Leadership Thought Of The Day…
“We are creating tomorrow’s society of citizens through the social sector, everybody is a leader, everybody is responsible, everybody. Self-assessment can and should convert good intentions and knowledge into effective action – not next year but tomorrow morning.” Peter F. Drucker
It would be easy to spend several posts dealing with every detail of this quote. However, there is one specific area necessary for our attention. Notice the emphasis at the end of the quote on immediate effective action.
Too often the thought of making changes in our lives involves a future time; the first of the week, first of the year, or when other areas of life improve.
When it comes to changes we know we need to make, why would we put those changes off for another time. If we need to make them, then we should make them now.
Leaders should help others see the changes to be made and provide the tools and encouragement to make those changes.
When we examine where we are and where we need to be, applying the knowledge we have gained into effective action is where growth occurs.