A Biblical Precedent… Part 3
The life of Jesus established several precedents for the purpose of characterizing our leadership.
One of the major precedents exemplified by Jesus was His pursuit of God’s will. Numerous times we find Jesus claiming that He did not come to do His will, but the will of the One who sent Him.
One of the most famous statements made by Jesus is found in the garden during the intense agony of knowing the outcome awaiting. Here, in this moment with the Father, He cries out, “if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42).
His submission to the will of the Father provides us with a precedent the remainder of scripture reminds us to follow.
Our prayers should express our desire to follow according to the will of our Father.
Our suffering directly demonstrates the example of Jesus’ suffering.
Our daily walk should reflect the teachings of His will outlined throughout His word.
Examining the precedents established by Jesus explains how we might characterize our own lives in setting a precedent for others.