Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” Ralph Nader

Leaders producing more leaders is not a unique thought to Mr. Nader. John Maxwell’s spin states, “If you want to grow, lead followers. If you want to multiply, lead leaders.”

The picture is basically the same. The emphasis is on reproducing leadership.

From my limited observation, I have seen and heard about struggles within the church concerning the lack of leadership. The church seems to be reaping the consequences of little or no planning over the past 40-50 years for future leaders.

I am not trying to cast blame or make blanket accusations. I am only expressing a limited observation. You are free to agree or disagree.

However, regardless of agreeing or disagreeing concerning this assessment, the truth remains the same. We must plan and prepare now for the leadership of the church for tomorrow.

We need to…

Encourage the young and old to prepare themselves for leadership.
Provide opportunities to learn how to lead.
Mentor leadership within the family.

Let us begin today preparing for tomorrow.

It’s All In The Planning…

Approaching the end of November is always a reminder of Thanksgiving. Everyone seems to enjoy the time together with family and friends while enjoying a delicious meal.

More often than not, the male side of the equation is not as in tune with the planning that goes into the wonderful activities of the day. The female side of this equation, however, knows it is all in the planning.

From the time I was a child I witnessed my grandmother, mother, and now my wife, plan for weeks in advance for one meal.

The menu must be just right (although it is generally the same each year), the perfect ingredients purchased, and the timing of when to begin the cooking process must follow schedule.

I wonder what our leadership would look like if we gave the same attention to planning in the various areas of developing who we are as a leader, the activities we pursue toward the goal, and the preparation of others to reach their potential.

Considering the whole of spiritual leaders, we can easily say “It’s all in the planning.”

Rapid Rewards…

Southwest Airlines offers a program called “Rapid Rewards.” The incentive is to fly Southwest Airlines and accumulate points that can be converted into rewards, i.e. free flights or merchandise.

What fascinates me is the marketing terminology used to appeal to our desire for the immediate.

Our culture is one driven by the immediate. We get frustrated when we pull up to a “drive through” and have to wait 2-3 minutes for a fast-food restaurant to bring our food to the car.

With the use of microwaves, computers, cell phones, and high speed internet, we tend to expect everything in an instant.

Sadly, this carries over into various areas of our leadership.

We want to take a class, read a book, or search the internet to find all we need to know about leadership. Lifelong development is not appealing.

We also place expectations on others with the same mindset. We expect others to make life altering changes immediately.

While we find benefits and consequences to the rapid approach to leadership, we are better served to learn we grow into the leader God is shaping us to be over a lifetime.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Responsibility

Several years ago I heard an equation I thought interesting and accurate. If it is true, then it leaves us with the need to understand each component.

Ability + opportunity = responsibility

Everyone has ability. These abilities fall into the categories of natural, acquired and spiritual (God given). Not everyone has the same ability, thus the design of the church so it will function properly, as God designed it (1 Corinthians 12; Romans 12).

Opportunities are circumstances presenting possibility. The interesting fact about opportunities is that unless we can see the possibility, we will never take advantage of the opportunity. We must recognize the possibilities and look for the opportunities God provides.

Therefore, we are responsible to use our abilities, consider the possibilities, and seek the God given opportunities.

Imagine what God could do through us in changing our community, or maybe the world, if we were to assume such responsibility.

Perhaps it would help us to consider the fact that we are going to be held accountable for what we do in this physical body. Let us take our responsibility seriously.

The Chance Of A Lifetime…

Numerous statistics, at the extremes, exist concerning the perspective people have about being a leader.

One report claims that 70-80% of people think they are a leader and only 2-3% actually are a leader. Another report claims that only 2-3% even see themselves as a leader.

Wherever you and I fall into this statistical information, leading others is the chance of a lifetime. I do not say this because of the glory, glamor, power or prestige that may be affiliated with the idea of leading others. More accurately, I say it for opposite reasons.

We know the blessing of being a Christian. We know the significance of what God has done for us through Christ. We know the beautiful nature of the church Jesus came to build. We also know the responsibility God’s word teaches us of leading others to Jesus.

Consider the opportunity of helping someone who is walking in darkness see the light, leading them out of the consequences of sin into the joy of salvation.

