Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Nothing so conclusively proves a man’s ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself.” Thomas J. Watson, Sr.

When we examine our day to day activities we need to ask ourselves; “how well am I leading myself?”

We are nearly a full week into the new year.

Are we still resolved to keep those resolutions we committed to at 11:59 last Saturday night?

Have we established specific plans for 2012?

Do the plans fit into our short / long term goals?

Are we disciplined enough to use each day to finish, and finish strong?

We are all going to influence others. We are leaders.

Now is the time for us to understand the power of our influence and make proper application to leading “self.”

Make 2012 the year of developing self-discipline, a year of mastering self. By doing so, we develop greater abilities to lead others. Perhaps this is why Paul told Timothy, “pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching…for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.”

It Had To Be Different…

We could list several reasons why people are resistant to change, from being comfortable with the status quo to fear of drifting from the truth.

Perhaps we should emphasize not all change is good, but not all change is bad either.

Change for the sake of change is not always the right approach.

Biblically, the idea of change is found in the word “repentance.” We make a masterful change in life when we choose to follow Jesus as Lord. As Christians, we continue to make changes as we grow and mature.

The problem we often face in leadership addresses the traditions of how “things” have been done for the past umpteen years.

Again, traditions are not bad, unless we are so bound to them we place them on a level at or above God’s word.

Our methods (NOT THE MESSAGE) may need to be changed. I am not advocating change just to do things differently, but if the change increases interest and involvement, if it does not violate God’s word, then why would we resist?

It may just be good food for thought.

Just A Second…

We have all heard someone say, or perhaps said ourselves “just a second.” Usually, it is the catch phrase we use when we are busy and someone else (generally our children) is asking for our attention.

Just a second…

The value of time is a matter of perspective. In the mind of a child, time is really incomprehensible. However, the value of time is priceless.

For adults, all we know and comprehend is time. We even measure distance by how long it takes to reach our destination. However, the value we place on time is based on what we can earn in a space of time.

Of all people, spiritual leaders not only need to comprehend the idea of time, but they must place a greater value on time.

A time is coming when the existence of time will no longer exist. We really cannot comprehend the idea of eternity. What we do need to understand is how we use our time now determines our eternity.

Make the most of your time…Think Souls!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Devoted

The English word and Greek word translated “devoted” have similarities, but their is a powerful difference.

The English definition speaks of being loving and loyal, but the Greek involves “insisting on staying close to someone or something.”

I understand that to be loving and loyal involves being close to someone or something. However, the power is seen in the first part of the Greek definition; “insisting on staying close.” Devoted spiritual leaders will…

…insist on staying close to people. Through a leader’s devotion they learn the needs of the people closest to them, followers. Helping others get to heaven demands a leader’s devotion.

…insist on staying close to the plan. The plan is really the map. It helps everyone know how to reach the goal. Leaders must not deviate from the plan, or the goal is unreachable.

…insist on staying close to the Lord. Leaders know the true source of their strength is not in themselves, but the Lord.

Through a leader’s devotion to the Lord, the plan, and the people who follow, a foundation is being laid to great achievement.

Principles Of Leadership…

Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.

Leadership involves responsibility. The higher one goes in leadership, the greater the responsibility. Others have said, the greater the responsibility, the fewer the rights.

We could say we live in a culture where taking responsibility is not an acceptable practice. We could also say we live in a culture where the common practice involves blaming others.

The problem is not cultural. This practice has been in place since the beginning of creation. When questioned by God about eating from the tree He had forbidden, Adam blamed Eve (and God for the woman He gave). Eve blamed the serpent. We have not changed much as people in the twenty-first century.

Leadership seeks responsibility and takes responsibility for their actions.

It is an interesting and powerful thought: leaders give credit to the team when there is victory, but take full responsibility in defeat.

Rarely do we find such integrity in leadership. Yet, when we, as leaders, seek responsibility and take responsibility for our actions our influence grows. The result? People will follow!

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“If you want to get the best out of someone – you must look for the best that is in them.” Unknown

I have heard, as I am sure you have, people generally find what they are looking for.

