Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Adjusting to Change…

Adjusting to change can be challenging. Even the smallest of changes can be frustrating, e.g. learning to write 2011 instead of 2010, and it’s only January 4th.

Our view of change makes the difference.

We all know we live in an ever-changing world. Physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual changes occur everyday, at times, by the second.

We see it, know it happens, and yet struggle to adjust to change.

Many promise change. Change can be bad and it can be good.

Biblically, change is necessary in relation to God. Repentance is about change. God requires change, both in becoming a Christian and throughout our Christian walk.

Spiritual leadership must learn how to adjust to change. Obviously, I am not talking about changing the word of God, nor the principles upon which we worship our God. This is about method, not the message.

Brad Harrub refers to it as living in an Acts 17, not an Acts 2, society.

We cannot do the same things in the same way and expect different results. If we are going to lead souls to Christ and to spiritual maturity, we need to learn how to adjust to a changing culture in need of spiritual leadership.

A Resolution Worth Keeping…

Resolutions seem to be more novel and traditional, than life changing.

Little thought is given to making a resolution or the resolution itself. We often think in terms of physical changes, i.e. lose weight, eat better, exercise more, stop smoking / drinking, etc.

Sadly, resolutions are seldom kept. Why? Is it because we do not really mean them? Perhaps we do not see the need to keep our resolutions, or maybe we do not care.

However, there is a resolution worth making and keeping.

Rick Kelley recently started Baptism365 where we can be encouraged in reading about souls around the world who are baptized into Christ.

It is a worthy resolution to go and sign up to receive Rick’s blog, but today’s post is more about recording to Baptism365.

For several years, Gyan Mante (a friend and fellow worker in the Lord’s kingdom in Ghana) has challenged me, and others, to win one soul for Christ each year.

Combining this challenge with Rick’s blog brings a resolution worth keeping.

Let us make a resolution to change this world one soul at a time. Let us be resolved to make one that is life altering. Lead a soul to Christ.

Planning The Year…

Everyone knows the value of good planning. Leaders especially appreciate the need for proper plans to reach goals.

Tonight we say goodbye to a year through which we will never walk again. We cannot re-live it. We cannot change it. All we can do is examine it and make plans to create a difference for the future.

Plans are not New Year’s resolutions.

Plans are not goals.

Plans involve the activities necessary to keep our resolutions and reach our goals.

How vital is it we have plans? There is an old adage, used by several, that says; “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”

We all need short and long-term goals. The is true personally and at the corporate level. However, how we plan to reach our goals makes a difference.

Before we commit to our New Year’s resolutions; before we set up goals for the year ahead; let us sit down and establish the details of a proper plan to ensure success for 2011.

The Rearview Mirror…

The rearview mirror allows us to see what is behind. It reflects where we have been and the people we have passed along the way.

As spiritual leaders, there is figurative significance to using the rearview mirror to look back on the past year.

Tomorrow night represents a time people celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of a another. Generally, we tend to look at areas we need to change and make a resolution to improve in the year ahead.

Rarely do we consider the whole of our influence in leadership. When we look back over 2010 we need to ask a few questions.

Were we good stewards of a God entrusted leadership?

Are other people better because of our influence and example in leadership?

Did we reach souls with the gospel?

Were we able to accomplish our goals for the year?

What changes are needed to improve our leadership?

These questions represent only a few we should consider as we close out this chapter in history. As we set the stage for the year ahead, take out the rearview mirror and look at the past, ask a few questions, and make the needed adjustments for 2011.

Are We There Yet?

Anyone with children has heard the question and probably several times. The idea of traveling hundreds of miles and hearing the question one more time can be frustrating.

However, when we consider the basis for the question it might change the perspective we have toward spiritual leadership.

The question screams of anticipation. The excitement of reaching the destination brings anticipation. We know there are struggles to face through the journey. We also know there are rewards. We cannot wait to get there. Are we there yet?

Spiritual leaders, above all, should know the excitement of reaching the destination. The journey will be filled with struggles, as well as, rewards.

What are we anticipating in life? What are we so excited about we cannot help but think “are we there yet?”

The thrill of spiritual leadership is found in knowing the incredible destination awaiting us.

In addition, there is the joy of leading others who share the journey.

Can we see it? Are we excited? How great is our anticipation? Are we there yet?

