Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Measure Twice, Cut Once…

This timeless piece of advice is familiar to most who find themselves involved in carpentry. If you are like me, this is one of those lessons learned by experience.

We might easily trust the first measurement and memory only to learn after the cut is made that an additional cut is required or another piece completely.

Serious medical diagnoses are generally followed up with a second opinion. When someone’s health is potentially in peril, circumstance demands additional counsel.

The lesson behind this advice extends beyond the field of carpentry and medicine. In fact, the application is fitting for most areas of life, especially leadership.

Leadership credibility increases when decisions are based on additional information gained or counsel received indicating the time taken to measure twice.

How different would the outcome have been if biblical leaders like Saul, David, Peter, and Paul had taking time to investigate further before making a decision compromising their relationship with God and influence of His people?

Measuring twice makes it possible to insure accuracy before making decisions with great consequential impact.

Our relationship with God and leadership rests in the balance of this advice.

Critical Evaluation…

One of the most significant components of goal setting and achievement is evaluation. Evaluation is based on time set aside to reflect, assess, or make a judgment about the amount, number or value of something.

Once goals are established for any individual or organization, an effective way to determine progress is through evaluation.

Evaluating progress monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, and yearly provides leaders an opportunity to accomplish the following:

Measuring the amount of progress. Knowing what has been accomplished is foundational for each area of the plan.

Assessing changes that need to be made to reach the goal. This assessment may mean making adjustments by increasing or decreasing the goal.

Implementing phases of the plan. Reaching any goal requires a plan and the contingency of implementing the various phases of that plan at the right time.

Building morale of stakeholders in the process. Everyone who has something invested in this task thrives on the success of progress. An accurate evaluation keeps them informed and on board.

The profit gained by time spent evaluating each essential part of the plan determines its ultimate success.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Reminisce

Indulging in an enjoyable recollection of past events is where reminiscing begins.

The significance of this idea, as it relates to leaders, is to recognize the value of reflecting on the positive events accomplished.

Memory is one of the most powerful functions of the brain as designed by God. The ability to remember affords us the opportunity to consider areas in life where mistakes were made, and by simple reflection it can prevent us from making the same mistakes.

Memory also opens the portholes of our mind to reminisce about the events and decisions of life that provided comfort and success.

Leaders who are able to reminisce about past events that build upon achievement and victories over trials or failures can strengthen the morale that motivates others to dig deeper to find something inside that drives who they are and where they want to go.

The power of reminiscing makes the difference between being consumed with regret over past mistakes and the elation of knowing something better is ahead.

Oh To Be Like Thee… Part 2

As we discussed, we sing the song but often fail to recognize the implications of the message we sing.

Examining the life of Jesus and the necessity of following His example, how shall we walk in His steps?

Our first consideration is the nature of people with whom Jesus spent His time. Jesus was not one to focus on reaching out to or spending time with the rich, popular, political or religious leaders of the day.

Jesus claimed that He came to “seek and save the lost.” He came for the “sick.” Jesus spent time with the outcast, unwanted, and unlikely to succeed of society.

He did not participate in or condone the activities of sin. He worked to influence and show a better way. He gave people hope.

If we seek to be like Him, we must consider those we are striving to reach. This does not mean we shun or avoid the wealthy. All have sinned.

History and experience clearly indicate, however, the challenges of reaching the affluent. Such a walk will not be comfortable, but who are we really trying to be like?

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” Albert Schweitzer

Who are the fire-lighters in our lives? We all have them and we need those who are able to say or do that one thing that excites the passion within us to act and achieve.

We need to consider another side to this thought; for example, leaders need to be involved in lighting the fires of others.

Whose fire are we lighting by our leadership?

The time given to the words and actions necessary to create that motivation in the lives of others is what changes the world.

Who knows, but in that moment when we stop to extend a helping hand, speak an encouraging word, or share the most valuable gift, that we are making an eternal difference.

We need to pray daily that God will grant us the wisdom to see the opportunity, the wisdom to know what to say, and the courage to speak.

