessimism. Mandela knew this hatred well.

Leaders must keep moving forward, pointed toward the sun, never losing faith in humanity. Dark moments will come, but biblical leaders understand that hope in Christ endures despair.

As leaders in God’s kingdom, we must not give up. The victory has been won through the resurrection. This victory must keep us focused.

Thinking Rightly…

One of the characteristics of biblical leaders is learning to think about the right things.

Two major portals are the gateway to our minds: eyes and ears. While all the senses play a part, these two are primary. Sadly, we often fail to recognize the influence of what we see and hear on our thinking.

The type of language in movies or television shows, pornographic nature of advertisements or programs, jokes, and the locations we visit are only four ways we are influenced through the eyes and ears.

Paul was specific about the areas described in Philippians 4:8. The key is understanding the imperative need for our minds to dwell on these things.

Doing so requires work. We must be proactive in the way we approach the influences on our mind: entertainment, friends and activities.

Is our leadership influence worth having our minds filled with negativity, filth, and horror for a little entertainment?

We are in the world, but not of the world. We are to influence the world for Christ, the Light of the world, not to be influenced by the world.

A Step In The Right Direction…

The journey through life is filled with choices. Literally, we make hundreds of choices every day. Most choices are inconsequential in nature: what clothes to wear, hygiene preparation, what to read or television program to watch.

However, there are choices that are consequential: career, marriage, children, disciplines or where to live.

As amazing as it sounds, there is one choice – a step in the right direction – that determines all other choices, both consequential and inconsequential: the choice of Christianity.

When we make the choice of Christianity, it informs every decision from that point. The type of job chosen will be different for a Christian. The choice of a spouse will be determined by the choice of Christianity. The way children are raised and where we live are both influenced by Christianity.

When leaders provide an example by their choice spiritually, as demonstrated in their physical choices, they are taking a step in the right direction of leadership as God intends.

Now is the best time to start making the kind of choices that will change the direction of our lives and the influence we have with others.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Creative

Creative is a word that involves the imagination or original ideas. Think about the creative nature of God in the beginning as He creatively designed the universe and all it contains.

Consider the incredible creativity of the Creator in designing the human body. Before long, we all understand why the Psalmist says, “For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Creativity surrounds us everywhere we go. The ability of the human mind to use the imagination to draw, paint, build, sculpt and do a million other things demonstrates the creative nature of those who are made in the image of God.

Walt Disney is credited with saying, “If you can think it, you can do it.” Pretty profound from someone who built an empire from an animated cartoon mouse.

When it comes down to leadership, a little creative genius goes a long way in helping others reach their potential.

The same is true when sharing vision for the future of a developing organization. Leaders need the ability to go there in their mind first before helping others see the direction.

Creative leadership might make a good title for a book. Hmmm…

Set Up For The Long Run…

The daily of activity of life in the current culture is one that seems to be short-term oriented. Considering consequences a month, year, or ten years from now is almost a foreign concept, especially on an individual basis.

The validity of what is being said is best determined by considering goals and consequences. What personal goals do we each have for next year, five or ten years from now?

Additionally, how often do we consider the consequences of a decision to purchase a product we cannot afford, or to be involved in an activity of questionable influence to our Christianity?

Leaders are to be active in assisting others in setting up for the long run. The need is great to consider where we want to be in the future and what decisions are going to help us reach the destination with strong godly character.

Every decision will have some form of consequence, good or bad, now and in the long run.

A thoughtful process of examining these consequences will help us shape the future for our own lives and for those we lead.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there.” John Buchan

There is something special about this thought and how it can be applied in so many circles, but certainly within the spiritual realm of God’s church.

Far too often, attempts are made to put greatness into others. Somehow, we fall prey to the mindset that if we can put greatness into others, they will be great.

We all need to learn the power of the lesson found in this thought, greatness is already there in each and every person. Our task is to elicit what is already there.

Leaders must work to draw out and use the greatness that exists in each person, helping them reach their potential by implementing their own deep seated greatness.

The challenge is learning to avoid trying to make others like we are, or like we want them to be in the journey. This kind of leadership requires yielding control and allowing others to blossom in the fruit of the greatness God has placed in them.

This is leadership!

A Time To Rest…

Throughout the gospel accounts, we find periods where Jesus would take the apostles aside to rest. How amazing would it be to know more accurately the daily schedule of these disciples of the Savior?

Nothing has changed from then until now.

It is easy to get caught up in work and fail to get the needed rest to reflect, relax, and renew.

As hard as this time can be, it is necessary to be adequately prepared to meet the challenges that will always face leaders.

Most subjects are easier to write about and provide counsel for than they are actually living them, and this is one case in point.

However, a few simple ideas will help in getting the needed rest. It is biblical to recognize the need to find time to rest.

First, plan time, at least once each week, to rest.

Second, turn the phone off for the day and go somewhere peaceful.

Third, ask God to provide rest to strengthen our service.

Fourth, spend time alone with family closest to you.

We might be surprised just how much we improve with a little rest.

Life On The Vine…Self-Control

Recently, one of the students at the Bible Institute wrote about Kenneson’s approach to self-control. Instead of putting it in my words, it seemed best for all of us to learn from Bill West.

The paradox of self-control is clearly stated, self-control is about being master over self by making self the servant (224). In both cases, the master, and subject are both self. Self-control should not be focused on self. While this at first seems to be confusing, Kenneson does a great job of explaining what he means in the rest of the chapter. 

Most people read the fruit of the Spirit as things to be done outward, towards other people, then come to self-control and see this as being focused inwardly. This is an incorrect assumption. Self-control, like the rest, is to be focused on others, or as Kenneson puts it ‘other-directed” (237). 

It should stand to reason that if we are others-directed we would cultivate the self-control we need, not with self as the focus but with the focus on others. Kenneson does an amazing job at answering as to how we are to have self-control and not be self-centered.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Producer

A producer is defined as a person that makes, grows or supplies goods or commodities for sale. A further definition includes someone responsible for the financial and managerial aspects of making a movie, play, etc.

Additional terms are related to the word of the week, e.g. builder, constructor, farmer, manager, administrator, promoter. If we were to sum it up in one thought, it would be someone who “gets things done.”

When considering the nature of our leadership, are we producing, i.e. getting things done?

The additional terms related to a producer identify what happens when a leader gets things done. They make, build, construct, farm, manage, administrate and promote.

If we are not involved in getting things done, then are we becoming the leader God wants from us?

Biblical leadership is about farming: cultivating the soil, planting and watering the seed that allows God to give the increase, bearing fruit.

If we are going to be the producers God desires, we must focus on the task God has given us to do and leave the rest to Him. Then, step back and watch the power of God!