Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Scheduled Update…

I am amazed at our dependency on Smartphones. I am also fascinated with the frequent updates required. It reminds of…

The speed of change. Technology is changing rapidly. Updates are required just to keep up with the necessary changes of the world.

Public demands. Anytime a new technological tool is released, the public puts it to the test. The internet provides forum for discussing the problems companies should fix. These demands become so wide spread, companies are forced to provide updates.

Competition. It would seem one company barely introduces a “new” product before numerous companies provide competitive products, seeking their share of the market. Everyone must bring their “A” game to provide the best.

The challenge in spiritual leadership is trying to lead people with this mindset. Our culture is about change, demanding problems be fixed…now, and we seem to compete with the ploys of Satan.

The task before us is not easy. We must be…

Wise as serpents, innocent as doves.
Diligent to present ourselves approved.
Ready to make a defense, always.
Faithful until death.

These are a few spiritual gb’s to help meet demands.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“It’s easier to draft than it is to lead, but when you lead, you help somebody else go faster than they ever could have on their own.” Jon Acuff

I subscribe to Jon Acuff’s blog. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading about leadership. Jon brings a wonderful and fresh perspective to several areas regarding leadership.

This particular quote is one I really enjoyed. Jon learned this lesson from his father who had taken up cycling. Read the quote again in the context of cycling and consider the following.

Leadership will always have challenges, but the rewards outweigh the difficulties.
Leadership helps others learn how to achieve their goals.
Leadership empowers others to achieve greater work without us.
Leadership provides the foundation for future success for the good of everyone.

It might be easier to draft behind someone else, sort of coast along without much struggle or strain. However, it does not bring the kind of change needed for the spiritual success of others or ourselves.

Leadership makes it possible for others who cannot or will not step up and change the future.



One word, but this is not just any word, especially when it comes to leadership.

We might think of the objective as the goal, desired result, aim, or the end of the task.

However, the objective goes beyond the idea of a simple definition. The objective involves an opportunity to build a relationship of trust and achieve greater success.

What is the objective?
Is the objective clearly defined?
Has the objective been communicated to everyone on the team?

Along with the objective, leaders must clearly define the role of each individual involved in achieving the objective. The responsibilities and expectations must be written down. Each person must understand their role to achieve the objective.

The result should liberate team members to operate within the responsibilities and expectations to achieve the objective. The decisions of each individual are made with the specific purpose of the desired result.

Without clear communication of the objectives, responsibilities and expectations, suspicion is created. The motives of everyone involved are called into question. The result is distrust.

It may be one word, but the objective is a word that touches the whole of successful leadership.

Motivating The Unmotivated…

Leadership strategy is about moving people from point A to B.

The challenge is how to motivate people to stay active in reaching the destination.

It would serve us well to first determine what we mean by unmotivated.

As well, we should consider the questions we need to be asking as leaders. Here are a few ideas to consider the next time we think others are unmotivated.

Do people know what they are supposed to do and do they know how? We often assume, incorrectly, others know what and how to do the job, when they do not.

When was the last time we reminded them? At times, just a simple reminder moves people forward.

Have we made it clear why this is valuable? The benefits and/or consequences need to be clearly identified.

Are there regular times of evaluation? We climb an insurmountable hill without evaluating our progress.

We should also appeal to self-interests. Nothing motivates more than areas of need and personal benefit.

When we carefully establish a few simple ideas, we begin to see changes in those we want to motivate.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Confidence

Leadership must involve confidence.The idea of confidence is based in trust. We are able to place our trust in someone or something when there is reliability. The more reliable, the more trust we develop. The result is greater confidence.

Paul was confident in his Savior, the One who had the power to guard what he had entrusted to Him until that day.

John spoke of the confidence we can have in prayer.

The common thread in both of these thoughts is faith. Paul said; “I know whom I have believed.” John claims “these things have been written to you who believe.”

Our confidence as spiritual leaders is built on our faith.

With faith in the power of God’s word, impossibility is eliminated.
With faith in the working of God, prayers are answered.
When we have faith in the power of God’s word working in us, we can change the world.

