Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

Leadership is action, not position.  ~Donald H. McGannon

Seemingly short, but powerful in thought. It is only five simple words, yet the truth flows from this thought.

Leadership is commonly thought to involve being elevated to a position. However, the position did not make them a leader. They may have worn the title, but their leadership went no further.

My observation of others gained momentum when I began teaching a course on leadership. What is it about some people exemplifying leadership, while others do not seem to have it?

The answer is based in the quote above. It is about action!

The greatest leadership (God) is found in the greatest act (gave His only begotten Son) built in the greatest motive (so loved the world).

When the best interest of others is met by the action of spiritual leaders, leadership will not be about position.

Let the spiritual focus of our thoughts become words intended to edify others. Let the intent of our words be built on the foundation of our actions. Then true leadership will be seen.

The Door Is Open…

Opportunity involves circumstances leading to possibility. Unless we can see the possibility, we will never take advantage of the opportunity.

How many opportunities were missed because we could not see the possibilities?

Do we fail to see the possibilities because we are wearing spiritual blinders?

God told Abraham to lift up his eyes and look in every direction. God was going to give him and his descendants all the land.

Jesus told the apostles to lift up their eyes and look. The apostles needed to see through the eyes of God at the precious souls of the Samaritans.

What do we see when we look at our coworkers?
What do we see when we look at our families?
What do we see when we look at the people walking the aisles at the grocery store?
What do we see when we look at our brothers and sisters sitting on the pew next to us during worship?

It is time for us to lift up our eyes and look. The door is open. What will we see when we look through it? What will we do?

Time Well Spent…

Over the last 30 years of my adult life I have been involved in more meetings than I care to remember. Some of those meetings were productive. Others were a waste of time. I am sure you can relate.

However, looking back over the past 30 years brings a flood of memories of time well spent. When I think of those moments I am thankful I was given the opportunity.

The apostle Paul looked back on his life with spiritual thoughtfulness. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith…”

The terminology is past tense. He knew his time was well spent.

When we examine our lives as leaders, can we look back on our lives and influence in the Lord’s kingdom as time well spent?

There will always be areas we wish we could change. We must learn from those areas and make sure we do not repeat them.

The time we have been given is ours to use. I pray we will live so as to look back and think it was time well spent.

Leadership Word Of The Week… Power

One of the key words in the Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth is ‘power.’ The primary idea is built on the ‘power of God.’ In fact, the letter begins with making this statement three times.

What is it about the word ‘power’ that appeals to the role of spiritual leadership?

Does it involve the realm of authority?
Is it having control?
Could it possibly be the role of making decisions?

Spiritually, the answer to these questions is simply NO!

The idea involves the ability to do something or act in a specific way, to direct and influence the behavior and course of others.

By ourselves, you and I do not possess this kind of power, at least not spiritually. Power is about God’s ability to direct and influence the behavior of others. It is about God’s power to change the lives of those who accept the abundance of God’s love, mercy and grace in humility and obedience.

The word of the cross is God’s power to save. It will save you and me. Can we share it with others? Think Souls.

When I Was Your Age…

Like most people, I grew up hearing something like; “son, when I was your age I used to…” The idea speaks of the past.

At times we view the past with great fondness. Do you remember the good ole’ days?

At other times we look to the past with regret over words or actions we cannot change.

Still, there are times when we look at the past with hope of greater opportunities for the future.

We cannot live in the past. As well, we cannot change it.

Our leadership is not about the past. It is about the future. Spiritual leadership is not about leading people where they have been, but where they need to go.

Paul knew the regret of words and actions of the past. He also knew he could not allow the past to dictate the direction of the future. Instead, he chose to focus on what lies ahead.

We, too, must remember the work of spiritual leadership. We must not allow the past to dictate our direction.

Acknowledge it. Learn from it. Leave it where it is.

We must be focused on the future. Think Souls.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“One of the true tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.” Arnold Glasow

All leaders will face problems. How we deal with problems makes the difference.

