Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Biblical Leadership 101…Part 2b

We began this post last week by examining the thought of kingdom priority. Considering the need to seek God’s justice, leadership in His kingdom must be a priority to all who assume such a position.

Kingdom priority, however, goes deeper as it relates to the church Jesus came to build, the kingdom to which Peter was given the keys.

How much priority do we give to or place upon the church? When we look to our left and right, and we think about our brothers and sisters in Christ, what priority do we give to that relationship?

When there is a need among our spiritual family, is there an urgent importance associated with the need?

With the frequent bombardment of “anti-Christian” / “anti-church” comments from the world, where do we rank our response to kingdom priority?

As we read about the need to be united, forgive and show preference to one another, and demonstrate compassion, how do others see the priority of God’s kingdom?

The way we treat others, both within and without, establishes the way our priorities are evaluated and the reach of our influence as leaders.

A Simple Mathematical Equation…

Imagine the simplicity of following the most basic of mathematical equations, like 2 + 2. From the young to the old, we agree on the answer.

To suggest an alternative answer would be ludicrous and preposterous, at least to the majority of us. We would certainly be within our rights to feel this way.

How appropriate would it be if a formula could be simplified for the development of leaders? We know that leadership does not happen by accident. What can we do to simplify the equation?

When we consider our leadership, a simple equation to assist us in reaching the potential of our abilities is needed to achieve success. A few possible components are included in the following:

Desire: without this foundational step, leadership cannot be developed.

Ability: a measure of ability must be in place and moldable.

Opportunity: leadership development is connected to the opportunity.

Work-ethic: hard work is vital to the success of developing leaders.

God: nothing replaces this step; for without God, where and why are we leading?

These few steps complete the equation and assure a successful journey in developing strong spiritual leaders.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Sustainability

Sustainability is the ability of something to be maintained at a certain rate or level. The definition further includes the idea that something can be upheld or defended.

Sustainability is currently used in circles ranging from ecology to missiology and everywhere in between. The application to leadership is a major component of the discussion.

What is involved in leadership to fulfill the ideas expressed in the definition of this week’s word?

With the figurative ebb and flow of leadership in political, educational, religious, and corporate arenas, we are challenged to understand how best to sustain leadership.

Several answers can be discovered with a little research, but the common thread to any level of sustainability in leadership involves consistency of character.

Leaders are certainly involved in upholding and defending the cause for which they lead, but the consistency of their character is the foundation stone upon which sustainability is built.

Once this foundation is in place, all other qualities of leadership further cement the life-line to a future of leadership that is instrumental in influencing the direction of the world.

A Change Worth Making…

With mid-term elections behind us, focus seems to be directed toward the next presidential election in two years. Most assuredly, campaign flyers, mail-outs, billboards, and television ads will begin again.

Political officials often speak of change to support their cause to voters. Everyone believes they can implement change.

While this post is not about prior or forthcoming elections, the idea of change is one worth our consideration in the area of biblical leadership.

Change is a biblical concept. Change is expressed in terms such as return, repent, transform, restore, and other synonyms associated with change.

The kind of change worth making is intricately connected to “godly sorrow.” Change made simply because someone gets caught “in the act” will not produce the right kind of change.

However, learning about the nature of God’s love and the consequences of our sinful actions on that relationship, can move us to seek change.

When change is based on an effort to live in harmony and fellowship with God, the change connects us to a life without regret and results in salvation.

Now, there is a change worth making.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“If you’re not willing to work hard, let someone else do it. I’d rather be with someone who does a horrible job, but gives 110% than with someone who does a good job and gives 60%.” Will Smith

The concept expressed in today’s thought is one about attitude and character. The application connects with every area touched by our leadership.

In a world obsessed with “talent,” “marketing,” and “turning a buck,” we see attitude as well as character overlooked in order to exploit someone’s talent for the sake of making money.

Leadership experience has proven that a person who is willing to work hard, even though not as gifted, will outperform a person who is exceptionally gifted, but unwilling to work hard.