Considering The Consequences…

In our culture we too often fail to give thought to the consequences of our actions. Sadly, not only do we fail to think about the immediate results, but also the long-range consequences.

At any specific moment, a word expressed or action taken can change a situation in ways that leave a lasting impression.

People are always watching and listening. They measure the strength of our character by the consistency demonstrated between our words and actions.

Before we choose to speak a word in anger, think about the consequences of those words. Once the words are spoken we cannot take them back. Yes, we may wish we had not spoken rashly and we may apologize, but once spoken the words can become haunting scars with lasting consequences.

Our actions have a similar impact. Interestingly enough, we may participate in an activity that does not characterize who we really are or want to be, yet when others see us, the consequences can become difficult, if not impossible, to correct.

Our influence in the lives of others is too valuable to give little thought to the consequences of our choices.

A Common Purpose…

What binds us together? The uniting agent that makes us one is something deserving far more attention than usually given.

Our common purpose, wrapped up in this unifying agent, is summed up in Jesus. The blood that flowed from His body and covers our sins makes us one and points us in the same direction.

Understanding the depth and magnitude of such may be impossible from our physical and temporal worldview. We should, however, consider several implications connected to the sacrifice made on our behalf in relationship with others.

First, work harder and more patiently in helping others develop their skills and abilities instead of being so quick to condemn and reject.

Second, always speak well of people publicly and address the major concerns with them in private.

Third, remember this is not about us and what is going to make us better, but about helping others reach their potential.

Fourth, our pride is not worth the result of division when it comes to God’s people.

Much more could be said if space allowed. We have a common purpose and the value of maintaining unity is worth the effort.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Simplicity

Most people are familiar with the old K.I.S.S. acrostic when it comes to public speaking. One of the letters in the acrostic represents the idea of simplicity.

Simplicity can be explained by the following: 1) understanding, 2) clarity, 3) definable, 4) plain, and 5) natural.

The opposite of simplicity – complex – tends to leave people in a fog. When leadership is complex, people wrestle with confusion or convolution.

The challenge is learning how to bring simplicity to leadership?

Identify the main thing (priority) and keep it the main thing. Find the area or task that is done well and do it really well.

Narrow the focus to one primary task. One of the challenges to leadership is getting involved in too many areas at one time creating “a mile wide and an inch deep” approach to leading.

Simplify terminology. Work to use terms and phrases that do not cause someone to run to the dictionary to understand what is said.

A few simple ideas will be beneficial to strengthen our leadership in ways that will simplify what we are striving to achieve to the glory of God.

Oh To Be Like Thee… Part 1

We often sing a song by this same title, but do we understand the depth of what this means for Christianity and our leadership?

Scripture speaks of the need to be an imitator of Christ. Peter clearly identifies that Jesus left an example that we should walk in His steps.

What exactly does this mean? What is the context for Peter’s statement to Christians? How can we make the proper application when we demonstrate conviction by singing, Oh To Be Like Thee?

Over the next few weeks we will examine several areas from the life of Jesus connected to the thoughts behind this statement. The areas under consideration will make us uncomfortable. Hopefully, they will drive us to a deeper conviction of how we apply the principles of walking in His steps.

By exposing these areas each week, our prayer is that we draw closer to our God, understand more fully the example left for us to follow, and then live our life as a reflection of His example.

Where will it take us? We will dig in next week.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.” Lemony Snicket

We recently focused on the idea of procrastination and how destructive this quality is in the life of leaders. The thought today expresses an interesting concept.

Too often we convince ourselves that we are not quite ready, and so we wait, and wait.

If we decide to wait until we are ready, we must consider what exactly will get us ready? More money? More education? Greater opportunity? Time?

How will we know if we are ready? Are we waiting on a feeling? Are we waiting on someone to tell us we are ready?

There are always more questions than answers, but at some point we have to consider how we are going to answer these questions.

There are times when patience is truly a virtue, times when waiting another hour, day, or week is beneficial. If we are waiting until we are ready, chances are we may never be ready.

We may also have to consider if we want to be ready. The decision is ours to make. Let’s not wait.