Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.  – Babe Ruth

In my younger days, I dabbled in a little boxing one afternoon at school. My opponent was much smaller than me, both in height and weight. However, there was one quality I did not consider until we started the first round. No matter how many times I hit him, he kept coming back.

When I read the quote above, it reminded me of this failed attempt at boxing. I was also reminded of the quality we need as leaders.

We must not allow a larger and stronger opponent (whoever or whatever it may be) make us back down or quit.

Discouragement is almost certain. Signs may point to defeat.

However, this one thought should constantly keep us motivated in the good fight of faith. Satan is banking on us giving up, especially as leaders.

The only certainty of failure is if we quit. Remember, it is hard to beat a person who never gives up. Be strong and courageous.


We know these initials stand for the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is an agency designed to investigate matters on a higher, political and more secure level. I am sure we will never know the depths of all the various areas of their involvement.

However, from a leadership perspective, the idea of CIA stands for something different. As we have mentioned in previous posts, nothing is more destructive to leadership than hypocrisy.

We must also consider that nothing is more convincing than consistency. This is why the leadership CIA is about Consistency In Action.

When leaders demonstrate consistency others have an example to follow.

The gospel of Matthew emphasizes the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of the day. Jesus addressed the problem on several occasions.

Their hypocrisy was seen in giving, prayer and fasting. Their worship was worthless. They were moving their lips in the right direction, but their heart was going another.

Jesus condemned these men because their teaching did not properly align with their actions.

If we could all join the CIA of spiritual leadership our influence would reach greater heights.

Holding On Five More Minutes…

What a great idea! Perseverance is the ability to hold on just five more minutes. However, the struggle we face is developing the ability to persevere.

It can be difficult to “keep on holding on” when we feel we are at the end of the rope. Yet, one of the most needed qualities in leadership is this mindset.

Consider a few suggestions to help us in developing greater perseverance.

First, remember what has been invested and what is at stake. We have invested in leadership and those who are following rely on our guidance.

Second, do not forget there is help. In times when we think or feel alone we can face what seems overwhelming and insurmountable. An effort to tackle the situation alone can bring disaster.

Third, take one minute at a time. As with anything else, we need to break it down into one minute at a time instead of thinking five more minutes.

Fourth, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Simple, yet this statement is the foundation of perseverance.

Hold on! The soul is worth our persevering. Think Souls.

Leadership Word Of The Week… Focus

How many times have you heard someone refer to loosing their focus? It seems to be more common with each day.

Specifically, when athletes fall short of achieving success, it is generally because they lost focus.

Leaders cannot afford to lose focus.

The challenge is determining where we place our focus. The world seems to be driven by the intent of distracting us from the goals we strive to achieve.

Distractions can take the form of work or personal financial problems, family issues, complications in health, tragedy, and numerous other areas.

I am not suggesting we ignore any of these areas when they occur. However, when distractions arise, we can either learn from them and maintain our focus, or we can lose sight of our priorities.

Focus is a matter of choice.

People need leadership to help them maintain their focus. Spiritual leadership must focus on presenting the choice of life or death. When our focus is on life we will appeal to others to make the right choice.

Amazingly, when we choose life, our focus enables us to handle the distractions with a gracious heart of gratitude.

Not A Day Goes By…

The Leadership Fund was started with the goal of investing in the future of leadership. The primary purpose is to invest in spiritual leadership.

As a result, I often think about the daily approach to leadership on a number of levels. Several areas stand out as necessary for leaders to consider everyday.

Look at the goal…
Share the plan…
Help someone…
Read, grow, learn personally…
Take a few minutes for yourself…
Listen closely…

We may insert a variety of activities throughout the day. We may even do them on a regular basis. Never let a day go by without making each of these a part of your life in spiritual leadership.

It is an investment with imperishable returns.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

Go to the people. Learn from them. Live with them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. The best of leaders when the job is done, when the task is accomplished, the people will say we have done it ourselves. Lao Tzu

Can there be anything better to accomplish as a leader? When a leader is selfless and focused on the best interest of those who are following, the result will be evident.

Leadership of this nature will…

Build confidence in others;
Strengthen the focus of the group;
Accomplish more and greater overall good;
Leave a legacy into eternity;
And, know more people will reach heaven because of their leadership.

I pray we will all realize how important this role of spiritual leadership is in the direction of our world and the whole of humanity.

You and I must lead. Will we step up and do our part?

For The Love Of The Job…

When my children were younger I tried to impress upon them the need to choose a job they love. Life is too short to work at a career you do not love. In addition, when you love what you do, it never feels like work.

Yes, there will be problems or challenges, even when we love our work. However, when we love our job, the difference is noticeable.

In my younger years, I was employed in a variety of areas, from carrying canoes, stuffing newspapers, loading ice cream trucks, to radio broadcasting.

I have volunteered in a number of areas from painting to loading furniture. As a friend once said, ‘I have learned a lot of things I do not want to do for a living.’

Nothing compares to leading others to Christ. There is no greater opportunity or privilege than sharing a message of hope with others, changing the course of this life and their eternal destination.

When we see our relationship with God as an opportunity to make a difference for others, then we are beginning to know the love of the job.

Could Someone Help Me?

One thought is clear from Genesis to Revelation, ‘we can’t make it on our own.’

Since first hearing this statement I have learned how true and relevant it is to my own life. We need one another.

I remember one Sunday sitting behind the pulpit singing a song before my lesson. As I looked over the number of people who came to worship I noticed how few were smiling. Knowing the events in most of their lives I realized they were hurting. They came to worship God, but they were struggling with the pain of life.

At that moment I began to realize the vital nature of my message. These Christians, my spiritual family, came because they needed and wanted help. They were looking for a message to help them deal with their pain.

Spiritual leadership must always remember the necessity of helping others. It may be a friend, or a family member. When they come seeking help, let us lead them to the only one who can help ease their pain, Jesus. Think Souls!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Persistence

Never give up. Do not quit. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Does this sound familiar? Whether it is school, work, exercise, family, friendship, or a relationship with God, the bottom-line is the same… be persistent.

Jesus talked about the need for persistence. We must never lose heart in our relationship with God.

Leadership must be built on the foundational stone of persistence.

Will there be times when we are discouraged?
Will followers see the negative and complain about the positive?
Will we have days when we feel it would be better to move on?
Will we want to quit?

The answer is yes to all of these questions and more. However, we must strive for persistence. Like a child who knows persistence will eventually be rewarded with a response, we also must recognize the need to be persistent in leading others to heaven.

This is not an easy path we have chosen, but it will be worth it.

There are times when the path of least resistance is tempting. Remember, this path makes rivers and men crooked.

Lead with persistence, even when it is difficult.

A Day Of Good News…

An interesting account of four leprous men is found in the Old Testament. It so happens these four men find themselves in a desperate situation. Going into the city was certain death because the famine was so severe. Going out to the enemy could also bring death. However, at least the enemy had food and maybe they would be merciful.

When these men arrived at the camp of the enemy the camp was empty. As they were enjoying the spoils left behind, they realized their actions were wrong. It was a day of good news and they were keeping silent. Their own people were dying from hunger, and they were eating a buffet. To remain silent would surely bring punishment.

From a spiritual perspective we are indulging on a spiritual feast. The world around us is dying for lack of knowledge. Can we remain silent?

If we remain silent, should we not be punished?

We are leaders. We must lead others to Christ and allow them the opportunity to eat from the tree of life and drink from the river of life. Think Souls!