Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Working Through The Process…

Pick the activity to be accomplished and, regardless, there seems to be a process by which it must be carried out.

The difficulty that arises in leadership is often connected to learning how to work through the process in order to reach the desired end.

Sadly, learning the process is where the problems begin to surface. The process of one activity or location may not be the same process as in another.

The protocol changes depending on the people, culture, and model that were / are established.

These foundational components tend to guide and direct the “processes” of an organization as well as the day-to-day activities for each one of us.

When we determine the process and work within it, we develop a greater measure of credibility and gain the kind of influence that assists us in becoming the people God intends.

The best scenario exists when we establish the process first and then develop the potential of everyone else entering the program.

Isn’t this what God did for us?

Leadership Word Of The Week…Definition

As odd as it may sound, the thought behind this week’s word is significant in application to our leadership.

A degree of distinctness is one meaning for our word of the week. Consider how this relates to the area of leadership.

What characteristics define our leadership? When we examine those characteristics closely, are we able to recognize what makes our leadership distinct?

The defining nature of our character sets us apart as leaders. This distinctness enables us to have the kind of influence needed to help others reach their potential, to become all God wants for them.

Leaders carry the responsibility of developing the kind of character that creates a distinction for their influence. This distinction provides defining qualities of leadership that make a difference.

A few suggestions to help in developing this character include the following:

1) The willingness to learn what is necessary to achieve the goal.

2) The determination to do whatever it takes to develop the right kind of character.

3) The patience to know the time required to fulfill that desire.

Think about it. The definition of our leadership is based on these three suggestions.

What Is Best, And For Whom?

A scriptural precedent was set by Paul in his letter to the church at Philippi. This precedent is one set by the example of Jesus and followed by Paul.

The precedent is also one that determines what is best for others: putting others above self.

The beauty of what unfolds in this letter provides powerful application for each of us today.

Leading others in the cause of Christ requires us to consider the way Paul approaches the church in Philippi. In order for the church to have the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:5), they needed to follow the example of Christ and the one Paul practiced in the following ways:

1) We need to put the gospel of our Lord above ourselves.

2) We need to put our brothers and sisters above ourselves.

3) We need to put Christ above ourselves, as He did us.

These three areas were also practiced by Timothy and Epaphroditus. How powerful would the influence of the church be today, if each one of us possessed this attitude and practiced this mindset with each other?

Perhaps this is what Jesus meant in John 13:34-35.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Become addicted to constant and never-ending self-improvement.” Anthony J. D’Angelo

An area of leadership that should drive all of us is the basis for today’s thought. The thought today presents an interesting twist to the idea of personal growth and development in leadership.

An addiction is defined as a dependency on something, an inability to stop without incurring adverse effects. Imagine what would happen if each one of us approached our own self-improvement with this thought in mind.

Obviously, there are unhealthy addictions: alcohol, drugs, food, electronic devices / internet, and the list goes on.

There are, however, healthy addictions that physically, mentally, and spiritually help us improve our quality and quantity of life.

When we set our mind on those kinds of improvements, the results are amazing. A few changes in the habits that form our daily routines make all the difference in developing an addiction “to constant and never-ending self-improvement.”

The time and effort are worth the benefits if we can exhibit a little diligent determination.

Wisdom In Many Counselors…

One of the key lessons in leadership involves surrounding ourselves with wise counselors.

The account of Rehoboam in 1 Kings 12 stands out as a powerful example of a leader who failed to follow wise counsel and, as a result, divided the kingdom of Israel.

Throughout the book of Proverbs, Solomon speaks of the benefit to leaders who seek wisdom, especially the wisdom of listening to many wise counselors.

Why is it so beneficial to surround ourselves with many counselors?

1. Personal wisdom is usually developed on limited education and experience.

2. Many counselors provide a wiser approach to making well-informed decisions.

3. The strengths possessed by others will compliment our weaknesses.

4. The idea is sanctioned by the wisdom of our God.

Personal knowledge and experience should remind us of the value of having many counselors.

When we seek to promote our own agenda, further our own advancement, or seek a position of authority, then we are in danger of leading down a destructive path. Listen to the wisdom of those who hold the knowledge and experience to guide us to greater achievement.

