Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“We are creating tomorrow’s society of citizens through the social sector, everybody is a leader, everybody is responsible, everybody. Self-assessment can and should convert good intentions and knowledge into effective action – not next year but tomorrow morning.” Peter F. Drucker

It would be easy to spend several posts dealing with every detail of this quote. However, there is one specific area necessary for our attention. Notice the emphasis at the end of the quote on immediate effective action.

Too often the thought of making changes in our lives involves a future time; the first of the week, first of the year, or when other areas of life improve.

When it comes to changes we know we need to make, why would we put those changes off for another time. If we need to make them, then we should make them now.

Leaders should help others see the changes to be made and provide the tools and encouragement to make those changes.

When we examine where we are and where we need to be, applying the knowledge we have gained into effective action is where growth occurs.

How Will Our Leadership Be Remembered?

The mind is powerful and there is no way to explore how our mind works or how much of the brain remains untapped.

It is fascinating just to think about the ability we have to remember. We are able to remember events from many years before. We are also able to remember dates, places, names, smells, sounds, and thousands of other areas.

Sadly, a person can do good their whole life and then make a bad choice and all the good is forgotten. They will be remembered for the mistake. Thankfully, the opposite is generally true.

Spiritual leaders must consider every area of their life. Knowing that people remember what they see longer than what they hear, how will our leadership be remembered?

Will it be remembered for our words or actions?
Will it be remembered for being a servant of others?

People are always watching. The higher we go in leadership the more visible our lives become and, sadly, the more our lives are lived under a microscope.

Before we speak or act, it is worth the time to consider how our leadership will be remembered.

The Right Tool…

Although it is not my forte, I have tried working on a number of different mechanical items over the years from cars to electronics.

I might have enjoyed more success if I had learned some valuable lessons about getting the right tool for the job and the importance of knowing my limitations.

I generally try to make the tools I have available work or bluff my way through. The problem is I end up creating more work to repair what I have destroyed in my attempts to use a less than adequate tool.

I can see many similarities to leadership. There are often jobs that need to be done as a leader and we tend to approach the job without having the right tool, or being properly prepared and equipped to accomplish the work.

The result can create more problems than the initial conflict needed. It would do leaders well to learn to take the time and do whatever is necessary to prepare to achieve the job successfully.

Having the right tool in leadership can make the difference now and eternally. Think Souls. Prepare and know your limitations!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Entrusted

For several years I have loved the definition behind the original Greek word translated entrust. The idea has to do with placing into the hand of another.

When Paul wrote Timothy, he instructed him to guard what had been placed into his hand (entrusted). He then instructs Timothy to take what had been placed into his hand and place it into the hands of those who are faithful to teach others.

When something has been entrusted to us (placed into our hands) we have a great responsibility to care for, guard, protect, cherish, and faithfully use according to the trust given.

Spiritual leaders have been entrusted with the glorious gospel of Jesus. Considering what has been placed into our hands, it deserves our care and protection. We should guard, cherish and faithfully use according to the trust given.

One day we will give an account for the stewardship of God’s word that has been entrusted to us, as well as, the souls of those we lead.

Therefore, the word of the week deserves our attention and what we have been entrusted with deserves our diligence.

Hide And Seek…

Anytime I have opportunity to write about my grandchildren, I love doing so. I have learned a great deal from them and I know over time they will continue to teach me.

Recently, my granddaughter, who is 3 years old, wanted to play a little game of hide and seek.

There is a bit of a twist with the way she likes to play. She tells me where she is going to be hiding and then wants me to come find her. Hmmm. Of course, she expects the same in return.

I love the way she counts to 4 or 5 and then says, “Ready, I come.”

Considering the fun we had playing this game, I thought about leadership. Are we playing a game of hide and seek when it comes to leading others?

If so, do we inform others of where we are going and where we can be found, or do we leave them wondering, or perhaps better said, wandering?

