It’s The First Day…
Today is the first day of October. Have you ever heard someone say, “it’s the first day of the rest of your life?”
The Bible records many “firsts.” In Genesis we read about the first day, the first plants, animals, etc. We also read about the first man and woman, first children, and the first sin.
From the time we are born there are many firsts. We take our first step. There is the first day of school. Then we have our first car, first date, first kiss.
Later, in marriage, we have our first child and the experience of life begins again.
As leaders, there are many firsts as well. Today is the first day of a new podcast Wayne Roberts and I begin in discussing Homiletics. This is another first in opportunities.
If this is truly the first day of the rest of our lives, then how are we going to lead? Will we take that step to lead others?
This may be the first opportunity to influence someone for Jesus. Make this first step the best step in leadership.