Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

The Greatest Opportunity…

Opportunities are circumstances providing possibility, either to be gained or lost.

It’s a matter of faith. If we cannot see the possibilities, we will never take advantage of the opportunities.

We must not fall into the trap of thinking we can sit back and wait for opportunities. If we do, chances are we will accomplish little, if anything.

Leaders have the greatest opportunity to influence the lives of others by example and instructional guidance when leading them to heaven. This is obviously a twofold application, as it includes leading the lost to Jesus and helping grow the faith of those who belong to Him.

How will this opportunity be fulfilled to its greatest potential?

1) We must open our eyes to the needs, physical and spiritual, of all people. This specifically involves those who are not like us.

2) We must be ready to get involved; meaning there is a need to get the hands dirty.

3) We must also rely completely on the power of God to open the doors and use us to His glory.

Seize the opportunities by seeing the incredible God given possibilities God.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“There is no passion to be found playing small — in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Nelson Mandela

We are left to wonder what could really happen if leaders knew how to think big. The passion that drives greatness, especially from a spiritual perspective, can be nothing short of global.

The challenge of settling for less than what we are capable of is only coupled with the limitations placed upon what God is capable of doing through us…if we will only let Him.

We often believe God will not do it because we are convinced we cannot do it.

The “grasshopper syndrome” of the spies in Numbers 13-14 illustrates our own defeat. The problem was not how the Israelites appeared in the eyes of the giants in Canaan. The problem was in how they saw themselves as grasshoppers in their own sight.

Leaders must not fall prey to this mindset. There must be a passion that is driven by and for greatness; a greatness that is only measured by the power of God to work in amazing and powerful ways.

Give Ear To My Voice…

When David made this statement he concluded it by saying; “when I call to You.”

David was pleading with God to give heed to him when he called. He desired an audience with God and wanted Him to listen intently with an understanding that moved the Creator into action.

A key characteristic of spiritual leaders is prayer. The avenue of prayer is significant to leadership for a couple of reasons.

First, leaders understand the need to communicate with the One who is in control of all things. To have an audience with God yields the greatest power in every situation. The desire is for God to listen and act upon the requests brought to Him.

Second, understanding how communication works with God also helps leaders understand the need for effective communication with others. In leadership, others need to know their voice is being heard and that leaders are attentive to their call.

Communication is a noteworthy subject in any relationship. While it applies to leaders, it also applies to everyone.

When leaders are effective communicators issues are resolved more quickly and results in progress.

What Scars Leave Behind…

Most people have scars of some form or nature. These scars can be the result of surgery, an accident, or some foolish activity.

Scars are not only physical; there are emotional, mental, and spiritual scars left for the same reasons.

When we examine these scars, and the nature of them, what do they leave behind?

First, they leave us with a reminder of the cause of the scar. These constant reminders bring to mind exactly what happened to create the scar.

Second, scars remind us of pain. The pain may have been physical, but it could also be pain of an emotional and spiritual nature.

Third, scars show us the incredible wisdom and power of God. This body is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps. 139:14).

Fourth, scars serve as a reminder to be cautious about creating future scars.

However, the greatest reminder of scars, when it comes to leadership, involves the scars in the hands and feet of our Savior. The example that left Him with these scars should always be a reminder of the example our leadership is all about.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Primal

Before we begin thinking about the early stages of evolutionary development, the idea behind this word also carries the impetus of something that is essential or foundational.

Nothing could more essential than spiritual leadership. Nothing could be more foundational to eternity than spiritual leadership.

How does the idea of primal apply to the surroundings of leadership?

Primal comes from a Latin word meaning “first.” The idea relates to the beginnings, first things, primary, essential and foundational elements of all that is connected to life: intellectually, physically, emotionally, and physically.

When thinking about leadership, the need is evident to understand the primary / first elements that must be in place for the success of our leading.

These elements are the building blocks of all leaders: integrity, honesty, strong work ethic, passion, confidence in God, discipline, and balance.

There will always be additional elements to include, but these are primal to leadership.

Using these as a foundation, leaders can build strength and character that provides hope for everyone who follows. Think Souls!

