Biblical Leadership 101…Part 2b
We began this post last week by examining the thought of kingdom priority. Considering the need to seek God’s justice, leadership in His kingdom must be a priority to all who assume such a position.
Kingdom priority, however, goes deeper as it relates to the church Jesus came to build, the kingdom to which Peter was given the keys.
How much priority do we give to or place upon the church? When we look to our left and right, and we think about our brothers and sisters in Christ, what priority do we give to that relationship?
When there is a need among our spiritual family, is there an urgent importance associated with the need?
With the frequent bombardment of “anti-Christian” / “anti-church” comments from the world, where do we rank our response to kingdom priority?
As we read about the need to be united, forgive and show preference to one another, and demonstrate compassion, how do others see the priority of God’s kingdom?
The way we treat others, both within and without, establishes the way our priorities are evaluated and the reach of our influence as leaders.