The Conclusion Of The Matter…
The wisest man identified in the Old Testament was Solomon. He wrapped up the book of Ecclesiastes by saying, “the conclusion, when all has been heard: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person.”
The conclusion Solomon makes is true for any generation, culture, and country.
What is the conclusion of the matter when it comes to our leadership?
Are we able to summarize the whole of our purpose as leaders in simple terms with application to everyone?
Does our leadership point people to the One who has the answers for every aspect of life, both good and bad?
How will we answer when the conclusion of the matter concerning our leadership is called into account?
By now, most everyone is aware the world did not come to an end last Saturday, as some predicted. Imagine that! However, we know there is coming a day when it will end. When it does, and we stand before the throne of Christ, let us make sure the conclusion of the matter is clear regarding our leadership.