Category: Uncategorized

Leadership Word Of The Week…Direction

Some parts of the world are easier to find direction in than others. In Denver, the mountains are always in the west. Therefore, if the mountains are on the left, we are facing or traveling north. If they are on the right, then we know we are facing or heading south.

Other places, however, seem absolutely impossible to get a sense of direction. Without some sort of geographical marker, identifying north from south, or east from west is nearly impossible. It does not take long to recognize why it is so important to have direction.

Pilots fly by what is known as IFR (Instrument Flying Rules). IFR involves relying on a plane’s instruments instead of one’s own senses. Certain conditions can create a false sense of direction causing pilot error.

Leaders are involved in the task of providing direction for others. If we are to provide the right kind of direction, therefore preventing error, we must use the true God given instrument.

God’s word is the only instrument needed if we are to provide true spiritual direction.

The Prayer Of A Leader…Part 2

Would we be surprised to learn that the majority of people who claim Christianity do not understand prayer? Too often, prayer is used like a spare tire; we pull it out of the trunk when something goes wrong and we need a little help until everything is patched up.

Prayer is also used as a “hail Mary pass.” The idea represents a last ditch effort when everything else we try fails.

Biblically, however, prayer is a key part of a relationship with God. We pray not because tragedy strikes, although we can pray in those times. Prayer is not a last ditch effort to see if God will do something since we could not do it on our own.

Prayer is a beautiful expression of a heart that beats in rhythm with God. Leaders understand the need to walk in relationship with God. Thus, leaders find themselves in constant communication with the One who wants to lead us all.

Consider men from the Bible like Enoch (Gen. 5), Noah (Gen. 6), Abraham (Gen. 12), the prophets, and apostles, who all led as examples of a life in harmony with God.

A Birthday Tribute To One Special Woman…

Today is one of my favorite days of the year, my wife’s birthday. For all of you who know her, you know the incredible woman she is and all she means to so many. As I think back over the years God has blessed us with, I fail miserably at expressing what she means to me and the image of her true character. Somehow, words are inadequate to describe my true love and friend.

Beyond her physical beauty, she possesses an inner beauty that exceeds all. Her selfless character continues to teach me every day what love means. Her love for me, her children and grandchildren, is unmatched. The servant’s heart that beats within her demonstrates the most Christlike spirit I see in the world today. If there are angels on this earth, I am pretty sure I live with one, and I am thankful she claims me.

I pray God helps me to emulate the example I see in her.

Happy birthday to the greatest woman I know!

I love you TTBOTM.

Happy Thanksgiving…

A day set aside for expressing gratitude is a special day indeed.

Enough space does not exist in any blog post to express every area where we are thankful. One thought is sure; we are thankful for our God and you.

Our prayer is that this holiday is a special time spent with friends and family, one day among many to reflect on the blessings of life and give thanks.

From all of us to all of you…

Happy Thanksgiving

Principles Of Leadership…Part 3

Seek responsibility and take responsibility for actions.

Leadership involves responsibility. The higher one goes in leadership, the greater the responsibility. As many have said, the greater the responsibility, the fewer the rights.

We could say we live in a culture where taking responsibility is not an acceptable practice. We could also say we live in a culture where the common practice is one of blaming others.

The problem is not cultural. This practice has been in place since creation. When questioned by God about eating the forbidden tree, Adam blamed Eve (and God for the woman given to Adam). Eve blamed the serpent. We have not changed much as people in the twenty-first century.

Leadership seeks responsibility and takes responsibility for their actions.

It is an interesting and powerful thought to consider: leaders give credit to the team when there is victory, but take full responsibility when there is defeat.

Rarely do we find such integrity and leadership. Yet, when leaders seek responsibility and take responsibility for their actions their influence grows. The result? People will follow!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Improve

To improve is to work at making someone or something better.

Athletes practice daily to improve their skills. They work hard to get better.

