Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leading In Rough Waters…

The challenge of leading in rough waters obviously deals with an uncomfortable factor. No one likes leading during these times. No one seeks out rough waters to practice their leadership. Amazingly, for some leaders, these rough waters always seem to find them.

There appears to be no rhyme or reason to this challenge, but the true test of our leadership will occur in these moments, because they define who we are as a leader and the credibility of decisions we make for the future.

What will help us navigate through these waters and find smooth sailing on the other side?

Remember who we are at the core. Nothing has changed our core values. Hold on to the basis of why we lead.

Trust in wise counsel. We are not navigating alone. Others have sailed rough waters before us. Seek the counsel of the wise.

Be slow, diligent and deliberate with all decisions. The quickest way to be defeated is to act before good thought and slow execution is implemented.

Rough waters will come, but we can sail through them if we do not panic and approach them with steadfast spirit.

Signature Of Leadership…

Each e-mail I send has a signature. The signature provides my contact information, along with a link to the Leadership Fund blog site. However, thinking about the signature reminds me of a far greater purpose behind the signature of our leadership.

By definition, we can learn that a signature is a “distinctive pattern, product or characteristic by which someone or something can be identified.”

The thought of this definition is rich in connection to our leadership and there are several words deserving attention.

Identified: how and by what are we identified when it comes to our leadership? The way our leadership is identified becomes a key part of our signature.

Pattern, produce, characteristic: these three terms all play a role in the way our leadership is identified. It goes without saying, but godliness must be connected to all three.

Distinctive: perhaps the most significant word in our definition is distinctive. Something must stand out and set us apart when identifying our leadership.

The signature of spiritual leadership sets us apart from the world and for use by God to His glory. Now that is a signature worth developing.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Challenges

If there was one word to characterize life and leadership it would be challenges. A number of definitions are given for this word, but the one I like is “a task or situation to test someone’s abilities.”

What will test our abilities? We do not have the space to exhaust the possibilities.

However, there are a couple of truths to remember about challenges to our leadership.

We are going to face challenges. The intensity and the length of the challenge are unpredictable.

Challenges that test our abilities will be unique. No two individuals are alike, nor any two challenges.

Remember challenges are temporary. I love the saying; “this too shall pass.” Regardless of the intensity and length, eventually the test will end.

Overcoming challenges begins and ends at the throne of God. No one provides help like our Lord.

Challenges always serve a greater purpose. If we understand the power and will of God, we know He is working to an end that is best for us.

I do not know of anyone who enjoys challenges, but I do know the result can be beneficial to our leadership.

Planting The Seed…

One of the analogies of good leadership is connected to the law of harvest. Few illustrations are more powerful than planting a seed, cultivating it, and watching it grow into something beautiful.

Within the parables our Lord used similar analogies to teach a powerful message to His disciples. The parable of the sower and the parable of the tares teach lessons with eternal implications.

This week, we will focus on a few lessons from the first of these parables.

Leaders cannot always know where the seed is going to land. Our main focus is to remain true to the task of sowing.

Our leadership will have mixed reception. We will find it impossible to please everyone. Not everyone wants to follow.

Perseverance is an essential quality in leadership. We cannot quit and enjoy the success of leadership.

Leading others requires patience to produce fruit. Patient cultivation and a little T.L.C. will leave enduring fruit.

Lives are being changed by our leadership and it is worth the time we take to make sure we cultivate the seed properly for the good soil to be productive.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser” Socrates

We see an emphasis placed upon debating in our world today. We should not be surprised because it seems to have been the trend for centuries of time.

We love to debate about politics, religion, personal opinions, various convictions, and even current events.

There is no end to the people who have a solution to every problem that exists and they are usually not afraid to express it. Just ask!

The sad part of this thought is seen when pride grows and we are no longer debating, but seeking ways to slander the character of the opponent.

Spiritual leaders lose their credibility when they slip to a level of attacking and slandering someone instead of presenting truth in love.

