The Importance Of Transparency…
Transparency in leadership is a vital component in the power needed to make things happen. In a Forbes article dealing with transparency in leadership, five specific areas are identified in connection to what happens when leaders are transparent.
1. Problems are solved faster.
2. Teams are built easier.
3. Relationships grow authentically.
4. People begin to promote trust in their leader.
5. Higher levels of performance emerge.
Relationships take shape as problems are encountered and resolved together. When this happens, the trust factor is promoted and the performance levels increase.
Combining these five areas provides a transparency that enables followers to understand and assist leadership in ways that move an organization toward greater achievements.
How can leaders become more transparent in their leadership? Several answers can be found through numerous resources, but it all comes down to one powerful thought: communication.
When leaders communicate the good and bad to followers, transparency increases. Remembering that everyone is an adult and should be treated with respect enables open communication to develop.
The time invested to produce a system of solid communication raises transparency and its benefits.