I commonly hear people speak of moving from one fire (problem) to another. When one fire is out, they are racing to the next. At some point, there are too many fires to put out and leaders find themselves overloaded and unable to resolve any of the problems well.

What will help us with these problems before they become emergencies?

Address problems when they arise. Waiting for problems to resolve themselves, or ignoring problems is a denial of our role in leadership.

Rely on wise counsel. Resolving problems based on our own wisdom and experience can be effective, but Solomon teaches the value of wise counsel.

Learn to delegate. Get others involved in problem resolution. Assigning tasks to others will help create confidence in their ability to reach a solution.

Our task as spiritual leaders is to provide a solution based in God’s word. Here, and only here, can real solutions be found.

Class “A” Workaholic…

Would you or I consider ourselves a class “A” workaholic? Depending on how we define the idea we might have to say yes.

I wonder, however, are we consumed with work because we find our value in the job, or are we passionate about our work because of the difference it makes in the lives of others?

Our personal value will never come from our job. Our value comes from God because we are created in His image and we are covered by the blood of His Son. This is the basis of our spiritual leadership.

Value based in work becomes an insatiable task.

Spiritually, if we are passionate for our job because of the value seen in leading others to a greater relationship with God, the perspective changes.

When we have intense desire and enthusiasm for the work of the Lord there is a sense of love and joy in fulfilling the true purpose of life. The impact changes our role in the family, church, and community. There we will find balance.

Spiritual leadership is worth being passionate about and loving.


After boarding a plane for Nashville, Tennessee last week, the pilot told everyone there was a storm passing through and we would have to wait until it did.

Everyone seemed a little frustrated. I was no exception. However, it started me thinking about the idea of options.

No one likes flight delays. When waiting for a storm to pass, what options are really available?

Pursuing take off into the storm risks the lives of everyone on board. Is this a viable option?

Returning to the gate or canceling the flight runs the risk of many unhappy customers.

Religiously, our world seems to offer many options when it comes to spiritual leadership. If we are unhappy with the decisions of the present leadership, we just go somewhere else. Worse yet is thinking we have the option moving out on our own.

The options are limited. We either follow the leadership of Christ or not.

In the role as leaders, we are either for Him or against Him. We either lead others to build on rock or sand. The idea of multiple options in following Christ does not exist Biblically.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Direction

Direction takes the form of several definitions. Primarily, it involves a course that must be taken to reach a destination. Application is made in giving instruction to be followed. As well, there is implication to having vision.

Certainly, leaders must be able to give and receive direction. We receive direction from the One true spiritual leader, Christ.

Direction, however, is connected to vision and our vision must be used to provide direction for others.

We must establish a plan to reach the goals as outlined by our vision.

Spiritual leaders provide spiritual direction. We must help others onto the course and encourage them to stay on the course.

Parents must lead in the home.

Congregational leaders must lead congregations.

All of us as Christians must lead the lost.

When we provide direction we assist others in reaching the destination our leadership is striving to help everyone reach…heaven. When we think about it, what direction is our leadership providing for others? Will it take them where they want to go or where they need to go?

The Eyes Of A Child…

There are no impossibilities in the eyes of a child. They may not have a good perspective of time, money or needed staff, but everything is possible.

Children know no limitations.
They generally know no fear.
There is nothing too difficult.

As Walt Disney once said; “if you can think it, you can do it.” From someone who amassed a billion dollar company based on a mouse, it would seem he knew what he was talking about.

Examining our spiritual leadership should cause us to consider what we dream, what we believe, and what we plan to accomplish.

Scripture indicates the necessity of thinking big. Jesus tells us everything is possible with God.

In addition, Paul reminds us how God has the power to do far beyond all we ask or think, according to the power that works within us.

Where would our leadership take us if we really believed in God’s power to work in the realm beyond what we think?

Have we limited what God can do because we have convinced ourselves we cannot do it?

Think Big. Think Souls!