Thinking Before Speaking…

These three words provide lessons everyone needs to learn.

Too often, we speak without giving thought to our words and their impact in the lives of others. Sadly, we often do not care as long as we get to say what we want.

Two lessons stand out that should be considered as it relates to this post.

First, once we speak, we cannot take our words back. As they fall from our lips, messages are formed based on the actual words used, our tone of voice, and our body language. We may regret what we say and apologize, but when our words cut to the quick, the scars remain. Think first.

Second, words that are well-chosen follow a biblical pattern. A soft answer turns away wrath. Words, when seasoned properly, bring encouragement and give grace to those who hear. Think first.

Solomon said the power of life and death is in the tongue. James identifies the tongue as an unruly evil that no one can tame. Such thoughts require us to be careful about what we say and how we say it because the results have eternal implications. Think first.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Innovate

A number of terms are associated with being innovative: fresh, creative, inventive, and pioneering.

The very thought behind these four words, as they relate to innovation, plays a significant role in the realm of leadership.

Fresh ideas help leaders in addressing the incredible changes occurring every minute of the day.

Creative development sets leaders apart from a stagnant approach of the “way we’ve always done it.”

Inventive leaders strive to use original thinking for establishing plans to achieve goals.

Pioneering leaders live to “go where no one has gone before.” They love walking in new territory.

Combined, these ideas comprise the innovative spirit needed in leadership. The desire to be innovative is  fueled by the following suggestions:

Spend time with innovative people.

Evaluate the principles that drive innovation.

Work in a team. Creativity thrives in a group.

Do not be afraid to take a few risks in the area of something new.

Tons of advice prevails when considering ways to grow in innovation. Leaders need to bring an innovative spirit to the table and use this fresh, creative, inventive, and pioneering mindset to assist development.

The Value Of Time Management…

Time is probably the most valuable commodity available. We cannot comprehend anything that is not factored by some measure of time.

The challenge, however, is not simply understanding time. The challenge is learning how to use time effectively.

Time management is one of those areas that is often talked about, but it is rare to find those who make proper application of good time management tools.

Most of us tend to work until we are ready for bed, then we find ourselves wishing we had more time in the day to work more.

A few years ago, Paul Myers developed several timely tips, a few of which might be helpful at this point:

1. Get a real calendar and use it. Establish deadlines and work to meet them accordingly.

2. Work and finish something everyday. Looking back on what is accomplished boosts morale.

3. Do not allow electronics to control the time. Turn off the gadgets that cause hindrances.

4. Start early. An extra hour in the morning adds up in finishing projects.

Attitude is the difference maker when managing our time. Thank you Paul for the reminder.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping-stone to the optimist.” Eleanor Roosevelt

While this week’s posts have already featured the stepping stones of success, the idea presented by Eleanor Roosevelt has powerful implications.

Pessimists continually look at the negative and impossible nature of accomplishing anything. They tend to see the worst in everything and suck the air out of hope for anything better. Worst still is the fact that a pessimist believe the world is bad and that evil will overcome.

Optimists stand in direct contrast to the pessimist. There is hope and confidence in the future, knowing that good will ultimately prevail over evil.

With an understanding of these two philosophies, the thought of the day has more significance. If a pessimist is looking at the worst of every situation, then everything is viewed as a stumbling block, where an optimist will use every situation as a stepping-stone for something greater. There is hope of a brighter tomorrow.

Leaders must be dealers in hope, optimists of the future ahead.

Willing To Take A Risk…

Leadership involves risks. The risks can be great and challenging, but it does not mean we can avoid the risks that accompany leading others.

The test of our leadership is directly related to the level and nature of risk we are willing to take. A couple of factors need to be considered.

Not everyone is going to agree with the decisions made by leadership, regardless of the risk. Trying to please everyone is impossible, so leaders need to consider all the necessary factors involved and decide if the risk is worth the potential results.

The risk may be greater to not make a decision. The idea of remaining neutral or opting out for keeping everything status quo often carries more risk than is evidenced on the surface. Sadly, it is usually when it is too late to make correction that the impact of the risk is felt.

The risk factor is primarily limited by the size of our faith. The risks become minimal when we believe that our God is great and that He is involved every step of the way.

With God, the risks are worth taking.