Obviously, there is great success that accompanies someone who possesses both talent and the proper attitude, but that is another post. For now, leaders do well to develop people to their potential, and when someone is willing to learn what needs to be done and work hard at it, we find a combination for success.

Biblical Leadership 101…Part 2a

Adding to the task of knowing God and His will, comes an understanding of “kingdom priority.”

Thoughts tend to focus on the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus emphasized “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness…”

Considering the use of the word translated righteousness (which can also be translated “just”), we find an Old Testament context of God’s justice for the poor, widows, and strangers.

What ideas might be raised for leaders who think about the use of this idea Jesus preached to His Jewish brethren?

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied (Mt. 5:6).

Unless your justice surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 5:20).

Seek first His kingdom and His justice, and all these things will be added to you (Mt. 6:33).

Reading the context of Matthew chapter six, we find attention given to not worrying about what we eat, drink, or wear, but the kingdom accompanied by a focus on God’s justice.

How will this change our leadership in the church? More next week…

A Few Seconds To Change The World…

The value of time is measured differently by each individual. Ask anyone who has escaped an accident or near death experience by a few seconds and see how valuable time is to them.

The tendency is to focus on longer period of times, considering what needs to be done next year, next month, and next week. We consider how long something will take to accomplish by measuring it in hours, days, weeks, months, and years.

Life can be filled with so many activities we are busy all the time. As a result, time flies by and we wake up one day wondering where the time went and how quickly.

If light can travel 372,564 miles in two seconds, imagine the change we can make in the world by a few simple ideas.

A smile can warm the heart of one who is struggling.

Consider the power of a hug at just the right moment.

A kind word can encourage success when failure looms.

Take a moment to think of all we could do in a few seconds that might change the world for someone else.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Widget

After researching the definition of this week’s word, the connection to leadership delivered an interesting thought.

The history of the word relates to the word, gadget, which refers to a small mechanical device or tool, especially an ingenious or novel one. Widget carries the same thought, but adds that the name of the device or tool is generally unknown or unspecified.

Another definition of widget is added in relationship to an application that enables the user to perform a function or access a service. Here is where we find an interesting twist in leadership.

Figuratively speaking, leaders serve as widgets. They carry the responsibility of enabling others to do the work or access the tools needed to fulfill the task. The idea behind this thought introduces a level of empowerment that helps others reach their greatest potential.

Leadership serves a great purpose in equipping others with everything they need to reach the goal. Consider what can happen when leaders are instrumental in developing others to lead by enabling those who follow them to do the work and access the tools needed to fulfill the task.

An Influencing Leadership…Ghost Post #6

What made us who we are? We are products of people who have touched us along the way in small and seemingly insignificant ways and in huge, almost overwhelming capacities, forming us into what we are today.

How others view us at the end of our lives seems to matter to us, so we work hard to distinguish which of those unsolicited influences we allow to show forth through our character and personalities. No matter how hard we try to avoid these influences, they seem to haunt us and have more of an impact than we give credit. We can neither run away from nor ignore any of these intrusions into this forced education of the soul.

We also need to consider how we have influenced others. Do we think about how we are influencing others daily? What lessons are we teaching others by our behavior and actions and words?

How will our life be judged by others that have been touched by our self-imposed intrusion? We need to think positively and think about our leadership and how we can influence others to lead and to build.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Tasks are performed better when they are chosen instead of assigned. Create an atmosphere in which people get to choose the things they like to work on.” Antwerp Management School

When first reading and thinking about this thought, the idea stood out as powerful and profound. Consider the affect the idea of choosing instead of assigning can have within the spiritual development and work of the church.

Avoid the tendency of asking for volunteers (never really works any way). Instead, learn what excites people to work in areas they enjoy and find ways that allow them to make the choice.

As we are aware, simply assigning people to do a task develops a more dictator style of leadership, which rarely works in a “volunteer” organization and can have adverse consequences.

Perhaps, just maybe, if we think more seriously about what needs to be done and learn the areas where people love to work, we can design (create an atmosphere) a program, task, or project that engages people to make a choice that helps reach the desired result. The bonus? Growth!