How Big Is Your Potential?
As leaders, how do we recognize the potential of an individual or the congregation as a whole?
There are basically three ways: actions, ability, and attitude.
Is it possible to take these three areas, grow in them, and reach our ultimate potential? Absolutely!!! How?
Do not limit God. Moses learned and Jonathan knew. Never think God “cannot” do something because we “will not.”
Start thinking BIG! God has the power to do far beyond all we ask or think. I can think pretty big. Imagine what God could do through us when we think BIG!
Remind others of the possibilities. A reminder of what can be done is often enough to move others into action. Perhaps we need to remind ourselves.
Develop a plan into smaller sections. How does someone eat an elephant? One bite at a time. The overall plan can be overwhelming, but breaking it down into smaller pieces makes it workable.
Begin NOW! Procrastination and hesitation are killers to our potential. The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
Potential is too important to wait.