Bob Turner

Settling In For The Long Haul…

I have enjoyed running for a number of years. I am not a fast runner, but I enjoy feeling somewhat in good physical shape.

I have picked up on a number of lessons through reading and experience in my effort to be more of a distance runner.

The challenge most runners face is trying to go too fast too soon. The muscles become fatigued and the possibility of distance fades in the dust.

A second challenge runners face is the proper balance of fluids and fuel. Running burns a number of calories and without proper fuel, there is no energy. Dehydration can also prevent runners from really enjoying this exercise activity.

Granted, running may not be for everyone. Your choice may be something else, or nothing at all.

I have learned there are a number of lessons that parallel with leadership.

Trying to accomplish too much too quickly rarely creates a long lasting affect for leadership.

A proper balance of spiritual nutrition is vital for long lasting leadership.

Remember, leadership is never a sprint, it is always about settling in for the long haul.

Is It Really A Waste Of Time?

How many times have we heard someone say, “You are wasting your time.”

Perhaps we were establishing a plan for us personally or for our group, working on a project, or simply striving to get others actively involved.

As we give our energies, time and talent to achieve success, there is that little voice saying, “What you are doing is not making any difference. You are wasting your time.”

The list of “time wasters” could consume an entire week of posts and beyond. Life is filled with them.

However, leading is never a waste of time.

How can it be a waste of time when we are involved in leading someone to Christ?

How can it be a waste of time leading others to a greater life of faithfulness?

The number of “wasters” working to attack the use of our time will never end. The choice is ours in how we are going to deal with those events when they occur.

Always remember that leadership is never a waste of time for the one we are leading. Think Souls!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Yesterday

Last week we talked about tomorrow. I felt it was only fitting to follow up with yesterday.

I am aware we cannot live in the past, nor can we return to the past to change it in some way. If we all had a chance to live yesterday over I am sure there are some areas we would change.

Thinking about the events of yesterday provides a benefit to our leadership in several ways.

1) We can learn from the successes and failures of yesterday.

2) We can plan a better future based on the history of yesterday.

3) We can establish measures to prevent duplicating the mistakes of yesterday.

4) We can lead others on a straighter course based on yesterday.

5) We can find joy in the pleasures of a life well lived yesterday.

Feel free to add to the list of ways yesterday provides benefit to our leadership. I know we are all striving to survive the present with an anticipation of the future. However, we also need to stop on occasion and benefit from the past.

What Is Our Leadership Worth To…

I realize a number of directions can be taken when we leave an opened ended statement as the one above.

What is our leadership worth to our spouse? Children? Employees? Church? Us?

We could spend a series of posts in talking about the value or worth in each of these areas and it would be time well spent.

However, I want us to focus on the idea of worth.

Regardless of our position we need consider where we find value as leaders.

Sadly, most of us tend to find our value or worth in what we do. The value of what we are able to accomplish, the skills we possess, the praise others give us for a job well done, or a level of achievement seems to be what makes us feel like we have worth…value.

Nothing we do on this earth will have greater value or worth than fulfilling the God given roles we have as husbands and wives, mothers and fathers.

We need to spend more time within our families expressing to one another the value of leading as God would have us lead.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.”  Swedish Proverb

Jesus referenced the fruitless product of loving those who love us. We are doing nothing more than those who were considered to be the worst of sinners.

The challenge has always been the application of loving those who do not deserve it. When we continually give and receive nothing in return, we feel helpless and want to leave or give up.

In those moments we need to remember how our God feels when He continues to give and receives nothing in return. Worse yet, is how He must feel when we blatantly reject His love pursuing our own selfish desires.

Leadership should remember this Swedish Proverb. When we show unconditional love, especially to those who deserve it the least, two possibilities exist: 1) We are demonstrating a God-like spirit, and 2) We are helping those who really need it understand the nature of God’s love as it is seen through us.

The effort is worth the time when we consider the outcome. Lead in love!

