Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Secret Place Of His Tent…

As David writes about his fearless trust in God, he mentions the idea of being hid in the secret place of God’s tent.

The idea that threads this Psalm indicates God’s protection, but perhaps more prevalent is the the trust of David that God will protect him.

Words like “conceal,” “hide,” “lift,” “offer,” “teach,” “lead,” and “deliver” all establish the direction of a close relationship between David and God.

Leaders need a relationship with God that exudes trust in God to provide any and every area needed to fulfill His will. How does this relationship develop?

To describe it in one word, it would be to “seek.” David sought to have this kind of relationship and leaders must do the same today.

Seek a dwelling in the house of the Lord every day of life.

Seek to behold the beauty of the Lord.

Seek to meditate in His temple.

If leaders will seek these three areas, the result cannot help but develop a greater relationship with God and with others.

A Strong Determination To Lead…

Leadership can be filled with days where we begin wondering if leadership is the right choice. The challenges can create the kind of difficulties that cause leaders to a) step out of the leadership role, or b) never enter into a leadership role.

No area in life is going to be perfect or smooth; such is life.

As well, we should remember that God never promised a carefree or problem free life either. If anything, God ensures us that life is going to be filled with problems, difficulties and suffering.

If the greatest leader who ever walked this earth dealt with these challenges, we should never think our life will be exempt from them.

True leadership learns how to deal with those challenges in the most godly, Christian manner possible.

Rely upon God for guidance in approaching these challenges.

Develop a strong determination to lead no matter how difficult the road.

Seek help from seasoned leaders who have faced difficulties.

Above all, understand that these are only temporary.

God provides hope for better days ahead. Let us lead with a strong determination to lead.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Pressure

Pressure carries multiple meanings: 1) continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it, 2) the use of persuasion, influence, or intimidation to make someone do something, and 3) an attempt to persuade or coerce someone into doing something.

There is no doubt leadership comes with a strong element of pressure.

The issue really becomes how to handle or deal with the pressure when it arises within leadership.

The best avenue for approaching pressure is fervent prayer. God listens.

Recognize that pressure is part of leadership. It will come.

Learn to relieve pressure through activity. Exercise is a great place to start.

Create expectations that are achievable and be cautious about being unrealistic.

Break the big chunks into smaller ones and focus on one at a time.

Always start with what must be done today and then think about tomorrow.

Never forget the purpose of the trials in life that bring pressure are serving to perfect us into the people God wants and needs us to be in service to Him and others.

Three Lettered Questions…

As fascinating as it may or may not be, there are two words with three letters each that establish the most powerful questions a leader can consider.

The first question is “why?” Beyond seeking the cause and effect, the implication behind this question is to determine the purpose connected to the decisions being made and the actions taken.

Why does this task require leadership?

Why should we pursue this direction?

Why is this work important?

Why is this the best course of action to reach our goals?

The second question to be considered is “how?” Once we understand the purpose behind the decisions or actions, we then must determine how we are going to fulfill them.

How can we help someone become a leader?

How will we accomplish the necessary task?

How should we handle the obstacles when they occur?

How can we get others involved?

These are just a few, but if leaders will take the time to ask these two questions and determine the answers, the pathway to reaching success is much clearer. Few questions could be stronger from a spiritual perspective.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“This is the beginning of a new day. I have been given this day to use as I will. I will use it for good, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something that I have traded for it. I want it to be gain and not loss; good and not evil; success and not failure; in order that I shall rejoice in the price that I paid for it.” Frank Bucaro

Please take a moment to read this thought again.

There is no need to comment further on the depths to be learned from the value of the very moment, the day we have been given, and how we choose to use it.

If leaders will learn to follow the implications of this thought their leadership will abound in blessings far beyond what could be expressed in just a few comments.

Where Does Our Help Come From?

The Psalms provide the answer, “My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”

We use this Psalm because it provides comfort, reassurance, and confidence.

The challenge is relying upon the promises provided and living by the hope given.

When difficult decisions must be made, where do we seek help first?

When tragedy strikes the core of our existence, where do we turn for help?

When plans are needed for directing the course of the future, where do we go for help?

A hundred questions could be asked, but the point is the same. We must learn to stop seeking, turning to, going for, or relying upon help from our experience, education (formal and informal), or close friends first.

These are good resources, but our first step should always be to seek the Lord’s help. Why?

First, David chooses to use the name YHWH, Lord, indicating a closeness, a personal relationship with God.

Second, because He made heaven and earth. He has authority over and controls all things both in heaven and on earth.

This is the One we need to help us.

Picking Up The Slack…

Leaders will generally work longer and harder than anyone else. This is not to say it is bad, just a statement of reality.

As well, leaders will be responsible for picking up the slack when needed. The difficulty that is created from this situation draws leaders away from the areas they should be working to accomplish.

A common expression is to stop taking someone else’s monkey. When leaders take someone else’s monkey they are taking the responsibility someone else either a) does not know how to do, b) is unwilling to do, or c) is too lazy to do. Either way, it creates a situation where someone has to pick up the slack.

There are several ideas that might help when this situation occurs:

1) Evaluate the details of the situation and need.

2) Learn the art of delegating.

3) Start with smaller responsibilities and increase as faithfulness is seen.

4) Equip others with the proper tools to accomplish the task(s).

5) Trust the job to get done by empowering others and reward accordingly.

These are just a couple of steps among many that can help leaders move forward.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Happiness

Dale Carnegie is known for having said, “It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.”

The discussion of what it takes to bring happiness is unending. Books, articles, blog posts, along with every other form of media, tries to provide the answer to happiness.

Sadly, where most are seeking happiness is in one or more of three areas: 1) what we do (happiness comes with success), 2) what we have (happiness comes with material possessions or money), and 3) what others say about us (happiness comes with image or status).

Happiness is rarely associated with what we think. Yet, even God identifies the need for us to let our minds dwell on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, things of excellence and anything worthy of praise.

Leadership can change the direction of happiness in the lives of others by leading with this mindset and helping others learn how to think on the right things.

Near-Sighted Or Far-Sighted Leadership…

The eye is an amazing part of the human body. There is not enough space in any blog post or series of posts to cover the complex intricacies of the eye.

However, as we begin to age, it is fairly common (somewhere around 40ish) to begin noticing that our arm will not extend quite far enough to read the print on the page.

Two conditions normally occur around this time of life: 1) near-sightedness – the ability to see things up close, but not far away, and 2) far-sightedness – the ability to see things far away, but not up close.

In a spiritual sense, leaders must avoid both conditions. Leaders need the ability to see what is going on up close around them, knowing the present needs that exist. They must also have the kind of vision that makes it possible to see what is going to occur down the road.

The ability to see both near and far in leadership makes it possible to address current needs and plan for the future in ways to overcome the obstacles and achieve success.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.”  Anthony Robbins

A number of questions come to mind regarding the thought for today: What can we do? What can we do? What can we do? What can we do? Do we limit the power of God because we think too small? What do we really believe about ourselves?

The thought relates to a billboard sign from a few years back: What would we do if we knew we could not fail?

Before answering, think about the implications, because with God we cannot fail. An old Chinese proverb claims “limitations are only boundaries we place in our own minds.”

With God, all things are possible. The difficulty leaders must deal with involves knowing what they believe about themselves and recognizing that, with God, we can do all things.

We must not only believe it, but live as though we believe it and infectiously influence the lives of others to believe it also.

This is leadership!