Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Navigating Stormy Waters…

No one likes the storms of life. No one wants to handle the challenges of family, financial, relational, or health problems. However, we know there are no exemptions from the need to navigate through stormy waters.

Because leaders will face and navigate through rough times, what will help us move our life and the lives of others into smooth, still waters?

Know we are not alone. Others have faced rough waters before. We need to lean on one another, learn from one another, and encourage one another when we face these challenges.

Reflect on the previous victories. Rough waters have a tendency of helping us grow stronger in our relationship with God and others. The result helps us through the waters ahead.

Remember to keep the proper priorities. The danger is to drift back to habits from the old life, associating with old friends, and getting involved in activities that weaken our leadership.

Rely on the navigational instrument(s). Do not rely on the senses. The navigational instrument of God’s word is where we find the courage to face any challenge and steer safely to calmer waters.

The World According To If…

In the Greek language, a first class conditional sentence structure is translated as since. Even though the English often reads if, a first class conditional sentence structure demands a greater certainty.

Transferring this idea into areas of leadership carries an interesting thought.

Imagine the structure of our leadership from the standpoint of certainty. No longer would we speak of if concerning the various activities we would like to accomplish, but rather the certainty of saying since these conditions exist we know the outcome.

Since we are going to influence a minimum of four people a day, we should be moved to study greater levels of leadership and the opportunity to make a greater difference.

Since we are trying to lead others to heaven we should prepare ourselves with a greater understanding of God’s word.

Since we are also working to keep the saved, saved, we should be more tolerant in matters of personal opinion and work together to achieve unity.

A number of areas could be considered, but the idea is the same. Let us lead with the certainty needed to make the future of the church stronger. Think Souls.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Rest

One of the most needed, yet elusive, requirements for quality production in leadership is rest.

Allowing the mind to shut down and rest becomes increasingly difficult. Considering the various projects to be completed, ensuring the individuals connected to the independent phases of the program work productively, along with the accountability accompanying each level of the work, it does not take long to see the need for rest.

We do not need statistics or scientific evidence to prove the benefits of proper rest on job performance.

As Christians, we understand that even Jesus spoke to the apostles and took them aside because they needed rest.

We also know about the promise of rest for those who belong to our Savior. This rest is what we lead others to receive.

When is the right time for rest, and how are we able to get the rest we need?

We need rest before we think we do. The best way to get the rest we need is to set a time every week where the phone is turned off and we are able to focus on non-work related activities.

Time To Get The Work Done…

One of the great benefits to traveling around the world is meeting and observing leaders in their various elements.

Recently, in a trip to Tanzania I observed how the work gets done in a different setting. The leadership is impressive and it was a joy to watch the various layers of leadership work together as a team to get the work accomplished in their annual Leadership Conference.

Men and women from a number of countries assembled to hear lessons on Biblical leadership from the Old Testament.

On this particular visit, I enjoyed seeing the national and international leadership work together ensuring every detail necessary for the success of the conference. The influence of the director was seen, not by his direct involvement, but allowing each leader involved carry out their various roles.

I was able to come away with a greater understanding of God’s plan for leaders, but also a wonderful perspective of how to get the work done, even across international and language boundaries.

Leadership around the world today needs to learn the value of working together as a team to enjoy success in achieving goals.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very easy to say yes.” — Tony Blair

I find this fascinating, partly because I heard we need to say yes as much as we can so that when we say no, it has more meaning.

If this is the art of leadership, then we need to consider several thoughts.

Is there a valid reason for saying no? We should always give a valid reason and be ready to explain that reason.

How will this answer affect the overall goals? It we must say no, at least consider the way the answer will alter what we are working to accomplish.

Have all angles been considered before responding? A quick response without examining the angles may be the wrong answer. Gather all facts first, then give a response.

What are the alternatives? The answer to this question is as vital as any other. If we are going to say no, be ready to give an alternative.

A “no” response based on few of these ideas will help the morale and production of any group desiring to reach a goal.

Do We Care?

