Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Until you see fear as an opportunity for growth, you won’t grow beyond your current self.” Robert Tew

Think about what we fear: failure, success, death, life, illness, health, laziness, work, rejection, acceptance, loss, gain, physical, spiritual, or thousands more.

We could focus on what we fear and why we fear it. Our purpose, however, is not to acknowledge our fears, but to consider the growth potential beyond those fears.

The intent here is not to insist on facing our fears in order to overcome them. There are legitimate ways to deal with fear, grow, and achieve success.

The most common step is awareness. We need to know what causes our fear, but also why we are afraid.

We need to ask appropriate questions regarding the nature of our fear.

Another critical step is to find trustworthy people that we can talk to and discuss a plan for dealing with our fears.

Perspective of our fears in light of biblical teaching aids us in developing the right focus on approaching those fears.

These are just few starting points that enable us to grow beyond our fears.

Who Is In Control?

Control is an issue on every level. Too many fight the idea of losing control. Others are afraid of losing what control they have to someone else. Still, there are others living with uncertainty concerning who is in control.

One of the many challenges in the realm of humanity is the desire to have control. Our tendency is to want material possessions because we feel that if we own it, we can control it.

Sadly, our approach to money is similar. We hold on so tightly to our money that we fail to give as instructed by God. Additionally, we are challenged with giving, while still wanting control of how the gift is used.

The same is often true with our leadership. The desire to lead others can be an issue of control. We feel that if we are a leader, we control the direction and actions of others.

We struggle with the truth that there is only One who is in control, always has been and always will be. The sooner we give to Him what is rightfully His, the better our own leadership.

Knock And It Shall Be Opened…

The phrase “knock and it shall be opened” is the third of three expressions Jesus directed in the “Sermon on the Mount.”

Characteristic to Hebrew literary influence, the same sentiment exists in all three, just stated in different words. The idea described is one of persistence. Jesus taught, not just the need for disciples to seek, ask, and knock, but to keep on seeking, asking, and knocking.

Leadership influence in any culture benefits when leaders demonstrate persistence.

Consider the impact on people when they see Christians who are not quick to accept “no” for an answer. A love for the soul’s eternal destiny drives a repeated seeking, asking, and knocking on the heart of someone until they know the danger ahead.

Think about the spiritual implication for leaders who see the need to pursue with persistence those brethren who are struggling in their faith. They do not accept rejection when they ask once, but press on to show their love.

Imagine the difference to be made if we knock and keep on knocking. Jesus promises, “it shall be opened.” This is the intent.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Constant

The thought of being constant carries a number of significant ideas of importance to leadership. The word identifies the need for leaders to be persistent, consistent, faithful, steadfast, and unchanging.

Considering the infinite list of words that are connected to each of these ideas, we learn the depth of why leaders need to be constant.

When leaders are persistent, they are resolved, driven with purpose in their planning and approach to completing the task.

Leaders who are consistent represent stability that is dependable, which followers need to build confidence in their leaders.

A faithful leader demonstrates loyalty and devotion, a quality that strengthens the foundation for each of these ideas.

Steadfastness represents a leader who is firm and uncompromising, a benefit to all who are influenced by their example of leadership.

The unchanging characteristic of a leader provides an enduring, yet predictable follow-through to help with the growth and development of future leaders.

Obviously, more could be said about each of these, but the overall focus is defining the constant nature of leadership and how it looks within the perspective of followers.

A Defining Moment…

Occasionally, there are those events that become defining moments in our life. The birth of a child, getting married, graduation, critical decisions on the job, or tragedies make up those moments in life that often define who we are and influence who we become.

These defining moments vary from one individual to the next and the degree to which they define us are based on what we do in those moments.

Throughout scripture we find various leaders of God’s people who experienced a defining moment in becoming a leader. One such leader was Joseph.

Joseph experienced a number of defining moments: dreams, rejection by family, slavery, temptation, prison, and a rise to power.

There does not seem to be one moment that defined the rest, unless we understand the foundation provided by his father and mother to form his relationship with God.