Recoup and Recover…

I waited until today to consider the need to recoup and recover. Families have returned home. Christmas decorations have been stored for another year. We are probably back to a regular work schedule.

Why today? Chances are someone was up yesterday shopping after Christmas specials or making returns, standing in lines, thinking how crazy, and perhaps, entertained the idea of going back to work to recoup and recover. We are not the first to think this way.

What is the connection to spiritual leadership? Remember to rest.

This is not my strong suit. It would not be a stretch to say I am a workaholic. The thought of taking a full day off without checking e-mail, answering the cell-phone, writing a leadership post, or something work related is strange.

Maybe you do not suffer with this mindset. If not, then you can stop reading. But, if you share this mindset, then read on.

Rest is valuable to everyone’s work performance.

Rest aids greater enthusiasm and energy to reach the goal.

Family life improves. Work performance increases. It is a win – win situation.

Whatever the season or project, remember to recoup and recover.


The holidays are special when shared with family. Nothing compares to being together.

Although families can be characterized as dysfunctional, we can learn from the family to help in spiritual leadership.

Families should be skilled in problem resolution. No family is free from problems, financial, personality, health, communication, rivalries, etc. How problems are resolved determines success.

Problem resolution in leadership must be a priority, because there will be problems.

Families must learn cooperation. Parents and children sharing one bathroom, rationing the food supply, and taking care of household chores, demands working together. Dysfunctionalism results when people are unwilling to work together.

The leadership connection is powerful. Creating an atmosphere where people get along and work side by side, cooperating for the common goal is rare.

Families need a common purpose. There are different personalities, opinions, objections, conflicts, etc. However, when families understand and strive for a common purpose, they are able to resolve problems and cooperate for the greater good of the family.

Leaders should be diligent in directing others to the common goal. We need to promote purpose and provide the leadership to reach it. Why? Because, spiritually, we are family.

Spend And Be Spent…

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” We are familiar with the words of the song. We also know the words of our Lord, “it is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Certainly, it is a time of year when our minds think about the giving and receiving of gifts.

What gift would be best suited for an individual on our list?

As we consider the nature of this time of year, as spiritual leaders, there is a need for us to consider the words of Paul. “I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls.”

Paul was willing to give of himself in every way for the benefit of others. Specifically, he desired their salvation. In a self-serving world, it is challenging to find those who desire to give more than receive. However, spiritual leaders must focus on giving themselves so others might be saved.

I pray our spiritual leadership will be of such nature we are looking for ways to give ourselves to help direct people to heaven.

Pursuing Excellence…

Everyone wants the best. We want the best of technology. We want the best car. We want the best clothes and food. We want the best service. We want the best leadership. We want the BEST!

The problem is defining “the best.”

Basically, the definition is subjective. The best for one person may not be the best for another.

In addition, what is the foundation for the definition? Will the best be defined by work effort? Cost? Achievement? Time spent?

When considering leadership, one might think pursuing the best is the right direction. However, it depends on the definition and the foundation of the definition.

Instead, we should consider the need to pursue excellence. The pursuit of excellence provides a consistency to leadership, especially spiritual leadership.

Pursuing excellence acknowledges the present situation and need.
Pursuing excellence desires to learn and improve.
Pursuing excellence strives to constantly make proper application.
Pursuing excellence is Biblical.

We should give thought to the direction of our leadership. Pursuing excellence will make a difference in our life and in lives of others.

One Special Day…

Wait! It’s not Christmas yet. No, this is not the day I am referring to on this December 22.

Today, my parents celebrate 58 years of marriage. It is rare to find couples with what it takes to stay together 58 years plus. The qualities needed are similar to long lasting leadership.

The first is commitment. The concept of quitting, if this does not work out, is never a thought.

Second, it takes patience. We understand the need for others to be patient with our imperfections. Yet, we often fail to do the same for others. However, it must be a two way street.

The third is love. This is not the emotional idea often associated with the world’s concept of love. It is the Biblical definition of “seeking” the highest good of someone else, above ourselves.

Fourth, it takes selective amnesia. What? We cannot succeed while constantly reminding others of past mistakes and shortcomings. We need to let it go and realize a greater cause.

While my parents enjoy this very special day, as spiritual leaders, we must develop the type of qualities needed to succeed long term.