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Be All You Can Be…

The army’s slogan is one of the most significant for leadership development. We will struggle in life if we constantly compare ourselves with others. Sadly, we tend to lean to the extremes.

On one hand, we compare ourselves with people below us in an attempt to feel better about ourselves. We begin to develop a bit of arrogance in thinking we are better than others.

On the other hand, we compare ourselves with people above us and our mountain of pride crumbles. We can never measure up. Our esteem is crushed and we feel as though we will never amount to anything.

Both sides are equally dangerous. Years ago, someone said it this way, “You will never fully believe in yourself if you keep comparing yourself to everyone else.”

God made us individually unique. He does not expect, nor does He want, us to be someone else. He simply asks us to follow the example left by our Savior, an example not built on comparing ourselves with others, but one built on elevating others above ourselves.

This is the foundation of the leadership slogan, “Be all you can be.”


Character is critical to leadership, and nothing is more critical to the development of our leadership skills than consistency of character.

While perfection is ideal and something we all strive to attain, we know it is improbable and most likely impossible. Lets be realistic.

We can, however, develop a greater level of consistency. We need to be consistent with our most private moments, which should then be consistent with the words and actions of our life.

When we understand the purpose that drives our life, then we align our words and actions with that purpose. From this point, we develop greater consistency because there is a purpose behind our thoughts, which become our words, which influence our actions.

Whether we consider the environment of our homes, job, neighborhood, or anywhere we go, people recognize consistency.

From a spiritual perspective, nothing holds greater influence.

Consider the definition: “an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that none of the propositions deducible from the axioms contradict one another.”

I thought you might like to ponder on that thought for a while 🙂

Ready for Change…

Change often meets resistance. Once we are comfortable with the status quo, settled into our comfort zone, and content with the “way it has always been” we must consider how to move forward.

George Bernard Shaw once said, “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” As much as the thought of change ruffles feathers, change is the price of progress. Why must we remind ourselves that change is biblical?

This post is not designed to deal with how the introduction of change led individuals and congregations away from the Lord. Perhaps we will address that subject another time.

The intent of this post is an effort to exhort us to consider how our fear of the negative side of change has stifled our need for change.

The proper use of technology, the introduction of new methodologies for teaching, and a general openness to evaluating what has and has not worked in the past would serve leadership well.

If the church desires to grow, spiritually and numerically, we need to be a bit more comfortable with change because growth does not occur without it.

Lifelong Leadership Development…

Numerous courses and books on leadership point to understanding leadership development as a lifelong process. Among the ideas expressed several are worth considering, such as the following:

Leadership is developed over time. Becoming a leader is not accomplished by simply taking a course or reading a book. God works throughout our lifetime to train us and give us the experience needed to develop our leadership.

Developing a leader can involve periods of suffering. Voluntary and involuntary events occur throughout life that cause us to step back and reflect on who and where we are in relationship to God and others. These times may involve isolation used to help us reflect and prepare us for greater leadership.

Proper perspective is the goal of leadership development. As challenging as periods of suffering can be, they help us better understand God and His guidance, if our perspective is one that sees God’s hand in the events of our life.

If we can learn to trust in God’s working, we can grow into the masterpiece He makes of us. Consider Paul’s thought on the workmanship of God (Ephesians 2:10).

Competitive Leadership…

Our world is competitive. In nearly every area of life we find competition. Children learn early how to compete. They compete for the attention of parents, with siblings, school-mates, and in athletics.

Sadly, when we reach adulthood competition does not change. In fact, it usually increases. We become so competitive we lose sight of everything except winning. And, far too often we are willing to do whatever it takes to win.

We see this in sports, the political arena, educational realm, and religious circles. We become consumed with proving we are better than anyone else; we are right and it leads us to assume others naturally want to be like us.

I received an interesting quote recently, which seems to be appropriate, ”I am in competition with no one. I run my own race. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone, in any way, shape or form. I just aim to improve, to be better than I was before.” Unknown

Imagine the difference if leadership was built on this mindset, especially if coupled with the character of helping others improve themselves.