The tendency is to think we have a responsibility to expose others for their beliefs, or perceived error, when in reality we need to be speaking the truth of God’s word. Let God’s word stand for itself. Somehow, God has a way of dealing with the others matters properly and in His time.

Event Oriented Leadership…

We mentioned the time oriented nature of culture yesterday. However, the majority of people in the world live in a more event oriented culture.

An event oriented culture is not focused on the convenience of time, or how much time is needed to accomplish the task. The importance of the event takes precedence. Therefore, whatever amount of time is needed to finish the event will be given to it.

While there are pros and cons to both time and event oriented cultures, the key for leadership is to learn how to appropriately lead within the specific culture.

Trying to force an event oriented culture into one that is time oriented can be a recipe for disaster. The reverse is also true. However, when leaders use the beauty of each culture, the time to accomplish each specific task becomes the key to success.

The point is for leaders to examine the current culture and lead in ways that will use the orientation of the individual or group to help them succeed in reaching heaven.

Time Oriented Leadership…

A time oriented culture can be tough. Everything has a place and a scheduled time to be completed. The day begins and ends around the schedule.

Spiritually, the challenges of a time oriented leadership create difficulties in when and how?

When is the most convenient time to develop the plans and begin the work? The key idea behind this question is “convenient.” The problem we face in our culture is the desire for what is convenient. If the amount of time to be given is an inconvenience, then it is not likely to get people involved.

How much time has been given to accomplish the task? Leaders will have to work within the perimeters of the time given by others to carry out the work. Therefore, it is crucial to know the specifics of how much time each phase of the work is going to take. There will need to be the obvious factors for changes and delays that occur.

If answers can be given to these questions, and leadership provided, then the time oriented nature of the culture can be used for reaching the goal.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Temperament

Temperament involves a person’s nature as it permanently affects their behavior. Chew on that thought for a minute.

What kind of nature is permanently affecting our behavior?

There is an obvious connection to the emotional drive in our lives. This emotional drive could be related to anger or patience, an attitude of discontent or one of contentment. The list is endless, but the challenge is a pressing reality.

The example of our behavior in the presence of others affects the power of our leadership.

With both Christian and nonChristian alike watching our every move, it seems significant to consider why we must make certain to develop the kind of temperament that ensures a behavior of excellence.

We must strive to live more consistently like Christ in our attitudes, words and actions. The distinguished line determining how the world views Christ is often drawn on the basis of our character.

Perhaps this is why Jesus identified His disciples as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We are to use our words and actions to provide an example of a temperament controlled by God.

What Are We Seeking?

Reading through the Gospels reveals the idea of seeking in several contexts.

Matthew shows how Jesus emphasizes the need for disciples to make a priority of seeking the kingdom of God, along with promising that when we seek we will find.

Mark indicates the religious leaders were seeking a sign from Jesus, but their motives were impure and Jesus said no sign would be given.

Luke speaks about the areas of seeking characterized by the material versus the spiritual.

John’s Gospel is one where the idea of seeking is indicated by those following Jesus, as well as, the motivation of Jesus. Here is where the post is focused.

Jesus was clearly seeking to do the will of the Father, to glorify Him. As spiritual leaders, what are we seeking to do or accomplish with our leadership?

We have been entrusted with a great opportunity and responsibility. What we are seeking makes all the difference in the lives we touch.

Let us always seek to prioritize the kingdom in our life and glorify our Father by our leadership. With such leadership lives will be changed forever. Think Souls.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.” Kalu Kalu

The challenge is how to truly communicate this message in a way that makes a lasting change.

The world is self-centered and the majority of people are looking out for themselves. The demon of selfishness seems to affect everyone at some level.

Rare is the individual whose legacy is built upon doing things for others. The difference is remarkable.

Spiritual leaders should stand out for this quality. Here are a two reasons why.

It is the example set and taught by Christ. The final lesson before His death was one of being a servant. When we follow this example we testify to the world we are His disciples.

The apostles taught it to the early church. Each time we find self-centeredness there is always death, destruction and division. The unity and harmony of the church must be built on service.

When we do for others, we are leaving a legacy that leads to an eternal home with God and takes others along also.