The time finally arrived. Last week I received my AARP cards. Now that I am officially 50, I guess it means I get all the benefits associated with getting older, at least according to the letter I received.
AARP stands for American Association of Retired Persons. Although I am not quite there, I did find a connection to spiritual leadership. Each letter represents a component needed as leaders.
Accomplish: At the end of the day what was accomplished? Leaders make things happen. If there are goals, leaders need to accomplish something every day.
Attitude: One of the most important components in leadership is our attitude. Leaders set the tone for everyone around them. Invest in the right attitude.
Respect: This is a two way street. Respect is earned and given. If we want to receive respect, then we must be willing to give it.
Presence: Show up! It is hard to lead if we are not there. Our presence provides security and direction for others.
It does not necessarily come with age, but growing in our leadership means we are putting all the components where they should be.