Regardless of how we technically define better, the results include improvement from a previous condition or situation.

Whether something is better than before can be subjective to the individual, but the claim still indicates improvement of some sort.

One of the key words to the book of Hebrews is better. We live under a better covenant, based on better promises, because of a better sacrifice, the sacrifice of Jesus Himself.

The result is obviously a better hope for the future.

What does all this mean for leaders?

When we examine our leadership character, attitude, work ethic, practice, or presence, can we say it is better than previously?

When we consider the development of those who follow our leadership, would it be said they are better today than yesterday?

Perhaps the appropriate question would be, are we willing to do what it takes to make it better?

Leaders make things happen and what they make happen should be for the better.

Jesus made our life and future life better. Our task as leaders is to make the life and future of others better.

Can We See The Future?

How great would it be to have a crystal ball to look into and see what the future holds, or would it be?

The possibility exists that we might not like what we see.

At the same time, leading is about the future. From a spiritual perspective, nothing is more important than what the eternal future holds for Christians.

However, on a more pragmatic level, leaders need to consider what the future of their leadership looks like.

Will the future hold growth and development for the church or will it be stagnant?

Will the future be a place where vision points to stronger or declining leadership?

Asking questions can be unending, yet in the end, we must consider the necessity of planning today to ensure the future of growth and stronger leadership.

The future of leadership must be built on prayer.

Leaders should prepare for the future with God’s word as a guide.

Tomorrow’s leaders must be encouraged today to be ready.

What does the future look like? A few simple steps may make the future brighter.

Practice the Pause…

On a daily basis I receive a number of quotes and ideas expressed by various people. Some get pushed into the cyber trash can, but others leave a lasting impression. One of today’s quotes was worth sharing and remembering.

Lori Deschene said, ”Practice the pause. Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you’re about to react harshly and you’ll avoid doing and saying things you’ll later regret.”

Regardless of her religious preferences, Deschene’s thought is powerful. How often do we fail to think before we speak, only to wish later we could take back our words? If only we would pause first and consider the consequence, our choice or words might be different.

From a leadership perspective, learning to practice the pause makes all the difference. The 10-10-10 Principle, as written by Suzy Welch, accompanies the practice of the pause. When we stop to think and gather all the information possible before speaking or deciding, we can see more clearly the best direction for both. The result leads to better decisions, which strengthens credibility in our leadership.

A Time of Respite…

Few times are more important for the demands of life than respite. Basically, the idea refers to a pause for rest from the intensity or amount of something.

Again, when applied to the demands of leadership, this time becomes critical for the ability to accomplish the needs for God’s church. Jesus even instructed the apostles to do the same. He understood the need for rest.

Here are a few ideas for consideration.

First, respite does not mean an extended vacation. Although an extended vacation might be helpful and needed, the idea of respite involves a shorter period to recoup.

Second, utilize the time to its fullest potential. The intent behind this suggestion means we need to remove or set aside obstacles that might distract our rest: cell phone, email, etc.

Third, focus on a greater source of strength. A moment in prayer to seek help from God to provide strength would be a powerful start.

These only provide a starting point for the need of every leader. Leaders rarely take a few moments during the day or week to focus on respite, but this time will make the difference.

Why Leadership? Part 7

After considering the subject at hand over the last several days, we conclude with this thought: eternity matters.

The first time this thought was presented, a wave of emotions and thoughts hit me. Could there be a greater reason for the “why” of leadership?

When we look back at the various components of our discussion, God’s design involves the necessity of leadership in the home, church, and world. The foundation, however, that motivates us to establish leadership in each area narrows down to this one point: eternity matters.

Why would God’s design include the role of leadership within the home, church, and world? Because God knows eternity matters.

He understands the brevity of our life on this earth. He knows that once we cross over from this life to the next we cannot turn back or change the outcome. He longs to share what He has prepared for us.

If we could wrap our minds around this great truth, eternity matters, our entire perspective just might change and the direction for every area of our life would become be a bit more urgent.