The most defining moment in our lives as leaders must be built on the same. When our relationship with God is the defining moment, the decisions and activities that form the rest of our lives find their proper place.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“You are the books you read, the films you watch, the music you listen to, the people you meet, the dreams you have, the conversations you engage in. You are what you take from these. You are the sound of the ocean, the breath of fresh air, the brightest light and the darkest corner. You are a collective of every experience you have had in your life. You are every single second of every single day. So drown yourself in a sea of knowledge and existence. Let the words run through your veins and let the colors fill your mind until there is nothing left to do but explode. There are no wrong answers. Inspiration is everything. Sit back, relax, and take it all in. Now, go out and create something.” Jac Vanek

Sometimes, a thought is strong enough that very little comment or discussion is needed. Today’s thought is one of those.

The idea expressed years ago is that leaders make things happen. Considering the whole of one’s influences in life can provide a foundation for leadership development that makes great things happen.

Check This Out…

How many times have we heard someone say, “check this out.” In other words, something is exciting, interesting, or just bizarre enough that it is worth our time and attention.

When was the last time we checked out our leadership? Rest assured, others are checking out our leadership, but the self-evaluation of our own leadership development often goes unchecked.

Here are two tips for accomplishing this task.

1) Several use the terminology of a “character audit,” referring to an examination of our core values and how they align with the actual practice of our daily life over the last 30 days. If there are areas that do not measure up, do not make excuses or seek to justify the behavior. Instead, commit to change it.

2) Ask those closest to us, including family, what they see as the priority in our life. We might be surprised by those who have the courage to be honest with us. Generally, the way we see ourselves is not how others see us, and their perspective needs to be heard if we are to develop in our leadership.

After The Dust Settles…

This common phrase speaks to numerous possibilities. The idea is that after the dust settles a measure of clarity exists that enables leaders to make appropriate decisions and / or provide direction.

The general tendency is to use or think of “dust” figuratively in reference to turmoil or difficulty.

The implication of this phrase plays a key role in how leaders impact the lives of those within their sphere of influence. How?

After the dust settles…

…next-step decisions can be made for moving forward with greater confidence,

…the learning curve on accomplishments and challenges comes into full view,

…resolutions to problems are more easily reached because turmoil has passed,

…opportunities to adjust course direction are made more easily.

We could go a hundred different directions considering all the ways to apply this thought. The main thought for leaders is one that directs our attention to allowing the dust to settle before making rash decisions that impact the lives of everyone around us.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Results

A consequence, effect, or outcome of something, generally defines this week’s word. We understand that when application is made of specific principles or designs, we expect results. We want to receive something for the effort generated.

Nothing seems more important to the credibility of leadership than their results. People want to know that a leader has a proven track record of getting results from their leadership.

The caution for Christian leadership is how to define the type of results that are expected and qualify those results in any context.

The danger is often seen when quantity becomes the defining characteristic for results, e.g. baptisms, restorations, church plants, etc.

The greater difficulty, however, is quantifying faithfulness, spiritual growth, or leadership development. Yet, these are results that are just as significant as the others.

When leaders recognize the need for results and learn how to qualify those results in ways that help generate enthusiasm for followers, the results will far exceed expectations.

The task is not easy, but in the final analysis, replication will generate extensive growth.

A Rare Breed…

A rare breed, according to Oxford Dictionary, is often used in connection to a variety of animals, especially livestock or poultry that are not associated with large-scale commercial farming.

The idea is also associated with a person or thing that possesses uncommon characteristics. From this perspective we find tremendous implication for leaders today.

There are people who believe that a leader is a rare breed in of themselves. Leaders, however, need to be represented as a rare breed because they are Christians.

The priorities established by Christian leaders in every area of life contribute to a breed of leaders that know who they are and where they are going.

The character demonstrated by Christian leaders in their daily lives sets them apart as a rare breed influencing others toward the goal of heaven.

The inspiration promoted by Christians leaders becomes the lifeblood for exciting others to take their faith into the lives of people they know.

Christian leaders are a rare breed and a breed that is needed in our world today. With the right priorities, character, and inspiration, the future is an incredible sight to see.