If we look for the worst, we will find it quickly. The same is true when we look for the best.

The question leaders must consider and answer is “what are we looking for?”

Jesus told the apostles to “lift up their eyes and look, the fields are white for harvest.” His words are just as true today. If we are not looking we will never see the need or act upon it.

How do leaders develop this ability?

Humility. The way we look at ourselves affects the way we look at others.

Compassion. When the distress of others touches our heart to act, demonstrating mercy, we are beginning to understand the work of Jesus.

Discovery. The more we learn about God the more we discover about ourselves and the need to look at others through His eyes.

What are we looking for today? Think Souls!

Ushering In The New Year…

Saturday will bring an end to 2011 and Sunday begins 2012.

A large portion of our population will make “new year’s resolutions.” What is it about the ending of one year and the beginning of another that entices us to make resolutions?

If there is something we need to do, physically or spiritually, and it is good for us, why would we wait to begin?

If we need to lose weight, exercise more, eat healthier, spend time with family, get involved with the church, or develop a better relationship with God, why wait?

The beginning of the week, the start of another year, or accomplishing a goal does not justify procrastination.

Oddly enough the majority of people who make new year’s resolutions will not keep them. In fact, there are those who make resolutions with no intent of ever keeping them.

Now is the acceptable time.
Now is the day of salvation.
Now is all we know with certainty.

Reflecting on the past year and looking ahead into the new should motivate us to act now!

Caught In The Middle…

At one time or another, most of us have felt like we were caught between a rock and a hard place? The idea was expressed by Paul in writing to the church at Philippi.

To go on and be with the Lord was far better in Paul’s eyes. To remain on in the flesh was beneficial for the church. Paul felt torn between the two and, thus, caught between a rock and a hard place.

The middle brings interesting thoughts to mind.

One can be caught in the middle, between two friends.

Children can be in the middle, born between two siblings.

There are also followers of Christ who, religiously, try to walk in the middle of the road, with no conviction of truth.

Spiritual leaders may find themselves like Paul, desiring to be with the Lord, but realizing the necessity to remain on in the flesh for the benefit of the church.

However, leaders cannot afford to be in the middle of the road regarding God’s word. Leaders need dedication and confidence to move others from point A to point B.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Stretching

After a recent 12-15 inch snowfall, I found the muscles in my back quite sore. Perhaps it has something to do with the hour of shoveling. It also reminds me of the need to stretch those muscles, applying a little ice and heat.

Once I start stretching I am quickly reminded of several important lessons.

I need to stretch, because I used (and perhaps overused) muscles I have not worked in a while (at least since the last snowfall).

Stretching helps in the overall recovery of the muscles involved in the work.

Consistent stretching over a few days brings growth and strengthening of the muscle.

Stretching is the ability to make longer and wider without tearing or breaking. The best approach is to only stretch a little at a time, hold for about 6-8 seconds and then relax. The repetition allows for the development of flexibility and relief.

When leaders use the idea of stretching the vision, the goals, and the development of the team, the result brings needed recovery, growth, strength, and creating flexibility.

Overall, there is benefit in the repetition of the process. Stretching develops quality leaders.

Principles Of Leadership…#2

Leaders must be technically proficient. 

On the surface, we would assume if someone is in a leadership position, they would naturally be proficient. Sadly, this is not always the case.

There are two primary areas where this principle has direct application.

First, leaders need to know their job. They need to know what they are supposed to do. Imagine the challenges when a leader does not know their job responsibilities, or when others are not allowed the same opportunity. The result of either is destructive for the overall production of the group and task.

Proficiency occurs when leaders know and fulfill their job and allow others to do the same.

Second, leaders need to be familiar with the job responsibilities of others. Leaders must know the job responsibilities of others and provide accountability for the work. Without such progress becomes dependent on leadership carrying on the work alone. The result creates conflict and lack of productivity.

From a spiritual perspective, a good description would be sheep without a shepherd. When everyone knows their role and works to fulfill it, the church of Christ functions according to the descriptive body defined in Scripture.