Professionally, people enroll in continuing education classes in an attempt to improve their abilities at whatever level needed. We should desire to be a learner, improving our minds and abilities.

Spiritually, we follow the teaching of Paul in being renewed daily. Doing so improves our abilities to fulfill God’s will for our lives.

From a leadership perspective, our role is to lead in ways we can improve others. Our leadership must not be about us. It is about others. It is about leading them down paths of improvement.

When we improve life spiritually, the physical side of the equation cannot help but improve. We improve the lives of others when we:

…share the hope found in Christ,

…point to the reward of heaven,

…and teach application in word and deed.

We all need to improve. The challenge is learning to understand how we improve ourselves in the greatest way by improving the life of others. Think Souls!

The Prayer Of A Leader…Part 1

Before we dive into today’s post, we must realize that the depths of this subject cannot be covered in a few articles.

Hopefully, we can examine a few prayers from scripture by leaders of God’s people and learn from the relationship they exemplify with God.

Prayer is an avenue by which communication with God occurs. We often consider our approach to God as significant to understanding prayer. We base this on the instruction to the apostles who desired to learn how to pray (Lk. 11:1). We lift up the prayer of Solomon (1 Kgs. 8:22-53) or David’s expressions throughout the Psalms.

We can certainly learn a needed reverence in approaching God’s throne to speak. Without doubt, He is to be revered and lifted up by our hearts through the words from our lips.

We should remember that these examples are not the only prayers found in scripture, and they were not intended to provide a formula to be used in every prayer.

Prayer signifies a relationship and leaders need to understand more fully the relationship represented through prayer. More next week…

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“If you plan for a year, plant a seed;
If for 10 years, plant a tree;
If for a hundred years, teach the people.” unknown

This thought was shared by a good friend who has been a mentor for some time. The idea behind this thought leads to the direction of changing, not just the future, but generations to come. 

Fads are quick to come and go, often without much remnant as to their influence. This is why it is fairly easy to plan for the short-term.

Thinking more long-term, however, requires more extensive consideration to the goals and plans to bring about the kind of transformation that influences our grandchildren’s children.

Now we are looking at a strategy that is more outward and others focused, one that examines how the future can be sustained beyond the present generational consumption that gives little thought to anything beyond the here and now.

This is where leaders are needed. The global culture that is developing requires leadership to step up and act in ways that will teach people. Here is where life changes, where the future changes, where generations change!

Too Much Of A Good Thing…

Is it even possible that there can be too much of a good thing? 

Before we jump to any conclusions or provide any answers, maybe we need to consider exactly what is meant by a “good thing.”

A “good thing” is generally subjective to each individual based on their worldview. Obviously, this introduces a number of challenges to the task before us.

When we consider the range of mindsets from self-serving to self-denying, we realize quickly that a “good thing” can either be about what benefits “me” or “others.”

From a biblical perspective, the servant leadership model is one that focuses on the benefits of others, placing their needs above our own.

If everyone understood and practiced this form of leadership, would it be possible to have too much of a “good thing?” 

The answer seems clear and certainly one that requires each of us to examine where we are on the spectrum of evaluating the idea of a “good thing” and how we apply what is needed to influence the people within our “worldview.”

If We Only Had One Shot…

This post relates to more than hunters, but since hunting season is not too far off, they will certainly relate to the idea of having only one shot. When the opportunity is present, there may only be one shot, so it needs to count.

Metaphorically, the same is true when considering the opportunities God provides in reaching out to others with the gospel, leading them to Christ. If we only had one shot, we can understand the necessity of making it count. What factors need to be considered to make it count?

The priority must be focused on Christ. Scripture is clear; Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” (Jn. 14:6).

The reality is we do not know how many opportunities will be provided, yet the need is the same. People need to know Jesus and we develop those relationships in hopes of sharing a message that will change their lives eternally.

One shot may be all we need, so we need to be ready for it and make it count!