The Sweet Spot…

I am an average golfer, but I do enjoy the sport when I have opportunity to play…about once a year. Perhaps this is why I am just an average golfer.

Regardless, it seems to only take hitting the sweet spot one time when connecting with the golf ball to make a good day.

The sweet spot is that place on the face of the golf club that, when contacting with the golf ball, produces the sweetest sound, smoothest feel, and furthest distance.

Our leadership is based on a similar principle. Challenges and problems can often take the wind out of our leadership sails. During these times we begin thinking we should just give up, find another job, or take up underwater basket weaving.

However, in those times when the contact is right, it produces the sweetest moment and encourages us to keep on going.

We need to remember our leadership is making a difference. No one ever promised this path would be easy or comfortable. However, we are promised it will be worth. This is why we strive to lead others to Christ. Think Souls!

Last Chance To…

There are several locations around the country where signs indicate that when traveling this may be the last chance to get fuel, food, or rest. As the country has developed these signs are found less frequently. However, the message does have a significant meaning.

We have no way of determining exactly how long we have before desperation creates a situation of panic and despair.

A number of warning signs also indicate we may be facing the last chance for something significant when considering our leadership.

This may be the last chance to help someone reach their potential in fulfilling personal dreams and goals.

This may be the last chance to prepare those closest to us with a legacy that will help them carry on without us.

This may be the last chance to build a relationship that improves our ability to lead others to greater success.

No one knows when we will have our last chance, but if we treat every opportunity as the last chance, then what we accomplish will make a lasting difference.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Tomorrow

How much do we depend on what we can accomplish tomorrow? If you are like me, you have probably heard someone say, “There are no guarantees tomorrow will come.”

While I understand the truth of this thought, I also know that what we do in preparation today will make a difference if tomorrow’s sun does rise.

So, what are we doing to make preparation today? Here are a couple of thoughts to help.

1) Seek God’s guidance in planning with the right priorities.

2) Pursue what is important, not always what is urgent.

3) Live in such a way that if tomorrow does not come, we accomplished what matters most.

4) Never miss an opportunity to tell someone we love them.

5) Do something nice for someone who will never find out.

6) Be the most positive and enthusiastic person we know.

7) Close the day with prayer and give thanks for the good and the bad.

These are just a few ideas, but if we would follow them each day, regardless of what may or may not come tomorrow, we will have a full life.

The Future Of…

The general thought behind the use of this phrase is the future of leadership. While this is an area that certainly needs consideration, it is not the aim of this post.

The purpose is to consider the answer to one question that is interrelated to several thoughts.

How will we lead when we consider the future of…

Our children? The choices they make, places they frequent, friends they associate with, and work ethic they develop depends on our leadership.

Our church? The confidence of the church, their hope for a better tomorrow, and their assurance of an eternal destiny is based on our leadership.

Our neighbors? Who they seek during trials, where they turn with spiritual questions, and how they see Jesus is determined by our leadership.

Our friends? The development of their spiritual focus, thoughts on relationships, and how to deal with giving into temptation is patterned after our leadership.

Our co-workers? Their knowledge of biblical principles, their understanding of character, and approach to life is shaped by our leadership.

When we consider their future, it is worth giving thought to how we will lead.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“What we see depends mainly on what we look for.” John Lubbock

While this appears to be a simple thought, there is great depth to the application. Jesus reminds us of the value found in the priority of seeking the kingdom of God, and when we seek we will find.

Again, it depends on what we are seeking.

Are we seeking to find the best in others…or the worst?

Do we seek the truth…or are we satisfied with hearsay?

Are we content with seeking to get by…or do we seek ways to excel?

Do our passions seek to be authoritative….or do we trust in good intentions?

Will we seek to provide compassionate and understanding leadership…or will we seek our own way?

The list goes on, but I believe you get the point.

Remember, the attitude and character demonstrated by others is a reflection of our leadership. Be cautious, because others will also find what they are looking for in us as leaders.

Their attitude truly reflects leadership. What we look for in others is exactly what they will look for in us. Are we leading with this in mind?