Now that is a chance of a lifetime! Think Souls.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“The great paradox of the 21st century is that, in this age of powerful technology, the biggest problems we face internationally are problems of the human soul.”  Ralph Peters

I do not pretend, even in the slightest, to understand the big problems of the 21st century, technologically or otherwise.

However, I find the thought above extremely fascinating. To consider the problems of the human soul is the foundation of what spiritual leadership involves.

To answer the problems related to the human soul would not be as challenging if we would just use the right source to approach these problems.

Jesus is the answer. I do not say, or take flippantly, this statement. No problem of the human soul can be addressed apart from Jesus. He provides the solution to every problem.

The challenge is to seek, find and know Him.

The problems of the human soul will never be resolved while seeking answers from worldly philosophy and the wisdom of men.

The power and wisdom of God, summed up at the cross of Jesus, will make the difference. Think Souls.

The Leader Within…

The activity of leading is often determined by or connected with what a leader does.

While the word “activity” identifies some nature of doing, the basis for doing must be connected to being, the leader within.

As leaders examine the nature of their leadership, the place where the examination should begin is with the person of the heart. Who are we as leaders on the inside?

Learning to understand who we are at the core determines what we do externally as leaders. How do we determine the leader on the inside?

1) Evaluate core values: integrity, honesty, work ethic, etc. Are we aware of what is most important to our leadership? Character or money? Character or popularity?

2) Consider the motives behind the current direction. What is the reason we are involved in this work? Is it the good of others or self advancement?

3) Make decisions based on Biblical principles. Have we considered what God established before we make our decisions?

Taking a moment to consider three approaches to examining our heart will help us determine and develop our leadership from the inside out.

Where Do We Go From Here?

The day after a presidential election tends to leave people with this question, “Where do we go from here?”

For those whose candidate was elected there is a sense of promise and hope for better days ahead.

For those whose candidate was not elected there is a sense of wonder and doubt filled with confusion.

Leadership can be interesting in an arena where leaders are elected versus being appointed.

The beauty of spiritual leadership is based in our knowing exactly where we go from here. Regardless of who sits in secular or political leadership, we must continue to press forward in leading others to Christ. Only here do we find the true reality of promise and hope for better days ahead.

When we understand the temporary nature of our physical existence, we begin to realize our time can be well spent looking toward the throne of heaven, rather than the throne of a country.

God promises to carry out His will concerning the governing authorities.

God needs leaders within His church to stand up for the cause of Christ and point others to the glorious reward awaiting the faithful.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Heart

The Bible speaks a great deal about the heart. We must love the Lord with all our heart. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. From within, out the heart, flow the various issues of life.

Heart is often associated with the seat of emotions. As well, there is a great connection of the heart and mind.

Regarding leadership, heart is vital to our approach and development.

Without heart, how can we connect to those we are influencing?
Without heart, what motive supports the structure of our leadership?
Without heart, why would we remain steadfast in the midst of trials?

What benefits are brought to leadership when heart is involved?

With heart leaders dream of the future and what can be accomplished.
With heart leaders hold true to their integrity in relationship with God and others.
With heart leaders invest in the lives of others to help them reach their potential.
With heart leaders plan with diligence and confidence.
With heart leaders will step out with trust in God’s guidance and providential working to achieve His purpose and will.

Let us lead with heart!

Lifelong Development…

I recently began a course on leadership. The nature of the course involves understanding how leadership is a lifelong process. Among the books I have read a number of areas are worth considering. Let me share a few.

Leadership is developed over time. Becoming a leader is not accomplished through simply taking a course or reading a book. God works throughout our lifetime to train us and give us the experience needed to develop our leadership.

Developing a leader can involve periods of suffering (isolation). Voluntary and involuntary events occur throughout life causing us to step back and reflect on who and where we are in relationship to God and others. These times may involve isolation used to help us reflect and prepare us for greater leadership.

Proper perspective is the goal of leadership development. As challenging as periods of suffering can be, they help us with a better understanding of God and His guidance, if our perspective is one that sees God’s hand in the events of our life.

If we can learn to trust in God’s working, we will become the masterpiece He is making of us.