This question came on the heels of three questions I heard in an after dinner speech by, at the time, Arkansas Razorback football coach, Houston Nutt.

He asked every incoming freshman three questions: Can I trust you? Are you committed? Do you care?

There is value in the first two questions, and we could spend time writing about them. However, the third question carries significance to this post.

When we care about a program, work, person, or cause, our perspective changes who we are and what we do.

Do we care about job security, financial security, modern comforts, recreation?

Because we care, we do whatever it takes to insure the stability of these and other similar areas.

Spiritually, there is another avenue to consider.

Do we care about knowing the Word, loving His church, reaching the lost?

Do we care about being right or making sure someone is right with God?

Do we care about living in harmony with our brethren or about our feelings?

The issue of caring, along with what we care about and why we care, makes a difference in how we pursue these areas.

The World According To If…

If may be conditional as it is used within the structure of the English language, BUT, what would we do if we knew we could not fail?

We often make promises or statements of affirmation based on the condition of if, for example, if everything goes according to plan, then we will follow through.

The challenge of our question, in this world according to if, is to see a much bigger picture. Consider the following:

Would we evangelize the neighbors on our street –if– we could not fail?

Would we set greater goals for reaching the lost of our state or country –if– we could not fail?

Would our approach to world missions take on loftier efforts –if– we could not fail?

I realize this could get redundant, but give it thought. I say this because we cannot fail! The Bible reminds us that not one of God’s good promises ever failed.

He has promised to be with us and never forsake us. He has promised to listen to us and counsel us. He has promised to give the increase.

Why are we waiting?

Leadership Word Of The Week…Work

This is not always a favorite among the four lettered word category. The very idea implies something difficult, strenuous, effort, and too much time.

However, there are many blessings associated with work and the definition indicates that which is associated with purpose.

We enjoy a sense of accomplishment, or fulfillment. Work carries an implication of reward or earned wage. Everyone appreciates knowing they have done something acknowledged by others as beneficial to the overall good of the group.

Leadership is about purpose. There is purpose in having leadership set goals, provide direction, encourage involvement, address challenges, and stay the course…work.

When there is purpose, the work is effortless. With purpose, what leaders do may be classified as work, but the joy of achieving the purpose sets aside any attachment to negativity.

Work digs deep for a greater purpose. Work is what is needed to reach souls with the gospel.

Do not be afraid of work, but rather embrace it. Leaders should know the value of how work can make the load lighter and the rest sweeter.

Try it. You might like it. Think Souls!

Uncertainties Of Leadership…

Life can change in heartbeat. Recently, I learned how quickly our lives can be filled with uncertainties, as we were awaiting the arrival of our seventh grandchild. This little guy was anxious to enter the world, but when fluid was swallowed into his lungs it created uncertainty.

What would happen? When could he be held? Why did this happen?

There are questions that arise when we face moments of uncertainty. However, in those moments when our faith was challenged, we found the blossoming leadership of a godly father and mother.

We often speak of leadership in the realm of someone within an organization, primarily the church.

The reality is that leadership begins in the home. The foundation of a mother and father who are dedicated to make sure their children are loved and raised to trust, honor and obey a heavenly Father who loves them.

I have prayed for Benjamin from the moment I learned of his conception. Prayers have been answered as he continues to heal, and I know God will work through his life to lead others to know the Father and Leader of all.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Great leaders know that success is a process not a destination.” Jon Gordon

Mr. Gordon is a well known author who has a list of 10 Thoughts About Leadership. This quote is number ten on the list. While all the thoughts are well stated, this one has special interest.

Success is generally defined by the individual. The definition is going to be influenced by a variety of factors depending on the material or spiritual interests of the individual.

Coupled with the way success might be defined is the idea of success being achieved when the goal is accomplished or the destination is reached. This is where Mr. Gordon’s thought struck a cord.

When leaders understand what the true destination is, then success will be understood in the process of reaching the goal or destination.

Within the process we see character defined, relationship development, redefining purpose through trials, and ultimate victory.

Through it all the success is wrapped up in this journey and the destination is the sweet reward at the end.