It’s All About Me…

Something happens during the transition from a follower to a leader. One of the great myths about leadership is that when one reaches a position of leadership, they can focus on themselves. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Leaders should be cautious about what they say, how they write, and the influence they have when leading others.

When our speech (spoken or written) is filled with personal pronouns, e.g. “me,” “myself,” and “I,” then leaders need to step back and evaluate what, or perhaps more appropriate, who they are promoting.

The strength of true spiritual leadership must always be focused on the good of others, even at the expense of self.

When Jesus was teaching the apostles about being a servant (Jn. 13), He used the term love regarding the new commandment. The powerful influence of this type of leadership is that all people will know we are His disciples if we have love for / serve one another.

How are we demonstrating love if our words and actions betray that love for the purpose of serving self?

Leadership is filled with its challenges, not the least of which is “self.”

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Always give without remembering; always receive without forgetting.” William Barclay

Initially, it seemed appropriate to let the thought for the day stand alone. The thought expressed by Barclay in these eight words is incredibly powerful. Two major ideas are connected to this thought.

The first idea lays a foundation for sacrifice. Leaders give of their time and ability to help others. It demands their attention and willingness to see others reach their greatest potential in relationship to God and His church. “Whatever it takes” becomes the mindset of spiritual leaders who sacrifice their own will for the will of God as it is directed in His word.

The second idea engages an approach of selflessness. The two ideas are so interrelated it becomes difficult to distinguish them. However, the difference is seen in the action of one and the motivation of the other. Effective leadership will make sacrifices, but the reason they make them is the selfless heart seen in the servant of God.

Again, the thought above speaks for itself, but the ideas related to it help all of us lead with the right actions and motives.

The Help Of His Presence…

David appears to be questioning his own despair and why his soul is disturbed within him. The response is one with great application to leadership today: “Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.”

Two thoughts surround David’s emphasis in this Psalm.

The first is the hope that is found only in God. When leaders place hope in their own abilities, or the abilities of others, when they are let down disappointment results. When their hope is placed in possessions, when they deteriorate or are stolen, leaders are left with discouragement. Therefore, the only source of hope that will never disappoint or discourage is God.

The second is the idea developed from the help that comes from God’s presence. Scripture reminds us of the omnipresence of God. We are comforted by knowing that He is in all places at the same time. There is no place where God is not. His control over all things and presence in all places provides comfort and confidence.

Leaders must always lead with hope in God and the help of His presence.

Catalyst Characteristics…Part 2

As a catalyst, leaders incite forward and positive movement. For a leader to benefit in developing the characteristics of a catalyst, there must be a genuine interest in others.

Genuine interest is much easier said than done. As well, there are individuals we are more genuinely interested in than others.

Leaders are familiar with people who can be emotionally draining. The time and energy demands can be challenging.

Having a genuine interest in others requires a few key components.

Genuine interest requires the ability to listen. Far too often the tendency is to think about a response, rather than listening to the words, body language and tone of voice.

Genuine interest requires eye contact. Especially when there is disinterest, it is hard not to look at the clock / watch, make eye contact with someone else, or even worse, struggle to stay awake.

Genuine interest requires appropriate questions. Asking appropriate questions, i.e. who, why, how, when, and what, helps identify interest in the lives of others.

A few key components makes a spiritual catalyst more effective in their leadership and it increases a movement in the right direction.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Confidential

One of the most critical areas of leadership involves an understanding and practice of confidentiality. While there is an application to all Christians, leaders must know how to keep something in confidence.

While several thoughts stand out when thinking about confidentiality and the benefit to leadership, leaders should always remember that confidentiality is about a sacred trust. Followers need to know they can place their feelings, their very lives, into the hands of someone they trust.

1) When leaders keep confidentiality, relationships are built with resilience of character.

2) The ability to keep something in confidence makes leaders approachable.

3) The value of keeping a confidence strengthens the bond of relationships.

4) Confidentiality is a privilege that provides guidelines for developing greater leadership.

5) Keeping a confidence grows a more Christlike influence.

Confidentiality is critical for leaders. They must guard what has been placed into their sacred trust. When they do, the resulting development of character builds a leadership worth following.