Playing games can be fun, but let us be clear in the direction we are leading so others can easily seek and find. Sounds Biblical to me!

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command make him.” General Douglas MacArthur

I like this statement because it speaks to the true heart of leadership. Leadership is not about you or me. Leadership is about those who are following.

When I first began learning and experiencing leadership, an employer, who had a military background, told me “take good care of those under you and they will take care of you.” This is so true.

Leaders can become so enamored with leading that they only focus on themselves. We can easily forget the necessity of this role is about others.

Interestingly enough, as General MacArthur said, a leader is only as good or bad as followers make them.

Look around and listen to those we are leading. What are they saying or doing? Good and careful observation can reveal a great deal about our leadership.

A true and lasting impact needs to be built upon a leader who places emphasis upon others rather than themselves. Think Souls!

Be Real…

Have you ever heard someone say; “be real?” What is meant by this statement?

The tendency is to pretend to be something we are not, even being hypocritical.

Being real involves being authentic, true to oneself, genuine, even transparent.

This is not popular when it comes to leadership. We want others to see an image of what we want to be or what we think they want us to be, or even expect us to be, thus not real.

I have found this true in spiritual leaders, including myself. I good friend told me that people need to see the same man up front preaching as they greet at the back door.

Give this some thought.

Do we really take on a different personality when we get up to preach or teach? Do we excuse such by calling it passion?

If our personality is not passionate outside the pulpit, then why would we become so in the pulpit?

Leading others brings many challenges and this one is perhaps one of the most difficult. However, if we really want to lead others, then we need to BE REAL!

Hold On…There’s More!

We have all heard the infamous commercials attempting to sell some gadget or product that will make our lives easier and better. There always seems to be some common threads, the cost ($19.95 or a multiplied factor of it) and there is always the shipping and handling.

However, there is a third commonality. All offer a product and then say, “Hold on, there’s more.” At this point the offer is usually doubled or tripled. Of course, you only have to pay the additional shipping and handling.

When we examine the importance of leadership, there is always more to consider.

Leadership is more than power.
Leadership is more than position.
Leadership is more than a title.
Leadership is more than influence.

There will always be more regarding spiritual leadership. The nature of the task before us includes a message for all nations and one of guiding Christians to maturity.

If we approach the task with humility and love, we can realize growth in the church and bring glory to our God.

Hold on…there’s more!

If we act now, more souls will enjoy the beauty of heaven. Think Souls!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Position

The most common definition of leadership is often connected to position. A promotion to a specific position is usually identified as one of leadership.

One of the great myths of leadership involves the myth of position, i.e. “I cannot lead unless I have a position,” or “once I have a position then I will be able to lead.”

Position can be taken, given, or earned. Regardless of how the position is obtained, it always comes with responsibility.

It should also be considered that position has to do with a location, possibly where someone or something is or has been.

Having a position of leadership identifies both a location and responsibility. Spiritual leaders are in locations where a responsibility to help others exists. It is a position of helping others:

…understand hope for the future.
…reach their full potential in spiritual maturity.
…obtain their eternal inheritance.

I remember a few years ago hearing the following equation: ability + opportunity = responsibility. After some good thought, it sounds like a good position to me.

Where There Is Only Peace…

Observation reveals a lack of peace at every level. A few moments of reading or watching the news will quickly indicate the desire to pursue peace, but most often it cannot be found.

Husbands and wives, parents and children, all desire peace. Educational leaders seek peace between staff and student. Political leaders strive to have peace between nations.

The challenge for leadership is discovering how to achieve and maintain peace. The problem is often found in efforts to simply eliminate conflict.

True peace can only be found through a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Examining scripture will show that Jesus is our peace. His purpose in coming to earth and going to the cross was to provide all nations with peace, uniting all people from every tribe and tongue into one body.

Our task as leaders is to help others find the only peace that will provide hope and unity found in the true Prince of peace.

When we think souls, there is a renewed purpose for helping others enjoy what only Jesus can give.