I pray our leadership will always have the confidence God intended for a people of faith.

The Speed Of Trust…

I am reading a new book this week, The Speed of Trust, by Stephen M.R. Covey. I am just getting a good start on the book, but what I have read so far is awesome.

The basic principle of the book involves developing relationships where trust exists. By doing so, we speed up growth and development, as well as, lower costs.

It has been interesting to put myself in this position of making the applications to my own relationships. I have tried to examine those relationships where I trust someone and they trust me. As well, I have considered relationships where trust has been damaged.

When we trust someone, everything clearly runs more smoothly and quickly. However, when trust is not a part of the relationship, there are challenges to what is said and done by both sides.

One of our primary goals in leadership is to establish relationships built on trust.

Trust increases the amount of work accomplished.
Trust decreases the expenses of the overall task.
Trust builds comfort and confidence.
Trust changes everything.

I recommend reading the book. The picture will be much clearer.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Contrary to the opinion of many people, leaders are not born, leaders are made, and they are made by effort and hard work.” — Vince Lombardi

One of my favorite comments about leaders is they are born, because it is the only way they can come into the world. However, Lombardi speaks to the real heart of the matter.

We could list numerous factors determining the making of a leader. We could analyze every angle realized in shaping the character of those who lead. We could even discuss principles leaders must uphold for the success of leadership.

However, it all comes down to two four lettered words…hard work!

When leaders are willing to work hard, their character demonstrates leadership.
When leaders are willing to work hard, others are willing to follow the example.
When leaders are willing to work hard, success will be the reward.

The making of a leader involves a number of areas. The foundation to the development of these areas comes down to hard work!

From Anywhere Around The Globe…

Leadership is not a located idea. Leadership affects the world. Men and women are found in leadership roles from anywhere around the globe.

Leadership is universal in application and is not limited to race, gender, age, or position.

Anyone can lead from anywhere.

The more I travel, the more I am encouraged by the leadership of the men I am privileged to work with in the Extension program.

I am continually learning from these men about leadership. I see their sacrifice, dedication, passion, and attitude of servanthood. It reminds me of how important it is they are filling these roles.

There is one powerful quality these leaders share that has taught me more than anything else, compassion for lost souls.

They have given their lives to prepare men to preach the gospel of Jesus.
They are dedicated to the work of evangelism.
They love their people and want them to be saved.
They work to serve, not to be served.

The example provided by these men has demonstrated the character needed for those who learn under them. These men are leading from anywhere and everywhere around the globe.

Passing The Torch…

The older I get the more I find myself realizing how temporary my life is on earth. As a result, it becomes increasingly important to consider the idea of passing the torch.

No one likes to think about death. We do not want to dwell on the fact others must carry on without us. I am not trying to be depressing, but the truth is, we will all keep this appointment.

Since life is temporary, we need to consider our replacement. We need to pass the torch, but to whom?

Paul referred to Timothy as his “true child in the faith.” Paul was passing the torch to him. Paul also knew the value of Timothy doing the same and instructed him to do so.

We understand the value of having our children carry on the family name or traditions.

There is also a necessity of preparing men to shepherd the Lord’s church, fill pulpits with sound doctrine, and train teachers to lay the foundation for the future of our children.

It is all about passing the torch. Who will replace you? To whom will you pass the torch?

Leadership Word Of The Week…Success

A Google search on success unfolds about 900,000,000 results. There is no doubt, success is one significant topic.

Material is available in every area; family, corporate, medical, technology, education, religion, and everything in between. We seem to be a world driven by the desire to be successful and leadership certainly relates to all of these categories.

The challenge involves defining success. What really determines success or failure?

Success in its most basic form is defined as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. It is further identified as the attainment of popularity or profit.

While this definition is broad, it is also revealing. How often do we consider success only in the areas of “fame and fortune?”

In leadership, we need to remember what achieves true success.

Remaining true to our purpose and core values is success.
Learning from mistakes is success.
Seeing growth in a positive direction is success.
Adding members to the group is success.

Success must not be measured by a profit and loss column, at least not in spiritual leadership. True success is measured by God.